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Harris Creek Elementary School

3829 Forestville RD

Facility Type: Schools

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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/09/2023
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
4. Repair and seal chipped wall surface areas behind toilets in classroom bathrooms #217A, #218A, #224A. Repair door latch on the door for class bathroom #220A. This bathroom door is difficult to open when closed. Repair the following fixtures in boy`s hall bathroom #306: the first in row urinal has poor water flow for flushing, the second in row urinal is nonfunctional, and the toilet in the middle stall has poor water flow for flushing. Repair the following fixtures in the upper floor boy`s bathroom #2304: the two center of row urinals have poor water flow for flushing and the toilet in the first stall has poor water flow for proper flushing. Replace two broken toilet tissue dispensers in the stalls of the top floor girl`s hall bathroom #2302. Repair ceiling leak in the special needs class kitchen #105 bathroom. Replace water-stained bathroom ceiling tiles after the source of this leak is fixed. Reattach loose mirror to wall in classroom bathroom of trailer #4. Repair of this mirror is needed for safety. 35.0
5. Reattach handwash sink that has broken off of wall in the class bathroom of trailer #5. School administration should consider closing off this restroom from use until repairs have been completed due to safety concerns for the broken sink on the floor and for sanitation concerns since students in this class will not be able to wash their hands after bathroom use. Reattach two loose faucets on hand wash sinks at the entrances to boy`s hall bathrooms #306 and #2304. Repair poorly draining sinks in the Art classroom #115. Replace broken paper towel dispenser in the class bathroom of trailer #1. 35.0
6. Replace missing ceiling tiles in the 4th and 5th grade hall that were removed to repair a ceiling plumbing leak. Repair ceiling leaks in the hallway outside of classrooms #210 and #212. Repair ceiling leak in special needs classroom #107. Replace water-stained ceiling tiles after the sources of these leaks have been fixed. Reattach and secure loose metal handrail on entrance ramp into trailer #1. Priority repairs for safety are needed on this loose metal handrail due to the potential of pinch hazards and other injuries. Repair loose and sagging floorboards on entry ramps into trailers #1 and #2. These deteriorated ramp floorboards require priority replacement due to safety concerns from trip and fall hazards and due to the potential of collapse of these boards underfoot. A rusted nail point was jutting from the side of the rear corner ramp handrail adjacent to trailer #5. Repair is needed to prevent cuts or puncture wounds. Repair loose nail tops on the rear deck of trailer #6. Repairs are needed to prevent trip hazards. Repair chipped wall corner surface in the interior ramp hallway from the gym floor to the stage area. 15.0
8. Reattach vent hose between kiln and exhaust fan in the art classroom #115. Repair is needed to allow for proper ventilation of the kiln room when in use. Reattach loose hanging ceiling light shield cover in classroom #219. 20.0
11. The elevated blue walkway on the playground structure adjacent to the trailers is cracked. Priority safety repairs are necessary. School administration may want to consider closing the walkway due to the possibility of injuries should the walkway break under use. Replace broken covering for water main line connection that is adjacent to the playground by the trailers. There are sharp edges on the hole on this broken cover that could possibly cause injury. 15.0
General Comments
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/19/2021
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
5. Repair broken push valve on hand wash sink faucet in boys bathroom #111. The sink faucet in this location does not stop running after the push valve is pressed. 15.0
6. Repair chipped and damaged wall paint in student bathrooms in classrooms #204, #216, and #217. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school building locations: in classroom bathroom #204B, in the special needs classroom #107, in classroom #212, in classroom #213, in classroom #214, in classroom #216, in classroom #218, in classroom #222, in the custodial office #114, in the media center office #106B, in the main hallway at the cafeteria dining room #112 and in the main hallway at the gym. Replace warped floor board on entry ramp into trailer #3. This floor board is bent up and poses a trip/fall hazard. 15.0
11. Repair cracked walkway bridge floor on playground structure adjacent to the modular buildings. (Safety concern/priority repair). Repair loose hand hold on climbing wall on this same playground structure.(Safety concern/priority repair). 15.0
General Comments
Classroom supplies were stored in the special needs class kitchen student bathroom #105. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Only items related directly to bathroom use should be stored in student bathrooms. Classroom items stored in bathrooms can become a means of transfer for communicable disease pathogens including norovirus/stomach flu. The class supplies stored in these classroom bathrooms is also an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. Please remove. School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/14/2018
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
3. Near Room #208, water fountain nozzles were soiled (observed pink build-up)...Drinking fountains shall be maintained clean...Clean the soiled fountain nozzles. 0.0
4. Observed soiled toilet stall door sides, edges and latches in most bathrooms inspected. Caulk was missing or damaged at bases of many bathroom toilets. Some bathroom walls were soiled. Walls in bathroom of Trailer #6 are damaged/peeling...Toilet facility fixtures and walls shall be maintained clean and in good repair...Clean the soiled surfaces and fixtures, and replace damaged/missing toilet caulk. Clean the soiled bathroom wall surfaces. 20.0
6. Observed soiled sides and edges of doors to classrooms and bathrooms (many with old stickers and sticky residues). Observed soiled flooring in mechanical and custodial rooms, including soiled mop sink basins, and carpeting with stains/spots in Room #316 and media center. Many painted wall areas have chipped and damaged surfaces in gymnasium. Found damaged top wooden railing outside near Trailer #6 (nails sticking out from bottom)...Floor and wall/door surfaces shall be maintained clean and in good repair...Clean and/or repair surfaces mentioned above. 15.0
8. Observed dusty and soiled ceiling vent grates/covers in most storage/janitorial rooms and classrooms inspected (#114, 301, 305, 316, 2300C, 2305, 109, 111, etc.) and in gymnasium. Also observed soiled ceiling light shield in Trailer #6 bathroom...Lighting and ventilation fixtures shall be kept clean...Clean the soiled surfaces mentioned above. 20.0
11. Observed several live cockroaches on interior of door to Room #208. Also, in many classrooms, observed unattended hand sanitizers and chlorox wipes and Expo white board cleaner (clear bottle with green lettering - in Room #210) that were accessible to children. In bathroom #2301 (door was open), observed an aerosol spray accessible to children and aspirin bottles in medicine cabinet...Live insects/pests and harborage areas shall be eliminated inside school premises. All chemicals are to be used according to label instructions and stored to avoid health hazards...Use professional pest control company to eliminate live cockroaches. Store hand sanitizers at least 5 feet above floor or keep under direct supervision of teachers. Aerosols cans and other chemicals and medicines have other health warnings and therefore should be used under teachers` direct supervision and control OR stored in closed or locked cabinets when children are present. 40.0
General Comments
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/19/2017
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
3. Water fountain located on the kindergarten hallway has a slit on the mouth guard fixture. This allows for possible housing of bacteria. All water fountain fixtures shall be smooth and easily cleanable. Replace or repair water fountain fixture. 0.0
4. Water stain observed on ceiling tiles around the ventilation unit located in special needs bathroom. Walls are also pealing in a few kindergarten bathrooms. Bathroom floors and walls shall be in good repair and maintained. 20.0
6. Damaged roofing was located in the multipurpose room on the main hallway. Rooms 208,303 and 312 all contains wall damage. Ensure that all of the facility is in good repair and well maintained. Thoroughly clean bathrooms on the 5th grade hall to remove the urine smell. 30.0
7. Storage was found on the floor in 2nd and 3rd grade hall storage rooms. Storage in NC Schools must be a minimum of 15 inches above the floor or arranged to facilitate cleaning. 0.0
General Comments
Inspector contact info : Dimitri Parker(919)868-2562
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/03/2014
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
3. Clean the pink and black build-up found on some of the water fountains on the 100s, 200s, and upstairs hallway. 20.0
4. The classroom bathrooms as well as all faculty bathrooms still have absorbent, non-washable ceiling tiles. NC School bathrooms are required to have smooth, non-absorbent ceiling that can be easily cleaned. 15.0
6. Cracked floor tiles found in the 100s hallway located closest to the cafeteria. Water stain on ceiling, around the ventilation unit, located in girls restroom (rm 304). The were damaged/peeling paint located in the classrooms and parts of the hallway. Stay on top of the cleaning of cobwebs on walls located in the media center and stairwell. Make sure that there is no leak in the ceiling; if so, will need to be addressed. There was a lot of stained carpeted floors throughout the facility, in the classrooms. Make sure cleaning staff is cleaning under or moving and cleaning the mobile cabinets located in the classrooms. 15.0
7. Storage was found on the floor located inside of the gym storage area and music room storage area. There were also a few un-used classrooms that storage was on the floor. Storage, in NC Schools, must be a minimum of 15 inches above the floor or arranged to facilitate cleaning. 10.0
11. There was a cleaning product found inside of one of the modular units. Make sure to toxic products, especially spray bottles, are kept out of reach of children. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/19/2013
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
4. The classroom bathrooms as well as all faculty bathrooms still have absorbent, non-washable ceiling tiles. NC School bathrooms are required to have smooth, non-absorbent ceiling that can be easily cleaned. 15.0
6. There is a leak in the ceiling next to the sprinkler system access panel located behind the fold away partition in room 315. There is mold/mildew growing in this area and it should be addressed before it progresses. There are 2 water damaged ceiling tiles in the art room. There is a small area of water staining in a couple of ceiling tiles at the main entrance. Monitor this to ensure it is not an active leak and repair as needed. 0.0
7. The modular units have some storage on the floor in the closets that interfere with thorough cleaning, especially modular 4001. There is storage on the floor and much disorganization in storage room 202. Storage in NC Schools must be at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged to permit thorough cleaning. 10.0
11. Cleaning products labeled "Keep out of Reach of Children" were stored in lower cabinets and in some cases sitting out on tables. Even though these are school age children, toxic products should be kept out of reach (especially spray bottles). 30.0
General Comments
There is some brush growth around the modular unit ramps that should be cut back or sprayed with a herbicide.
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/14/2012
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. Absorbent non-washable ceiling tiles were in the toilet rooms that were attached to classrooms, staff lounge, and special needs child rooms. Absorbent non-washable ceiling tiles were in the hallway staff toilet rooms. [Rule requires the ceilings of toilet rooms be nonabsorbent and washable. Smooth surfaced, vinyl faced ceiling tiles are one option that would meet this requirement.] 15.0
6. Some of the gymnasium ceiling tiles were loose, broken, and not secure in the frames. 15.0
11. Cleaning products in spray bottles labeled 'Keep Out of Reach of Children' were stored in lower cabinets within reach of children, in some of the classrooms. [Rule requires that toxic products be stored according to the product's label. 2 options that meet this requirement would be storage in a locked cabinet or storage at least 5 feet above the floor.]. 30.0
General Comments
Kitchen sink in Special Needs child room was clogged.
Wall vent in kiln room of Art Class did not open and close. This vent remains in open position throughout year.
Sliding door locking mechanism did not function, in gymnasium.
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/11/2010
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable; the floors tiles around several commodes on the ground floor are stained yellow; re-caulk the commodes where needed; replace a missing sprinkler ring in the 300 hall girls bathroom 35.0
6. clean the high window sills and high ledges in classrooms and stair cases; spider webs and dust are starting to build up; paint the walls in hallways and bathrooms as needed 15.0
7. clean the floors in the custodian closets; the book storage rooms need additional racks to keep all books off the floor; the open space under many of the book cases was blocked off with a piece of wood in the front; also block the open space on the side of the book cases to keep things from sliding under the book cases 10.0
General Comments
GC # 3 : handsink/fountain combination sinks in use ( possible contamination of the fountain piece every time hands are washed );
GC # 8 : dust off the stage curtains ;
Note : the modulars are not in use
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/02/2009
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
4. the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable; the floors tiles around several commodes on the ground floor are stained yellow; re-caulk the commodes where needed 15.0
6. the music room carpet is starting to tear; sweep storage rooms and custodian closets ( especially under storage racks ); dust the high ledges in the classrooms 15.0
7. remove storage out of bathrooms in 211, 215, 220; room 114 needs dunnage racks for storage of heavy items 10.0
General Comments
GC # 3 : hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( possible contamination of the fountain part every time hands are washed ) ; GC # 11 : please remind teachers to keep all chemicals, including cleaning supplies ( art room ) and science project supplies ( 220 ) in the upper cabinets to keep them out of reach of the children
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/08/2008
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
3. several of the fountains on hand sink/fountain combination sinks need to be adjusted ( for example 218,220,216 ); the water pressure is too low 20.0
7. do not use bathrooms as storage space due to possible contamination of stored items; keep all storage in the storage rooms off the floor ( additional shelving may be needed ) 10.0
General Comments
GC # 5 : one faucet is loose at the girls bathroom hand sink across from room 307 ;
GC # 6 : repair the wall around the fountain near room 303 ;
GC # 4 : the small bathrooms located in classrooms have acoustic tile cilings ; the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( same type as in the kitchen )
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Harris Creek Elementary School
Location: 3829 Forestville RD RALEIGH, NC 27616
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/25/2006
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
6. Finish wall in 2303 stained ceiling tiles in 2315, 105; finish bashboards in 219;place all missing ceiling tiles 15.0
7. Additional storage shelves may be needed in custodian closets to keep all storage off the floor; do not use bathrooms 10.0
General Comments
217-5100Note: Please remind teachers to keep all chemicals out of reach of children
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