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Carolina International Mart

3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110

Facility Type: Meat Market

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Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 09/04/2024
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core - No person in charge with food protection manager certification was present during inspection...At least one supervisor/manager or person in charge shall be a certified food protection manager (CFPM) by passing a test (such as ServSafe) that is part of an accredited program...Provide a person in charge who is a CFPM and is on-site at all times during operation. Go to OR for information on classes and exams to become a certified food protection manager. 1.0
10. 6-301.14; Core - No handwashing sign was posted at market handsink...A handwashing sign that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be posted at each handsink or group of adjacent handsinks...CDI by providing handwashing sign at sink. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation - Bottom hard plastic cover on bandsaw that is used infrequently was soiled with food/debris build-up on inside...Food contact surfaces shall be clean to sight and touch...CDI by removing cover and placing at 3-comp sink to be cleaned. 0.0
38. 6-501.111; Core - Several live house flies were in market area...The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents and other pests...Rid the facility of lies using methods approved for food service establishments. 1.0
38. 6-501.112; Core - Several dead insects were on floor in electrical closet and under upright freezer near market...Dead insects shall be removed from premises to prevent their accumulation or the attraction of pests...Promptly remove dead insects from premises. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core - One moist/soiled wiping cloths was on band saw, and a few other soiled cloths were around market and not in soiled laundry area...Moist or soiled wiping cloths shall be kept in approved clean sanitizer between uses...Store moist/soiled wiping cloths as stated above OR in soiled laundry area. 0.5
47. 4-101.19; Core - Upper metal rim inside market see-thru freezer case was lined with tape/plastic, that was getting soiled, cracked and hard to clean. Damaged tape was also accumulating condensation that could drip onto foods below...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces exposed to splash and spillage shall be nonabsorbent and smooth material...Remove tape/plastic from metal rim since it is not easy to clean and sanitize. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core - Three compartment sink compartments have many cracks in the metal upper parts of compartments...Food service equipment shall be kept in good repair...Re-solder or re-weld closed the cracks in sink. Do not use caulk or other sealant to seal cracks in metal sink OR replace the sink with a similar ANSI/NSF certified sink. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core - Observed soiled dunnage racks, freezer interiors with cut meats, poultry and fish. Old stickers and old sticky residues were on bandsaw surfaces...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of equipment above. Remove old stickers/residues from surfaces. 0.5
54. 5-501.113; Core - Top outside dumpster lids were open...Outside trash/recycling receptacles shall have tight-fitting lids and doors...Keep lids closed when not in use. 0.0
55. 6-501.11; Core - Some surfaces of market flooring was worn and had cracks and crevices...Physical facilities shall be kept in good repair...Replace/repair damaged floor surfaces. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core - Some walk-in freezer and market flooring under/around equipment was soiled, and ceiling vent openings in market and bathroom were dusty/soiled. Bathroom door sides were soiled...Physical facilities shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of surfaces above. 0.0
General Comments
DISCUSSION: Since band saw used to cut meats and poultry is stored at room temperature, it must be completely disassembled every 4 hours (removing blade and other removable parts) and washed, rinsed and sanitized at 3-compartment sink. Parts of saw that cannot be disassembled must also be washed, rinsed and sanitized in place. Remember to unplug saw BEFORE disassembling it or cleaning it...DISCUSSION: Observed individually packaged fish patties near check-out counter at room temperature (they were sold to a customer in middle of inspection). They were not labeled with ingredients or name and address of where they came from. Prepared foods such as fish patties must come from approved source that is licensed or permitted by Wake County or another North Carolina county department OR the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (ask for proof of permit or license from distributor). They MUST be labeled with ingredients and name of business and address of where they were prepared, processed and packaged. Potentially hazardous foods such as fish patties must be received cold at 41F or less and kept at 41F or less in approved refrigeration/freezer. They must NOT be left at room temperature.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 04/16/2024
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core - No person in charge with food protection manager certification was present during inspection...At least one supervisor/manager or person in charge shall be a certified food protection manager (CFPM) by passing a test (such as ServSafe) that is part of an accredited program...Provide a person in charge who is a CFPM and is on-site at all times during operation. 1.0
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation - No written clean up procedures were provided for vomiting and diarrheal events...Written procedures for employees shall be available when responding to discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in establishment. The procedures shall address the specific actions employees must take to minimize the spread of informing PIC of requirement and providing examples of procedures. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation - Chlorine concentration in spray bottle was 25 ppm...Chlorine sanitizer shall be 50-200 ppm...CDI by adjusting sanitizer to proper concentration. NOTE: Do not use a chemical such as cleaner + bleach as sanitizer for food contact surfaces. Only use regular bleach (no scented or low-splash bleach or bleach with cleaners). 1.5
38. 6-501.111; Core - Many live cockroaches were on band saw that was not actively being used (PIC stated it hadn't been used for many months). Also observed a few live houseflies in market area...The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents and other pests...Rid the facility of cockroaches and flies using methods approved for food service establishments. Contact your commercial pest control company so they can properly address the cockroach problem. 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core - One moist/soiled wiping cloths was on band saw...Moist or soiled wiping cloths shall be kept in approved clean sanitizer between uses...Store moist/soiled wiping cloths as stated above OR in soiled laundry area. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core - Three compartment sink compartments have many cracks in the metal upper parts of compartments...Food service equipment shall be kept in good repair...Re-solder or re-weld closed the cracks in sink. Do not use caulk or other sealant to seal cracks in metal sink. 0.5
47. 4-101.19; Core - Upper metal rim inside market see-thru freezer was lined with tape/plastic, that was getting soiled...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces exposed to splash and spillage shall be nonabsorbent and smooth material...Remove tape/plastic from metal rim since it is not easy to clean and sanitize. 0.0
48. 4-501.14; Core - Three-compartment sink interiors had soil build-up...Warewashing equipment shall be cleaned frequently enough to prevent recontamination of clean equipment and utensils...Increase cleaning frequency of 3-comp sink interiors. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core - Observed soiled dunnage racks, freezer interiors with cut meats/poultry, market see-through case sliding door tracks, interiors/exteriors of band saw not being used (soiled areas are attracting roaches)...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of equipment above. 0.5
54. 5-501.113; Core - Top lids on both trash and cardboard dumpsters were all open...Outside trash/recycling receptacles shall have tight-fitting lids and doors...Keep lids closed when not in use. 0.0
55. 6-501.11; Core - Cover (made of hard plastic) over market floor grease trap (?) was soft and cracked in several areas, and market flooring had some cracked/crevices...Physical facilities shall be kept in good repair...Replace/repair damaged floor surfaces. 0.5
General Comments
DISCUSSION: Since band saw used to cut meats and poultry is stored at room temperature, it must be completely disassembled every 4 hours (removing blade and other removable parts) and washed, rinsed and sanitized at 3-compartment sink. Parts of saw that cannot be disassembled must also be washed, rinsed and sanitized in place. Remember to unplug saw BEFORE disassembling it or cleaning it.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 11/21/2023
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; The manager on duty did not have proof that a Manager's Food Safety Protection Test had been taken and passed. Each time food is handled, prepared, displayed or served the person-in-charge must have a valid ServSafe or ANSI approved certificate on hand at the time of the inspection. 1.0
16. 4-501.114; Priority; The chlorine sanitizer bottle was showing no measurable signs of chlorine sanitizer. Chlorine sanitizer must be between 50 to 200 parts per million at all times. Check the sanitizer to ensure the correct amount is being used. CDI.. The sanitizer was corrected to 100 parts per million. 1.5
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; There was a bottle of glass cleaner that was not labeled. A toxic materials taken from a bulk supply and placed into another bottle must be labeled with the common name of the item in the bottle. CDI.. The bottle was labeled. 1.0
28. 7-201.11; Priority; The glass cleaner bottle was stored above the meat display cases. All cleaners and toxic materials must be stored so they can not contaminate Food, Equipment, Utensils and Single Service-Items. CDI.. The glass cleaner was moved below the meat display cases. 0.0
45. 4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Boxes that were originally used to store beef livers had frozen fish in the boxes. Single-service items are not to be used as multi-use equipment. 0.0
55. 6-501.11; Core; The floor finish in the meat market is starting to fade. Physical Facilities must be maintained in good repair. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 07/05/2023
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; The Manager on Duty did not have proof that a Manager's Food Safety Protection Test had been taken and passed. Each time food is handled, prepared, displayed, or served the person-in-charge must have a valid ServSafe or ANSI approved certificate on hand at the time of the inspection. This is a repeat item from the last inspection. 1.0
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; There was some spray bottles in the meat market that were not labeled. All toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies must be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the item in the spray bottle. CDI.. The spray bottles were labeled. 0.0
28. 7-201.11; Priority; There was some blue cleaner stored above the flood prep areas. Catfish was being placed in bags at the time of the inspection. Toxic materials must be stored so they can not contaminate Food, Equipment, Utensils, and Single-Service Items. CDI.. The toxic material was moved below the food prep areas. 1.0
38. 6-501.111; Priority Foundation; There were some flies present in the kitchen. Take steps to eliminate the pest problem. 1.0
39. 3-305.12; Core; There were boxes of food stored on the floor in the walk-in freezers. Food must be stored in a manner to prevent contamination. Food must be stored at least 6 inches above the floor. 1.0
55. 6-201.11; Core; The floor finish in the meat market is starting to fade. Floors must be in good repair and easy to clean. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 02/10/2023
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; There is no one present with a valid food protection manager certification. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM. 1.0
8. 2-301.14; Priority; Food employee observed entering the kitchen from outside with gloved hands and then proceeded to process frozen chicken. Hands shall be washed after engaging in activities that contaminate the hands. CDI- Food employee was educated on proper handwashing and gloves were removed and hands were washed. 2.0
10. 6-301.14; Core; [Repeat] Handwashing sink did not have signage. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. CDI- Handwashing signage provided. 1.0
11. 3-201.11; Priority; Meat filled pastries in a hot hold cabinet up front by the register are not coming from an unknown source. Food shall be obtained from sources that comply with food law. To determine the extent of compliance with this Code, the regulatory authority shall obtain reports regarding compliance and compliance history from responsible authorities in other jurisdictions where the food establishments are located. PIC was instructed to remove these food items and to stop selling them. Verification Required- EHS will follow up next week to make sure these food products are no longer being sold on the premises. 0.0
16. 4-602.11; Priority; The meat cutting bandsaw used to process goat this earlier this morning has not been cleaned or sanitized prior to its use to cut raw chicken. Equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be cleaned throughout the day at least every 4 hours. CDI- food employee was instructed to clean and sanitize the equipment and to follow a cleaning schedule of at least every 4 hours. 1.5
General Comments
Follow-Up: 02/17/2023
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 06/27/2022
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Facility does not have written procedures for vomit/diarrheal clean up. A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall have written procedures for EMPLOYEES to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. CDI Emailed procedures to PIC. Repeat. 0.0
10. 6-301.14; Core; Handwashing sink did not have signage. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. 0.0
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Bucket filled with water/soap and rags observred sitting in the handwashing sink. A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than handwashing, a handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. CDI - bucket was moved out of the handwashing sink. 1.0
10. 6-301.11; Priority Foundation; Bathroom handwashing sink does not have soap. Each handwashing sink shall be provided with a supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder, or barsoap. CDI Soap replaced. 0.0
38. 6-501.111 Core; Several flies observed near meat cutters, bug found crawling near mop sink. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of pests shall be maintained by using methods such as trapping devices, or other means of pest control. Increase pest control. 1.0
39. 3-305.12; Core; Foods stored on the floor of both walk-in freezers. Foods shall be protected from contamination by storing foods at least 6 inches off the floor. Move foods off the floor. 1.0
39. 3-307.11; Core; Meat boxes in the large walk-in freezer has ice accumulation from condenser drip. Food shall be protected from contamination. Do not store foods under condenser until the unit is fixed and dripping is no longer occurring. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Small walk-in freezer's gasket is damaged at the bottom. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair. Have gasket repaired/replaced. 0.0
48. 4-501.14; Core; 3-compartment sink's vats are soiled with buildup. Warewashing equipment shall be maintained cleaned throughout the day necessary to prevent recontamination of equipment and utensils, and to ensure the equipment performs its intended function. Clean the 3-compartment sink. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Meat cutters observed soiled on the outside and inside case. Display coolers, display freezers observed soiled on the bottom. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Clean units. 0.5
54. 5-501.111; Core; Garbage dumpster is starting to rust as the bottom, holes are visible. Storage areas, enclosures, and receptacles for REFUSE, recyclables, and returnables shall be maintained in good repair. If having trouble getting dumpsters replaced, send an email to the company so you can provide documentation to EHS that attempts to replace are being made. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Both walk-in freezers floors observed with debris/soiled. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean the floors of both walk-ins. 0.5
55. 6-501.11; Core; Condenser in the large walk-in freezer is dripping water/ice. Physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Have condenser serviced. 0.0
General Comments
Facility has a display hot holding cabinet that had fish pastry stored at 72 degrees F. EHS sent inquiry to plan review about facility's permission

Inspection led by Daniel Cortes
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 11/16/2021
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Procedures for responding to vomiting & diarrheal events are not in place at this facility. Procedures for responding to vomiting & diarrheal events must be provided in written form. This new requirement was discussed. 0.0
28. 7-201.11; Priority; Observed WD-40 and stainless steel polish being stored over the food prep sink. Toxic materials shall not be stored over food prep areas. These chemicals were relocated. 1.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Core; Observed bags of raw chicken thawing in the prep sink without cool running water. TCS foods shall be thawed under refrigeration or under cool running water. Water was turned on to help this food thaw. 0.5
General Comments
Most TCS foods were frozen during the time of inspection.

Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 05/03/2021
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 12/29/2020
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carolina International Mart
Location: 3540 MAITLAND DR suite 110 RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Meat Market
Inspection Date: 09/02/2020
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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