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Wake County Detention Center- West Side

3301 Hammond RD

Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities

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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 04/04/2024
Score: 7

#  Comments Points
2. Observation: Walls observed peeling paint over shower stalls (ventilation) 15A NCAC 18A .1508 WALLS AND CEILINGS (a) The walls and ceilings of all rooms and areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. (b) All walls shall be easily cleanable and light colored, and shall have washable surfaces to the highest level reached by splash or spray in rooms or areas where such occur 1.0
3. Observation: Vent intake vents main system accumulated with debris. Air vents accumulated with debris/unclean; Vent covers poor repair shower, bathroom. Ventilation does not appear to have active air removal. Light shield: SP0035A; Light burned out: S0039; 15A NCAC 18A .1509 LIGHTING AND VENTILATION (a) All rooms shall be well lighted by natural or artificial means. (b) Ventilation shall be provided and installed as required by the North Carolina State Building Code. Copies of the North Carolina State Building Code may be obtained from the North Carolina Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 26387, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611. (c) Ventilation equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. 4.0
4. Observation: Metered faucet H1D, Toilet seat poor repair - Officer restroom. 15A NCAC 18A .1510 TOILET, HANDWASHING AND BATHING FACILITIES 2.0
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 06/01/2023
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
6. In local confinement H1A50, noted water pressure for water fountain not regulated. Adjust water pressure for noted fountain. 2.0
General Comments
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 02/11/2022
Score: 11

#  Comments Points
2. In multiple cells/rooms the walls throughout have paint peeling and places where the paint was rubbed off for drawings. In some of the recreational rooms there were accumulation of cobwebs/dust in the corners and ceilings.- Walls and ceilings shall be easily cleanable and in good repair. Walls and ceilings shall be kept clean.- Please clean and repaint where needed. 3.0
3. In multiple cells/rooms, the vents were blocked with toilet paper being shoved inside all the holes.- Ventilation equipment shall be clean and in good repair.- Please clean the vents throughout. 4.0
11. In H2A Cell 9 and H1D cell 20, the mattresses had tears in it.- Mattresses shall be clean and in good repair.- Please replace/repair mattresses. 4.0
General Comments
In the H2 area, one tile in the main hallway looks like there may have been a leak, EHS recommends to check and make sure leak is repaired.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 12/09/2020
Score: 3

#  Comments Points
1. In multiple storage rooms, particularly in the dorms that have an open floor plan, there is some debris and dust in the floors.- Floors shall be kept clean.- Please have the floors in storage areas swept. 2.0
2. In majority of rooms visited, the paint is chipping on walls/doors and need to be repainted.- There was a bit of food splash on the ceiling of Dorm 1-D room number 22.- Walls and ceilings shall be in good state of repair and condition. Walls and ceilings shall be kept clean.- Please repaint where needed and have ceiling in Room 22 in 1-D cleaned. 1.0
General Comments
Inspection led By Rena Nicole Bailey and Ursula Godomski
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 09/24/2018
Score: 9

#  Comments Points
1. Floors throughout all dorms need cleaning. Floors shall be kept clean. 2.0
2. Walls throughout all dorms need painting. Dorms in 2B RM 46 have paint chipping. Ceilings in dorm 2B RM 30, 1C RM 20 have stain on ceiling. Walls and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair. 3.0
6. Water fountains in dorms 1C and 2 D second floor not working. Water fountains shall be kept in good repair. 0.0
10. Boxes on floor in storage room 1142. Floors need cleaning inside storage room 1142 and 2231. Storage facilities shall be clean. 0.0
11. Numerous mattresses in all dormitories showing wear. Mattress covers splitting and threadbare, seams coming unsewn. Bedsheets in all dormitories are torn as well. Mattress and bedsheets shall be kept clean and in good repair. 4.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 02/22/2018
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
2. A) Repair the damaged walls around the showers (upstairs and downstairs) in 1D. Repair the damaged wall at the bunk on the far wall in 2B. Repair the ceiling in the 1C upstairs storage room. 0.0
3. Comment: The light is out in the stall in 1B, replace light. 0.0
4. B) The far left handsink downstairs in 1D was not turning off during inspection, repair. Repair the loose handsink in 2A. One of the lower handsinks in 2C is not staying on when the button is pushed and one sink is out of order, repair sinks. E) There was no hot water at the handsinks in 1D and 2C and at some of the showers in 2B. During inspection Major Drayton received notice that there were hot water issues being reported throughout the wing, work orders were placed for repair. 6.0
11. The ends of the bunks in the open doors have a small gap that is allowing debris to build up, there is also some rust, some edges and legs on bunks in the open dorms are worn and/or rusty; repair or replace worn/rusty bunks and clean out the debris from the crevices. B) Replace the torn blanket in cell 35 in 1B. 4.0
General Comments
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 07/16/2015
Score: 17

#  Comments Points
2. Paint peeling on ceiling in 2A shower. Wall paint peeling at toilet lower level 2A and mess. toilet 2D. Air vents have dust build up and rusting a lot of showers in West Wing. Air vent rusty in 2A18, 2D33 3.0
4. Faucet at sink in 2C leaking; have sink repaired. Shower seat in 1B needs cleaning and sink. Soap scum found in many showers. Enamel worn off on sink in 1C. Replace rusty mirror on 1D. 2.0
6. Water fountains on mess. and lower have low pressure 2D; increase pressure to provide an angle to prevent contamination of the source. 2.0
10. Sweep in storage rooms 2A and 2C. 2.0
11. Missing mattress in 2D52; replace mattress. Torn mat on 1A45; 1D11; 1D10. Clean cells 2C47, 2C32, 1A45, 1C25 of toothpaste; 1C56 6.0
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 01/07/2014
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
6. Increase pressure in water fountain in 2A 2.0
11. Torn mattress 2A-56, replace torn mattress. 4.0
General Comments
For kitchen inspection refer to inspection dated 1/7/14 sips # 016159
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 09/13/2012
Score: 11

#  Comments Points
2. Repair the moisture damaged ceilings in the showers in 1D (upstairs) and 2A (middle, upstairs). Repair the peeling paint on the wall at the third shower from the left in 1A. 1.0
3. The exhaust vent covers in most of toilet stalls of all dorm were dusty, clean exhaust vent covers. The exhaust fan covers in 1B are rusty, replace covers. 4.0
4. There are leaks at the faucets in dorm 1C-downstairs, far right and upstairs, far right, repair. 2.0
11. Several worn mattresses in dorm 1B, 1D-51, 1A-27, 2B-34, 2A-19 & 12, replace worn mattresses. In 2C-31, the sheet was worn and torn, replace sheet. 4.0
General Comments
GC #1-Replace the missing tiles in the handicapped accessible stall in 2B.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 03/08/2011
Score: 17

#  Comments Points
3. Clean vent covers in the bathroom areas. 4.0
4. B) The repair dripping shower in the 2C Mezzanine. The cold water pressure is low in 2C-56, repair. The water pressure is very low in 2 of the 2A mezzanine showers, repair. Repair the non-functional cold water on the handsink in the 2B bathroom. Clean the sinks in 2B. The handsink water faucet is dripping in the 1C mezzanine. 2.0
11. B) Sheets and blankets in multiple rooms were torn or frayed and need to be replaced(2C-5,15,18,31,41,55; 2D-2; 2A-11,29,30,51,42; 2B-2,22,32,40; 1D-11,22,34,42,51; 1C-45,46,54; 1A-12,19; 1B-10) 2.0
12. Some hot boxes used to transport food are not operational, one was marked with a note that it was not working. The hot boxes used to transport food need to be in proper working order, if they are not working, they should be repaired or replaced. 4.0
15. Foods were checked upon arrival, none of the food or milk was meeting minimum temperatures for potentially hazardous foods. Hot foods were temped at 96-101F, a temperature recording log produced by a guard showed consistently low food temperatures on the hot foods; hot foods must be maintained at 140F or greater. The milk was 48-53F upon arrival, cold potentially hazardous foods must be maintained at 45F or less. 5.0
General Comments
General Comment #6B: The water fountain pressure is low at the 2D water fountains, adjust pressure.
General Comment #10A. Storage is too low in the 2D mezzanine storage room, need to lift or remove the bottom shelves and make sure that the mattresses are not stored on the floor.
General Comment #11A: Be sure to keep drawers under beds cleaned out.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 01/26/2010
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
3. Clean vent covers in the bathroom areas. 4.0
4. Repair the cold water knob in H2A downstairs and the hot water knob in H2A upstairs. 2.0
General Comments
Keep chemicals locked when not in use.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 12/17/2008
Score: 9

#  Comments Points
11. Thoroughly clean inside personal storage drawers. 4.0
15. Hamburgers arrived at 113 degrees F. They should be at least 140 degrees F. This continues to be a problem at both Hammond Rd facilities. All food holding units must be plugged in and turned on in advance at the downtown jail kitchen. They should reach 140 degrees F minimum before food is placed inside to deliver. This is not a recommendation, it is a requirement. Failure to comply may result in further action. 5.0
General Comments
Remove spider webs in outside windows.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 11/05/2007
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
4. 2 out of 5 toilets in the female dorm need repair. A work order has been submitted. 2.0
6. Neither water fountain in 2A work; Need repair. 4.0
General Comments
Food temps were good. Rice 155 degrees F, chili beans 175 degrees F, beans (no chili) 188 degrees F, & cabbage 174 degrees F.
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Wake County Detention Center- West Side
Location: 3301 Hammond RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Local Confinement Facilities
Inspection Date: 06/01/2006
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Reinspection of facility. Dishwasher is repaired and now maintains a hot water sanitizing temp. of 170 degrees F.
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