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Facility Type: Restaurant

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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/26/2024
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
8. 2-301.15; Priority Foundation; Observed team member placing dishes in machine walk to the 3 comp sink to rinse hands inside sanitizer water at 3 comp. Food employees shall clean their hands in handwashing sink or approved automatic handwashing facility and may not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation or warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Manager interrupted activities and request hand wash-team member washed hands. 0.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Observed raw shrimp stored directly above uncovered cheese inside reach in cooler. Food shall be protected from cross contamination: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. Manager rearranged storage hierarchy. 0.0
16. 4-602.11; Core; Observed black residue inside ice machine. In equipment such as ice bins and beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of equipment such as ice makers; clean equipment at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Empty ice and detail clean machine. Manager agreed to empty ice and detail clean machine. 0.0
19. 3-403.11; Priority Foundation; Observed commercially prepared plantains reheated below 135F, then placed in hot holding unit. Ready to eat food taken from a commercially processed, Hermetically sealed container , or from an intact package from a food processing plant that is inspected by the food regulatory authority that has jurisdiction over the plant, shall be heated to a temperature of at least 57oC (135oF) for hot holding. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Observed several items inside two seperate reach in coolers on the line holding above 41F (see chart above). TCS foods shall be held at 41F or below. Ambient air in one unit reads 47F. EHS will return to verify food temperatures. 1.5
36. 4-302.12; Priority Foundation; Thermometer not available inside second line reach in cooler. temperature measuring devices shall be provided and readily accessible for use in ensuring attainment and maintenance of food temperatures as specified. Thermometer obtained during inspection. 0.0
38. 6-501.111; Priority Foundation; At the beginning of inspection observed several flies enter the kitchen due to back door propped open. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to eliminate their presence on the premises by: (A) Routinely inspecting incoming shipments of food and supplies; (B) Routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests; (C) Using methods, if pests are found, such as trapping devices and (D) Eliminating harborage conditions. Door closed and pest no longer active. 1.0
47. 4-501.11; Core;Caulking has deteriorated on prep sink near the walk-in cooler and is no longer fixed to the wall. Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily moveable shall be installed so that it is sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage. Remove caulking, clean and sanitize area, and re-caulk equipment to wall. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/21/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Cooked noodles and sausage in prep cooler lacking a datemark; PIC stated that these foods were cooked yesterday. Cooked mushrooms in prep cooler on the line lacking a datemark. All ready to eat, TCS food must be datemarked if held for more than 24 hours. CDI- Facility was allowed to place labels on these products during the inspection. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; Roasted pineapple in prep cooler with a datemark of (12/10) but employee stated that this product was cooked yesterday and item was mislabeled. Salsa in prep cooler with datemark of (12/12). A food shall be discarded if it is appropriately marked with a date or day that exceeds the 7 day hold at 41F or below. Prep day counts as Day 1. CDI- TCS foods held longer than 7 days were voluntarily discarded during the inspection. 1.5
47. 4-402.11; Core; Caulking has deteriorated on prep sink near the walk-in cooler and is no longer fixed to the wall. Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily moveable shall be installed so that it is sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage. Remove caulking, clean and sanitize area, and re-caulk equipment to wall. 0.0
55. 6-501.11; Core; Floor tile near drink dispenser in the front server area has chipped and should be repaired or replaced. Floor plate is coming up in the walk-in cooler located near the freezer. Re-secure floor plate with screws. Physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. 0.0
56. 6-501.110; Core; Employee coat was found in a pot that was stored as clean across from the warewashing area. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be used for the orderly storage of employee clothing and other possessions. CDI- Coat was removed and pot was cleaned during the inspection. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/14/2023
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Green rice in hot box holding 123F-126F when temperature was verified. This was the only TCS food throughout facility that was holding at an incorrect temperature. TCS food shall be maintained at 135F or above. CDI- Rice was reheated during the inspection. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; (1)Cooked peppers wrapped in bacon observed with a prep date of (6/7) in prep cooler. Container of crema in same cooler with a prep date of (6/7). A food shall be discarded if it is appropriately marked with a date or day that exceeds the 7 day hold at 41F or below. Prep day counts as Day 1. (2)Full container of cooked mushrooms in prep unit with a prep date of (6/1). Manager stated that these mushrooms were cooked yesterday and container was not changed out. Ensure food is labeled with the correct date of prep. CDI- TCS food held longer than 7 days were voluntarily discarded during the inspection. 1.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Metal pans stored above the 3-compartment sink were found stacked while still wet. Cleaned equipment and utensils shall be stored in a self draining position that allows air drying. Ensure these items are completely dry before stacking together. *This was a general comment on the last routine inspection. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; One stack of plates found under the steam well on the cook line with visible food debris along edges of stacked plates. Cleaned equipment and utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry location; where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination. CDI- Stack of plates were taken to the warewashing area to be cleaned and sanitized during the inspection. EHS recommends pushing clean plates further back on this shelf to avoid contamination or relocating plates to a better location where contamination cannot occur. 0.0
49. 4-602.13; Core; Shelving in walk-in cooler has accumulated microbial growth. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Increase the cleaning frequency to the shelving in the walk-in cooler. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/30/2022
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Yellow solution being stored in an unlabeled spray bottle at the warewashing area. Working containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. CDI- Spray bottle was labeled during the inspection. 1.0
43. 3-304.12; Core; Ice scoop being stored in a container with visible black residue present. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, the utensils shall be stored in a clean, protected location if the utensil, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous. CDI- Scoop and container were taken to the warewashing area to be properly cleaned and sanitized. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; A few clean metal pans were being stored stacked while still wet. Cleaned equipment and utensils shall be stored in a self draining position that allows air drying. Ensure these items are completely dry before stacking together. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Undercounter freezer is not functioning properly. Freezer was turned off during the inspection. PIC stated that the freezer needs to be turned off every two to three days due to temperature issues. Facility has contacted refrigeration technician to service this unit and is in the process of being repaired. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair and condition. Ensure this freezer is repaired. 0.5
56. 6-305.11; Core; Employee personal items (air pod case, speakers, and bottled beverage) being stored in kitchen above prep surfaces and on equipment. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be provided for the orderly storage of employees' clothing and other possessions. CDI- Personal items were relocated during the inspection. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/30/2022
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
16. 4-602.11; Core; 1)Large ice machine in back near chemical room has an accumulation of black residue on plastic ice shield. 2)Two (2) nozzles on tea urns which were about to be used contained unclean residue. In equipment such as ice bins and beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of equipment such as ice makers shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Increase cleaning frequency of ice machine and tea urn nozzles. 1.5
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Three (3) knives being stored as clean with dried food residue present in kitchen. A few metal food containers stored as clean with food still remaining on items. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. CDI- Items taken to warewashing area to be properly cleaned and sanitized. 0.0
43. 3-304.12; Core; Ice scoop near 3-comp sink is being stored in a container that had black residue present. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean, protected location. CDI- Ice scoop and container taken to dishwasher to be properly cleaned. 1.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Ice is beginning to accumulate in the walk-in freezer unit. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair and condition. PIC states that they will contact a technician to have this unit repaired. 0.5
56. 6-403.11; Core; Cup of coffee with no lid and employee snack being stored directly on prep units. Areas designated for employees to eat, drink, and use tobacco shall be located so that food, equipment, linens, and single-service and single-use articles are protected from contamination. CDI- Employee items relocated during inspection. Designate an area for employees to eat/drink. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/21/2021
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Establishment does not have written procedures for the clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events. A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment. The procedures shall address the specific actions employees must take to minimize the spread of contamination and the exposure of employees, consumers, food, and surfaces to vomitus or fecal matter. CDI - Provided education and a template plan to be implemented. No points deducted. 0.0
16. 4-602.11; Core; Large ice machine in back near chemical room has an accumulation of residue on plastic ice shield. In equipment such as ice bins and beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of equipment such as ice makers shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Increase cleaning frequency of ice machine. 1.5
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Two utensils being stored as clean with dried food residue present. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. CDI- Utensils taken to dish machine to be properly cleaned. 0.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Two chicken breasts at top of container in steam well are holding below 135F; all other products in steam well holding at proper temperature. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods shall be maintained at 135F or above for hot-holding. CDI- Chicken breasts taken to grill to reheat to 165F before being placed back into steam well. 0.0
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Recently prepped sausage and guacamole cooling in top sections of prep coolers with internal temperature above 41F (see temperature chart). Cooling shall be accomplished by placing the food in shallow pans; Separating the food into smaller or thinner portions; Using rapid cooling equipment (walk-in cooler/freezer); Stirring the food in a container placed in an ice water bath; Using containers that facilitate heat transfer (metal); Adding ice as an ingredient; or Other effective methods. CDI-Items placed in ice baths during inspection to continue the cooling process. 0.5
43. 3-304.12; Core; Ice scoop near 3-comp sink is being stored in a container that had black residue present. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean, protected location. CDI- Ice scoop and container taken to dishwasher to be properly cleaned. 0.5
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Wire shelving in walk-in cooler with accumulation of microbial growth. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Clean shelving and keep clean. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
*Information sent to regarding the adoption of the FDA 2017 Food Code that went into effect on October 1, 2021. *No recipient signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/30/2021
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No recipient signature due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspector signature malfunction; EHS signed as recipient. Facility uses Time-Holding for cooked plantains; however, facility has not yet cooked plantains today.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/10/2020
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/10/2020
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Increase touch surfaces sanitation and maintain social distancing as much as possible.
CDC recommending all general public to wear cloth face masks when out interacting to reduce community spread. Tutorials on how to make your own cloth face mask available online.
Note: If a restaurant facility is open with customers able to physically ENTER facility, then restrooms must also be left accessible to those customers.
VR- VERIFICATION REQUIRED. REHS will return Monday 6/15/2020 to verify the main walk-in cooler has been fixed to maintain foods at 41F and less. Use alternate coolers for TCS foods until this cooler is fixed.
Your REHS is Joanne Rutkofske, 919-623-0459.
Follow-Up: 06/20/2020
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/19/2020
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments

pooling water seen in the bottom of the make line unit. Have this unit serviced to check on this.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/10/2019
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice* Effective January 1, 2019, the NC Food Code 3-501.16 (A)(2)(b)(ii) NOW requires equipment to be upgraded or replaced to maintain food at a temperature of 41 degrees F or less. If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to call 919-868-6416 or email
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/20/2019
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Please have all of the refrigerators serviced to ensure that the ambient air temperature provided is less than 39F because the internal temperature of the food must be held at 41F. Recommend purchasing air curtains for the walk-in cooler and use metal containers at the make line refrigerators to hold product temperatures colder during service.

Marion Wearing - Phone Number: 919.618.8964 - E-mail:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/07/2018
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
General Comments

Contact Information: Marion Wearing 919.618.8964 (mobile) * (e-mail)
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/15/2018
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice* Effective January 1, 2019, the NC Food Code 3-501.16 (A)(2)(b)(ii) requires equipment to be upgraded or replaced to maintain food at a temperature of 41 degrees F or less. Please plan accordingly. If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to call 919-868-6416 or email
Follow-Up: 05/25/2018
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/12/2017
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice* Effective January 1, 2019, the NC Food Code 3-501.16 (A)(2)(b)(ii) requires equipment to be upgraded or replaced to maintain food at a temperature of 41 degrees F or less. Please plan accordingly. If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to call 919-868-6416 or email
Follow-Up: 12/22/2017
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/15/2017
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice* Effective January 1, 2019, the NC Food Code 3-501.16 (A)(2)(b)(ii) requires equipment to be upgraded or replaced to maintain food at a temperature of 41 degrees F or less. Please plan accordingly.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/13/2016
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Inspection made with Ms. Kristine Hale.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/31/2015
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/05/2014
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/11/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Investigated complaint in reference to chicken quesodilla, shrimp tacos, pinto and black beans, guacamole, rice. Observed these foods maintained at proper temperature and proper food handling. Owner, Carlos Rodriguez states that no other person complained.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/23/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/15/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Observation: When completely illuminated, lighting in front dining area is quite dim. During periods of cleaning, ensure there is at least 10 foot-candles of light at 30 inches above the floor.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/10/2012
Score: 92.5 + Education Credit: 2 = 94.5

#  Comments Points
15. When reheated in microwave oven, cheese sauce reached 68-167F. When reheating cheese, it shall be reheated to 165F throughout the food before placing in hot holding unit (where it shall be kept at 135F or above)...Remember, when reheating in microwave, cheese must be stirred frequently to ensure thorough reheating. Use calibrated thermometer to check for proper reheating temperature. 1.5
17. Observed incorrect food temperatures of cold potentially hazardous foods in small make line top and other main make line top across from cooking line (see food temperature chart)...Also found flan at 83F on cooling speed rack...These foods shall be kept at 45F or less. 2.0
23. Observed cooling of black beans and other foods in ice-water baths, but ice had melted completely in a few cases. Also, ice-water was not at level of food in containers. When cooling hot foods, use any of the following cooling methods: use shallow containers with 2-4 inch food depth OR ice-water bath around containers of cooling foods with ice-water at level of food in containers (stir food frequently) OR ice paddles OR adding ice as an ingredient in food...Remember that hot foods must be cooled rapidly from 135F to 70F and from 70F to 45F or less within 4 additional hours. Use calibrated thermometer to check food temperatures. 1.0
33. Found two ice cream dispensing scoops in standing room temperature water. Also, found scoop handle touching ice in ice bin behind bar...Store dispensing scoops, spoons or other utensils in food with handle extending out of food OR dry and on a clean surface OR in running water dipper well OR in hot water at 135F or above. 0.5
34. Found many plastic baskets and beverage glasses being stacked while wet. Completely air dry these items before stacking them. 0.5
35. In wait area, found unprotected disposable plastic food containers and their lids with food contact sides up. Store these containers inverted with food contact sides down...Also in bar area, found exposed drinking straws near customer seating areas. These straws shall be individually wrapped, dispensed from an approved dispenser or stored away from customer seating area to be touched only by bartenders. 0.5
36. Found cut tortillas (to later be fried for chips) stored directly in contact with interior of cardboard boxes (the original boxes that bagged tortillas came in). Do not store tortillas in cardboard boxes since boxes are absorbent and not easy to clean. Use only non-absorbent, easily cleanable containers...Properly defrost the refrigeration unit that is not maintaining cold air temperature of 45F or less. In the meantime, do not store food in this unit until the air temperature is maintained at 45F or less. On this same unit, repair the metal roll top hinge so that roll top opens and closes easily...Still found a few cutting boards with deep knife cuts. They shall be re-surfaced or replaced...Replace the cracked/damaged ice scoop and dispensing tongs with utensils that are in good repair...Replace the torn/cracked door gaskets on refrigerators...Repair the damaged/torn chairs in dining area...Remove the stickers from exteriors of food containers and pans...Remove masking tape from shelving above 3-comp. sink since taped surfaces are not easy to clean and sanitize (can use rubber or plastic meshing under food containers to keep containers from sliding off shelves). 0.5
39. Found many painted shelves in dry storage areas (some of the shelves are peeling and getting worn). These shelves are not approved and shall be replaced with shelving that meets the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or equivalent. Do not paint NSF shelving...Currently soda dispenses from soda dispenser in wait station when ice bin lid below is open. Re-activate the device on lid so soda does not dispense when lid is open (deactivating device on ice bin lid voids the NSF certification on ice bin/dispensing unit). 0.5
40. Clean the soiled undersides of some dishwasher table areas...Clean the soiled counters/surfaces under plastic meshing where beverage glasses and mugs are stored in wait station...Clean the soiled food scales...Clean the soiled food prep sink. 0.5
42. At outside faucet in mop sink/can wash, no backflow prevention device or vacuum breaker is available (today, hose was not attached to end of faucet). Provide an approved backflow preventer (BFP) for faucet hose bibb since this BFP must be in place every time hose is attached to faucet. NOTE: Since spray nozzle is at end of hose on hose holder, the backflow preventer must be approved for hoses with spray nozzles. 0.0
43. No paper towels were available in towel dispenser behind bar by handwashing sink (napkins were available nearby). Maintain paper towels at this sink at all times. 0.0
45. Remove the plastic/rubber residue and pads from wall in kitchen so wall surfaces are smooth and easily cleanable. 0.0
46. Replace the missing ventilation hood filter...Clean the soiled vent hood filters. 0.0
49. Documentation of approved training - 2 point credit awarded. 0.0
General Comments
COMMENT ON MINIMIZING BARE HAND CONTACT WITH FOODS: Today, observed some bare hand contact of ready to eat foods...Avoid handling foods with bare hands (particularly ready-to-eat foods that will not be cooked before served to customer) by using clean gloves, utensils, tongs, deli paper, scoops with handles, spoons, or other approved food dispensing utensil...Also minimize contact with raw meats, raw fish/seafood and raw chicken by using gloves and/or dispensing utensils. As always, after contaminating gloves in any way, gloves must be discarded and hands must be washed before putting on new gloves or before handling any other food, equipment or utensils...Full lighting in dining area was around 4 to 7 foot candles over most tables. For cleaning purposes, the lighting in dining area must be at least 10 foot candles when fully lit.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 7713 LEAD MINE RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/02/2011
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
2. Observed three personal beverages stored above clean utensils and tea urn area (in wait station area). These beverages shall be stored below and away from food/beverages and clean food equipment and utensils and other food/beverage contact items and surfaces. (NOTE: Consider designating a specific area for storing personal beverages that meet the storage criteria specified above) 1.5
3. Observed worker handle soiled dishes/utensils and then proceeded to handle clean dishes without washing hands in between. This worker proceeded to wash hands at 3-compartment sink, which is not approved for handwashing. Also observed a few workers touch mouth and face and then proceeded to do other tasks in kitchen without washing hands...After contaminating hands in any way (after touching/handling dishes/utensils, garbage, mouth/face, after using bathroom, after coming in from outside, etc.) hands must be washed before proceeding with other tasks in kitchen or before handling food/beverages and food equipment and utensils. 2.0
10. In walk-in cooler, observed raw fish stored above raw beef steak. In freezer, observed raw fish stored above some ready to eat or fully cooked foods. Store all foods according to final cook temperatures (see food storage chart given to manager)...Large ice bin behind bar was not covered. It shall be covered to keep ice from becoming contaminated. A large sheet pan may be used temporarily but an approved ice bin cover shall be provided. 0.0
17. Observed several incorrect temperatures of cold potentially hazardous foods in small make line top (see food temperature chart). These foods shall be kept at 45F or less. 2.0
19. Found unlabeled bottle with blue liquid in it. Properly label this bottle to denote contents. 0.0
23. In walk-in cooler, tomatillo sauce and cheese sauce were cooling down in uncovered containers with 8-10 inches food depth. When cooling hot foods, use any of the following cooling methods: use shallow containers with 2-4 inch food depth, ice-water bath around containers of cooling foods with ice-water at level of food in containers (stir food frequently), ice paddles, or adding ice as ingredient in food. Remember that hot foods must be cooled rapidly from 135F to 70F and from 70F to 45F or less within 4 additional hours. Use calibrated thermometer to check food temperatures. 1.0
26. Found a few containers of dry foods that were not labeled. Properly label these containers to denote contents. 0.0
33. Found food dispensing scoop handles touching dry food (in dry storage) and ice (behind bar). Store scoop handles extending out of food. 0.0
35. In wait area, found unprotected stack of disposable cups and disposable plastic food containers (with food contact sides up). Store cups in approved dispenser or in their original plastic sleeves pulled up to rim of top cup on stack...Invert plastic food containers to protect them from contamination. 0.0
36. Found several cutting boards with deep knife cuts. They shall be re-surfaced or replaced...Remove condensation from inside bottom of small make line refrigerator. Repair this unit as necessary so that condensation does not accumulate on bottom. Ensure this unit is circulating air properly to maintain foods at 45F or less on top part of unit. Check food temperatures with calibrated thermometer to ensure proper temperatures. 0.5
39. Found many painted shelves in dry storage and in reach-in refrigerator units. These shelves are not approved and shall be replaced with shelving that meets the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or equivalent. Do not paint NSF shelving...Remove the stained wooden stand (used for holding blender) from in front of paper towel dispenser behind bar. Use only an approved NSF stand or table. 0.5
42. Observed hose attached to faucet in outside mop sink/can wash. Provide an approved backflow preventer for faucet hose bibb (since spray nozzle is at end of hose, the backflow preventer must be approved for this use). 0.0
43. No paper towels were available in towel dispenser behind bar by handwashing sink (napkins were available nearby). Maintain paper towels at this sink at all times. Towel dispenser must be easily accessible to use after handwashing. 0.0
45. Remove the plastic/rubber residue from wall in kitchen so wall surfaces are smooth and easily cleanable. 0.0
49. No documentation of approved training - no credit awarded. 0.0
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