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Facility Type: Schools

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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/19/2023
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair two drinking fountains that have poor water pressure. One fountain is adjacent to the boy's hall bathroom #314 and the other fountain is adjacent to the gym room #112. 20.0
4. The following school restrooms have chipped and stained walls and require repainting: Class bathrooms #204A, #206A, #209A, #210A, #211A, #213A, #215A, #217A, #218A, #220A, and #222A. Staff restrooms #214, #127, and the main office staff bathroom. Both special needs class kitchen #305 restrooms. All of these listed restroom walls require repainting. Repair nonfunctional and leaking toilet in the girl's hall bathroom #103. 15.0
5. Repair nonfunctional and leaking hand wash sink in the health room bathroom #102A. Repair broken hand wash sink plumbing cabinet door in classroom #2304. 15.0
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school locations: classroom #2317, classroom #2310, classroom #2308, classroom #2307, classroom #2306, classroom #2304, classroom #2303, classroom #2301, classroom #216, classroom #213, room #101A, and in the cafeteria dining room at the ceiling air conditioning vents. The sources causing these leaks should be fixed. The water-stained ceiling tiles caused by these leaks should be replaced. The upper wall window ledges in both the gym and cafeteria dining room require cleaning of dust buildup and residue. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional and burned-out ceiling lights in the following school locations: class bathroom #215A, class bathroom #208A, classroom #215, classroom # 213, classroom #216, classroom #2304, staff bathroom #2311, and in the media center. The media center has ten nonfunctional can ceiling light fixtures requiring repair. Dead bugs were present in the ceiling light fixture in class bathroom #215A. This light fixture requires cleaning. Reattach loose ceiling light shield cover in classroom #215. Replace missing ceiling light shield cover in classroom #218. 20.0
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School facility sanitation inspection completed.
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/24/2021
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school building locations: in classroom #216, in the 300 hallway by classroom #313, in the cafeteria dining room #114, and in the gym room #112. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after the sources of all the leaks noted have been repaired. Reattach loose wall handrails on the walkway ramp from the gym to the stage. (Room #112D). Repair damaged wall area behind toilet in classroom bathroom #218A. Replace missing wall base tile by rear exit door in classroom #211. 15.0
11. Standing water is covering the track at the athletic field. The drainage ditch adjacent to the track should be dug out to channel rainfall runoff to the nearby storm water drain. Repair torn areas of ground covering on the main playground. Replace loose and damaged ground cover panels on the kindergarten playground. The spaces between these ground cover panels should also be sealed. The repairs on the ground panels on kindergarten playground are a priority due to the potential of trip hazards. 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/05/2019
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional water fountain in classroom # 209. Repair water fountain with broken control valve in classroom # 217. 20.0
4. Repair leak on toilet flush valve in class bathroom # 222. 20.0
6. Repair water damaged wall beneath water fountain in classroom # 213. 15.0
General Comments
Repair loose ground cover padding on kindergarten playground. (Safety concern due to possible trip hazards.)
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/15/2018
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
4. Mold growth on wall sink junction in male and female restrooms on 23oo hall. Cleaning needed of wall under sinks in same restrooms. Walls and fixtures shall be maintained clean and in good repair. 20.0
11. Several classrooms today have hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, eraser cleaner for smartboards and air fresheners stored within easy access to children. Hand sanitizer should be stored at least 5 feet above the floor and other chemicals should be stored in locked cabinets. Repeat 30.0
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/31/2017
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
3. drinking fountains in rooms 308,318,2305 need cleaning. 20.0
7. All storage areas seen today had storage of items on the floor. Keep items off of the floor for easy cleaning. 10.0
11. Many classrooms seen today had hand sanitizer, eraser cleaner for the smart board, sanitizing wipes, and rubber cement that were not 5 ft. up out of the reach of children. Staff restrooms in the hallways had aerosols and lotions that were not 5ft. up either. These products should be stored in the locked drawers in the bathrooms according to Mr. Richardson. These were corrected as the inspection was done. Some emergency red bags had hand sanitizer gel in them and the bags were not stored 5 ft. off the floor. Either remove the sanitizer from the bags or if hand sanitizer is in the red bags, they shall be stored 5 ft. off the floor. 30.0
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/18/2016
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. Cleaning needed of hallway walls waist level and lower. 15.0
7. B.) Storage on floor observed in the following rooms: Art closets, Music closet, and storage closets on all hallways. Storage is to be kept off of floor. 10.0
11. C.) Teachers restrooms again today had aerosols containers of air freshener unlocked and accessible to children. Keep these restrooms locked if aerosols or other chemical present. The following classrooms had improper chemical storage observed: 211, 208,215, 307, 318, 2301, Music room and Art classroom including closet. Sanitizers and disinfecting wipes are to be kept 5 feet off of the finished floor. Cleaning chemicals are to be kept locked. 30.0
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/16/2014
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
7. B.) Storage on floor observed in the following rooms: Art storage areas, 202, Music storage area, and 311.Keep all storage off floor 10.0
11. C.) Teachers restrooms again unlocked today with aerosolized air fresheners present. Improper aerosol container storage observed in the following rooms: Art classroom and computer classroom. Keep all aerosol containers locked. Improper sanitizer storage observed in the following rooms: Art classroom, 203,206, Computer room, and 213. Keep sanitizer at least 5 feet off finished floor or locked. Improper cleaner chemical storage observed in the following rooms: 203, 206 and 213. Keep all cleaners locked. Keep disinfecting wipes at least 5 feet off floor as well. 30.0
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/01/2013
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. Cleaning needed of walls in stair wells; Repairs needed to peeling paint around light fixture in 300 Hall Girl's restroom; Replacement/repair needed of water damaged ceilings and ceiling tiles in the following rooms: 300 hall Girl's restroom, 2319, Art classroom, and Hallway outside of Art classroom. 15.0
7. B.) Storage observed on the floor in the following rooms: Music storage, Art Storage, 129, 2300 hall teacher storage room, and 200 hall storage room. Keep all storage off floor; Health room restroom used for storage of lost and found items. Do not use restrooms for storage spaces. 10.0
11. Teachers restrooms unlocked with aerosolized air fresheners present. Room 2308 had aerosolized glue present in cabinetry, Art class has spray paint unlocked and room 322 had aerosolized Good Off unlocked. Keep all aerosol containers locked; Cleaning chemicals unlocked in Music room. Keep all cleaning chemicals locked; Hand sanitizer stored less than 5 feet off floor in the following rooms: 322, 303, and Music room. Keep hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes stored at least 5 feet off floor. 30.0
General Comments
Once metered faucet handsinks handles depressed they are to stay on for at least 15 seconds. Numerous bathrooms need to have run times increased.
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/17/2012
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
7. Storage room #202A needs another shelving unit to keep shelving off of the floor. Two classroom restrooms had general storage in them, restroom storage is to be limited to toileting items and changes of clothes for children). 10.0
11. Custodial closet next to receiving room and receiving room need to be kept locked because of chemical storage. A couple of rooms found with disinfectant wipes accessible to students and a couple of rooms found with dry erase board cleaner accessible to students. All chemicals should be stored according to label directions. Five feet up is considered "Out of reach of children". 30.0
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/28/2010
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
5. Several classroom restroom lavatories were out of soap at the time of inspection (210, 220, 222, 207). Repair the hot water faucet in restroom sink in room 220. Two of three faucets are not working properly at the boys restroom across from S2 stairs upstairs. 35.0
11. Store chemicals out of reach of children (or as directed on bottles/containers). Disinfectant wipes, expo dry erase cleaner, rubber cement must all be kept out of reach of children. Cchemicals found accessible to children in numerous rooms. 30.0
General Comments
Do not use classroom restrooms for general storage.
Keep a thermometer in refrigerators used for storage of children's foods. Recommend thermometer in teacher refrigerators as well, the air temperature in the teacher's lounge fridge was 50F, should be maintained at 45F or below.
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Location: 10225 CHAMBERS RD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/24/2009
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
4. The two end faucets in the girls restroom on the 300 hall are not staying on long enough; Re-adjust. 20.0
6. There`s a ceiling leak in Rm 307 which appears to be coming from an AC line. Repair and replace the water-damaged ceiling tiles. 15.0
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