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Wake Assisted Living

2800 Kidd RD

Facility Type: Nursing Homes

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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 01/25/2024
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
1. GC. The carpet appears stained in some areas. Reattach the shoe molding in the laundry room and in room 125-D. Floors must be in good repair. 0.0
2. In room 105-D East Side caulk the holes in the walls. Walls must be in good repair. 1.0
5. Clean the AC vents in the residents rooms to remove the dust. Clean the vents on the AC units in the laundry room to remove the dust. 0.5
16. The hot water in residents restroom as well as the employee restroom near the laundry room was only reaching 95F. Hot water must be between 105F and 116F. 1.5
26. Remove the mattress and the wheelchairs around the brown storage building. The premises shall be properly maintained. 1.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/24/2023
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
2. Observed Loose tile inside some showers in the residents rooms on the west wing. The popcorn ceiling is peeling in several places throughout the facility. Walls and ceilings must be in good repair and easy to clean. 1.0
7. Reattach the sink to the wall in room 126. the sink was very loose from the wall. All sinks must be in good repair. 1.0
8. GC. There were no handwashing sings posted in the restrooms. There must be handwashing signs posted in the restrooms. 0.0
17. The back up water supply is provided by US Foods and is available and complete. 0.0
30. Clean the medicine carts where the single service cups were stored. There was debris on the side of the cart where the single service cups were stored. 1.0
32. The chairs in the TV room are becoming worn. The finish on the chairs are starting to come off the chairs. Clean the ceiling fans in the hallways to remove the dust. All equipment must be stay clean and in good repair. 1.0
33. There was some linen that had holes in them. There were some mattress covers that had holes in them. Bed linens must be in good repair. 0.5
35. Carts for the soiled laundry must be labeled for soiled laundry use only. There were some diapers stored on the floor in the storage room. 1.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/17/2022
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
1. .1309 All floors shall be cleanable and in good repair. Observed loose tiles on the floor in the main floor clean supply linen closet and broken tiled in the laundry room around machines. 0.0
2. .1309 All floors shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed debris on the floor in the closet and under beds in rooms 129D and 114. Debris on the floor in the west wing linen closet, water heater closet, in between laundry equipment and the medical supply room. 1.0
3. .1310 Walls and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed cracked ceilings in the employee lounge and shower room #1. Tub room #2 on the east wing peeling ceiling board. Chipped walls by the bed in room 129D, 114 and room 104. Vinyl base loose in room 129D and linen closet. Missing ceiling molding in housekeeping. Can wash walls and ceiling need repair. 1.0
5. .1311 Ventilation equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed dusty vent filters in the physical therapy room, tv room, main lounge, activity room. HVAC unit in room 104 in need of cleaning. Repeat. 1.0
8. .1312 Fixtures and furnishings shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed correct toilet lid missing in room room 114. Taped toilet lid and tank in room 129D. Observed soiled toilets in west wing shower room #1, west wing shower room #2, west wing shower room #3, room 129D, room 114, and tub room #2. Soiled shower seats in the west wing shower room #1, west wing shower room #3, and room 104, shower room #4. Observed soiled shower curtains in tub room #2 and room 104. Observed slow drain in the sinks in resident bathroom and the west wing shower room #2. Repeat. 2.0
10. .1312 (c) Bedside commodes shall be cleaned after each use and shall be cleaned and disinfected before use by successive patients. Observed soiled bedside commode in west wing tub room #1 and east wing tub room #2. In shower room #2 the bedside commode had black growth in the toilet bucket. 0.5
12. .1312 Lavatories shall be supplied with soap. Observed empty soap dispenser in the housekeeping room. 0.0
30. .1318 (c) Medication carts shall be cleaned when visibly soiled. Observed interior drawers in need of cleaning on the red and blue medicine cart. Repeat. 1.0
32. .1319 All furniture shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed torn mattress protector in room 129D. Observed soiled mattress protector in rooms 114 and 104. Observed torn leather seats in the main lounge and tv room. Room 104 and 114 nightstand drawers were in disrepair. Furniture in every room has exposed wood and needs to be refinished on those areas. 1.0
34. .1319 (b) Carts used for soiled laundry shall be labeled for soiled laundry use only. Observed in the west and east wing shower rooms soiled laundry cart not labeled. 0.0
35. .1319 (c) Patient contact items shall be kept clean and in good repair. Observed diapers on the floor in the east wing tub room #2. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 10/05/2021
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
5. Air vents in medicine closet and janitor closet are dusty. .1311(b); Ventilation equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. Clean vents. Cleaning needed on AC filters. Repeat. 1.0
8. Broken shower handle in shower room #2. Dirty tub in tub room #1. Dirty toilet and chairs in shower room #3. Toilet in one of the residential restroom with a broken handle. .1312(a); Toilet, handwashing, and bathing facilities, and laundry facilities when provided, shall be kept clean and in good repair. Clean and repair these items. 1.0
11. No handwashing sink in or adjacent to medicine room. .1312(d); Handwashing facilities shall be accessible to all areas where personnel may be exposed to bodily excretions or secretions and in sterile supply processing areas, medication rooms, laundry areas, and soiled utility rooms. Implement a hand hygiene program. EHS provided sample sign directing to nearest handsink. May also use handwipes in place of handwashing. 0.0
16. Non-potable water supply was not available at facility, backup water supply plan mentions that the non-potable water supply shall be stored in the outdoor storage shed. .1313(f); The backup water supply plan shall include providing an alternate source of water for essential functions such as food prep, hand washing, bathing, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, and disposal of bodily waste. Keep non-potable water supply on hand as per backup water supply instructions. 0.0
19. In dining room, ice was stored in a small red cooler on the counter top and not protected from contamination. .1314(b); Ice shall be handled, transported, stored, and dispensed in such a manner as to be protected from contamination. Remove ice cooler from counter area. 0.0
28. Two boxes of plastic cups stored on the floor. .1318(a); All patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor. Move boxes off the floor. 0.0
30. Debris buildup on the interior drawers and bottom ledge of medicine carts. .1318(c); Medication carts shall be cleaned when visibly soiled. Clean mentioned areas on medicine carts. 1.0
32. Broken door handle and missing drawer in rm. 127, minor debris in drawers throughout. .1319(a); All furnishings in institutions shall be kept clean and in good repair. Replace or repair broken items. 0.0
33. Stained comforter and linens in rm. 102, linens for box spring and pillowcase stained in rm. 127. .1319(b); Clean bed linen in good repair shall be provided for each individual and shall be changed when soiled. Clean mentioned linens. 1.0
34. Facility unable to provide documentation that disinfectant solution is being properly tested. .1319(b); If low temperature laundry cycles are being used, linens shall be washed in at least 50ppm chlorine or an EPA listed laundry sanitizer shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Acquire laundry invoice that shows the sanitizer is being tested for proper concentrations. 0.0
42. Cartons of milkshake nutritional drink labeled "keep refrigerated" were observed at ambient temperature. .1323(a) All potentially hazardous food shall be maintained at safe temperatures (45F or below, 140F or above). Keep these milk cartons under temperature control, EHS recommends an ice bath during service. 2.0
General Comments
Inspection led by Samantha Sparano.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/08/2021
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
2. Clean the carpets to remove the stains that are visible on the surface of the carpets. Carpets must be clean 1.0
3. The ceilings in the shower rooms are starting to peel around the light fixtures and need to be repaired. All ceilings must be in good repair. 1.0
5. Clean the vents in air condition units to remove the dust. All equipment must be cleaned. 1.0
9. GC. Posted handwashing signs at all handwashing sinks. 0.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.

No signature required due to COVID
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 12/10/2020
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
3. Clean the carpet throughout the nursing home. The carpet on the memory care side of the nursing home is worn and might need to be replaced soon. 2.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.
No Signature required due to COVID
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/19/2019
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
3. In shower room 1 the paint is peeling on the ceiling. In room 124 the paint is peeling. In the shower room the paint on the wall is peeling. All ceilings must be in good repair. 1.0
4. Replace the blown light bulbs in tub #2 restroom. 1.0
5. Clean the vents in the several rooms to remove the dust. In rooms 116, 124, 127,and 131. 1.0
32. In rooms 127 and 131 there was fecal matter on two cloth chairs . All furniture must clean and in good repair. 1.0
General Comments
The room inspected were 101, 116, 120, 124, 127, 131. All the shower rooms and tub rooms were inspected.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 11/01/2018
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
1. Threshhold carpet strip missing in room 113. Floors shall be maintained easy to clean. Replace carpet strip. 0.0
2. Floors in all patient room closets observed, in middle hall storage room, and beauty salon, were soiled with residue and debris. Floors shall be maintained clean and in good repair so cleanable. Increase cleaning frequency to these areas. 0.0
3. Walls with plaster/paint damage in dresser alcove areas in all patient rooms observed. West wing Linen Room had plaster peeling on ceiling. Walls and ceilings shall be maintained in good repair. Repair these areas. 1.0
4. Blinds not working in Rm. 107 with lighting at 7 foot candles. East Wing Custodial Closet has 2 light bulbs out. Light bulb out in Rm 107. Both light fixture covers broken in Laundry Room. Fixtures shall be maintained clean and in good repair and with lighting maintained to at least 10 foot candles. 1.0
5. A/C wall units with debris and dust accumulation in all resident rooms. Ventilation equipment shall be maintained clean. Increase cleaning frequency. 0.0
8. Caulking around sinks peeling away from wall, not smooth and cleanable, in Rm 120, 127, and 113. Handwash sinks shall be maintained clean, cleanable, and in good repair. Repair these areas. 0.0
12. Several handwash sinks without paper towels (staff bathroom, Tub Room #2, kitchen). Soap dispenser in East Wing custodial closet broken, needs replacement. Handwash sinks shall be maintained with soap and paper towels or other hand drying device. Paper towels provided during inspection. 1.5
14. San-o-15 is being used to disinfect tub and shower facilities and has a contact time of 10 minutes. When asked, staff stated that they use a contact time of 7-10 minutes. Use a timer or other method to ensure the full 10 minute contact time specified for your disinfectant is being observed. 0.0
24. One live bug in tub room, appeared to be a baby cockroach. The premises shall be maintained free of vermin. Increase pest control measures. 0.0
30. Medication carts soiled with residue and debris accumulation. Carts shall be maintained clean. Increase cleaning frequency. Disposable spoons stored in mixed directions. Store spoons in same direction with handle side up so that caregivers will be touching handle-side, not mouth-side when used. Medication and drink cups in one cart co-mingled with other food and storage items. Create better separation to protect cups from potential contamination. 1.0
35. In room 120, comforter torn and plastic mattress cover torn. In room 107, comforter torn, plastic mattress cover torn, toilet seat riser with residue accumulation needs cleaning, and pillowcase stained. In room 113, dresser with residue accumulation, bed sheet and comforter stained. In Lounge, piano soiled with residue accumulation, needs cleaning. Patient contact items shall be maintained clean and in good repair. Torn bedding removed. Increase cleaning frequency to toilet risers and piano. 0.5
40. Raw shell eggs stored in activity room refrigerator for staff use and for residents to bake a cake. Move staff food to staff refrigerator. This is a Highly Susceptible Population, so ensure any eggs used for residents are Pasteurized, or only for immediately baking a cake as intended. 0.5
42. Cartons of milk stored in bottom drawer of medicine cart with other storage items. Food shall be stored in a protected manner and to maintain a temperature of 45F or below, or discarded within 2 hours of removal from temperature control. Milk was discarded by staff. 0.0
General Comments
FLI authorization inspection with Jennifer Moore, led by Joanne Rutkofske.

Rooms inspected include: Rm 120, 127, 107, 113, beauty salon, lounge, storage, linen room, shower rooms, tub room, activity room, laundry room, custodial closet.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/24/2018
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
3. Clean the carpet to remove the soil and dirty build up. 1.0
5. Clean the vent in rooms 127 and 101 to remove the dust. Clean the ceiling fan blades to remove the dust. 0.0
24. There were dead bed bugs in room 106. The rooms are being heat treated. 1.5
General Comments
Back up water in dietary. A contract with water company. There is back up water in the pantry.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/17/2017
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
3. In the Med room the paint is peeling on the ceiling. The trim in the med room needs to be repainted. In room s 101, 104,109, and 114 the popcorn ceiling is peeling off the walls. All walls and ceilings must be in good repair. 1.0
5. Clean the filters on the AC units. Clean the vents in the rooms to remove the dust. Some of the filters are broken. All equipment must be in good repair. 1.0
12. In shower room number one there was no paper towel at the hand sink. Provide hand soap at all hand sinks. 1.5
16. Back up water supply is in place but not adequate due to the water in the storage area that needs to be replaced. There must be 2 liters of water per day for drinking 0.0
General Comments
The door seals in rooms 114 and 105 need to be repainted.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 02/24/2017
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
5. filters were broken in these areas: in the kitchen dining area, t.v. lounge area, broken blind in the activity room. Most rooms checked today had dirty vents that need cleaning. 1.0
8. in tub room #1 and tub rom #2 the toilets need cleaning. In tub room #2 the potty chair was rusted on the legs. 1.0
13. all rooms/tub areas checked for water temps were 100-105 except for room 124 which had a sink temp of 95 degrees. 0.0
16. Back up water supply plan is in place but not adequate and needs more details. This should include 2 liters of water per day per person for drinking, plan for relocating residents or providing an alternate source of water for essential functions such as food prep, hand washing, bathing, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry and disposal of bodily waste. Manager given copy of the institution rules on this. [Repeat] 1.0
32. in the bathroom of room 103 the vanity cabinet is in poor repair and the door is falling off. Have this repaired. Repair the hole in the bathroom door in room 102. 0.0
33. in room 115 there was a stain on the fitted sheet, in room 102 the top sheet and draw sheet was stained, in room 103 the waterproof mattress cover was torn. These will be changed out. 1.0
35. few rooms had diapers stored on the floor in the closet. These were moved to an upper shelf. Repeat. 0.5
General Comments
in shower room #3 there was a can of spray air freshener and one can of disinfectant spray that were in an unlocked cabinet up on the wall. These were removed to another location. Mop sink faucet was on. Keep water turned off at the can wash when not is use to prevent backflow damage.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/26/2016
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
1. Observed tile damage in the storage room next to the food employee`s bathroom. Ensure that all floors are easy to clean with no obstacles. 0.0
13. Facility was borderline 99/100 degrees throughout rooms and bathrooms checked. Recommended that they turn the water heater up a little to ensure that hot water at all hand sinks are 100-116 degrees F. 0.0
14. Observed staff member cleaning and using an all purpose cleaning solution for disinfectant. Facility uses bleach as disinfectant. Ensure that all purpose cleaning is not the last step in sanitizing. Bleach disinfectant shall conclude the cleaning process. Label all chemical bottles with the common name of the working ingredient. 2.0
16. Back up water supply plan is in place but not adequate. This should include 2 liters of water per day per person for drinking, plan for relocating residents or providing an alternate source of water for essential functions such as food prep, hand washing, bathing, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry and disposal of bodily waste. Manager given copy of the institution rules on this. [Repeat] Current back up water supply plan doesn`t address all the information that`s needed for adequacy. 1.0
34. PIC printed me out a spec sheet for the wash machine but the specifications are not adequate in regards to chemical/hot water sanitizing. If hot water is used, linen including sheets, pillow cases, absorbent pads, towels and wash cloths provided by the facility shall be washed with a detergent in water at least 71°C (160°F) for 25 minutes. If low temperature (less than 71° C) laundry cycles are used, linens shall be washed in at least 50 parts per million chlorine or an EPA Listed laundry sanitizer shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions. Contact manufacture to get a more in depth spec sheet in regards to sanitizing. Have onsite before the next inspection for verification that laundry is being cleaned properly. 0.0
35. Diapers and other patient contact items were being stored on the closet floors of room 126,107, the shower room and in a storage closet. These items are to be stored at least 8 inches off the floor. Keep patient contact items elevated. REPEAT 0.5
General Comments
Ensure that water is turned off at can wash when not in use to prevent backflow damage, also ensure that all patient cups are being labeled per patient's name.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 03/20/2015
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
3. tile needs to be repaired on the shower of room 132, popcorn ceiling peeling in the linen closet, hole in the wall near the towel rack in the bathroom in room 101, towel bar in the bathroom missing in room 108 1.0
5. air vents in the bathrooms, shower rooms and tub rooms throughout the facility need cleaning. Activity room vents (on the unit on the floor) need cleaning also. in room 115 part of the panel covering the ventilation unit is broken. 1.0
8. one toilet seat loose in room 119. in the Shower room 1 the handle assembly is missing. 0.0
14. sanitizer seen on the house keeping cart was too strong. Need to make sure the bottles are labeled as sanitizer and are made to the correct concentration. Sanitizing strips had just run out and the house keeping manager has ordered some more. 1.0
28. In the utility closet there was one bag with a bedspread in it that was stored on the floor. This needs to be put up on the shelf. 0.0
30. both medicine carts needs wiping down on the outside and the holders on the sides need cleaning. Open containers of applesauce were found in both medicine carts. These were discarded. Foods used to mix with medicine needs to be used within 3-4 hours. 1.0
32. in the upper cabinet in room 123 a repair needs to be made on the sides of the shelving. 0.0
33. stained pillow cases seen in rooms: 130 (bed on the left), 123 (both beds), 112, (bed on the left) 1.0
35. Diapers were seen on the floor of the closets in rooms: 132,130,107. Patient contact items must be stored at least 8 inches off the floor. 0.0
General Comments
in the medicine room, the refrigerator containing medicines was measuring 60-70 degrees and the door was open. The power surge protector had been knocked off due to the location of the protector. The surge protector will be relocated to a safer area where the power cannot be shut off.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 10/10/2014
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
3. Popcorn cleaning in storage room is falling and needs repair; holes in bathroom doors from outside doors opening into rooms; repair doors and suggest getting door stoppers to prevent future holes. Hole in wall near towel rack in Rm #103; repair hole; cabinet in bathroom in #103 is ruff on the corner and needs to be smoothed out. 1.0
4. A couple of lights burned out in Rm #107. 0.0
5. Ceiling fans, ceilings in hallways and air vents in rms 121, 124, laundry room and employee bathroom have dust build up and need cleaning. 1.0
8. Minor cleaning needed on tub door and in tub in both tub rooms. 0.0
28. Diapers in various rooms were stored on the floor; recommend storing off the floor or in tub containers to prevent contamination. 0.5
30. Minor wiping needed on medication cart. 0.0
32. Headboard in Rm # 105 needs tightening on the bed on the right. Wipeout overhead cabinets in Rm #107 & 103. 1.0
33. Rags on towel rack in a couple of rooms; Rm #103 had resident clothing on the bed or underneath the pillows; put soiled laundry in the appropriate place. Rm #105 had a stained pillow and one dirty sheet. Sheets were stripped off one bed and were not replaced. 1.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/28/2013
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
16. No approved backup water supply plan could be provided at time of inspection. Only approximately 1.5 cases of small water bottles were available in kitchen to supply 55 residents (capacity 60). The local health department shall be immediately notified if the primary water supply is interrupted for more than four hours. Each institution shall have a plan to obtain a backup water supply in the event that the water supply is lost for more than four hours. The backup water supply plan shall provide for two liters of water per day per person for drinking. The backup water supply plan shall include a plan for either relocating residents or providing an alternative source of water for essential functions such as food preparation, hand washing, bathing, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry and disposal of bodily waste. The amount of water provided for uses other than drinking may be reduced if the plan includes alternatives for water use for services such as laundry and dishwashing. If an assessment determines that tap water is not to be used for drinking, sources shall be prominently labeled or hooded to restrict use and potable water shall be provided. 1.0
34. Repeat violation: Clean laundry stored on rack in direct contact with bottles of chemicals. Store clean laundry separate from chemicals. One laundry hamper in laundry room for one resident's personal laundry being washed has brown residue on surfaces and must be cleaned before clean laundry is placed into it. 1.0
General Comments
Torn mattress covers observed in rooms 115, 129. Wipes stored on floor in one storage room (store 8 inches above floor). Other patient contact items were in good repair and stored properly. Minor floor cleaning needed under beds and in closets for dust. Ensure that soiled potty chairs are cleaned before the next resident uses them.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 02/12/2013
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
2. Floors in closets and in janitor supply room need cleaning. Floors must be clean and in good repair. 0.0
3. Brown spot present on wall by restroom in room 120. Wall damaged and lacking baseboard near TV in room 121; bathroom door damaged in same room. 1.0
5. Found A/C unit to have dirty filters in day room. Be sure the filters are cleaned frequently to prevent buildup. Maintenance man is cleaning filters today. 0.0
8. Shower curtain dirty or stained in shower room #3. Cleaning needed on shower chair in shower room #4. 0.0
13. Hand sink in residents' restroom in hall has hot water at 140F. Temper water between 100-116F. 1.0
25. Pesticides in janitors' room stored above boxes of gloves on shelving. Pesticides shall be used as directed on the label and shall be so handled and stored as to avoid health hazards. 1.0
32. Torn mattress pad and stained sheet in room 101. Pillow stained in room 120. Upholstery torn on at least one piece of furniture in TV lounge room. Furniture must be clean and in good repair. 1.0
34. Clean laundry stored on rack in direct contact with bottles of chemicals. Store clean laundry separate from chemicals. Carts used for soiled laundry unlabeled. Soiled laundry shall be handled and stored separately from clean laundry using separate cleanable carts or bags. Carts used for soiled laundry shall be labeled for soiled laundry use only. It was unknown how the linens are disinfected. If hot water is used, linen including sheets, pillow cases, absorbent pads, towels and wash cloths provided by the facility shall be washed with a detergent in water at least 71?C (160?F) for 25 minutes. If low temperature (less than 71? C) laundry cycles are used, linens shall be washed in at least 50 parts per million chlorine or an EPA Listed laundry sanitizer shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This shall not preclude the approval of other chemicals or processes shown to produce a 99.9 percent reduction of the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on laundry. The wash temperatures and chemicals required for linens shall not apply to personal laundry provided and used by a resident. Clean linen shall be stored and handled in a separate room or area, or in another manner that will prevent contamination of clean linen. Laundry areas and equipment shall be kept clean. 1.0
35. Repeat violation: Adult diapers stored on a shelf that is sitting on the floor in a storage closet. Patient contact items must be stored 8" off the floor. Administrator says that outside storage sheds contain only maintenance items and patient files so they were not included in this inspection. 1.0
General Comments
Vacuum breaker is leaking water in janitor room.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/15/2012
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
2. Repeat: Found floors in rooms throughout the facility to need better cleaning in the corners and along the walls. Need to clean the floors in the linen closet. Floors must be clean and in good repair. 1.0
3. General Comment: Clean the walls next to the bed in room 126. Clean and repair the walls in room 113. Wall paper was torn from the wall in room 131. Found the walls in the restrooms to need better cleaning. Walls and the ceilings must be clean and in good repair. 0.0
5. Found A/C vents to have dirty filters throughout the facility. Be sure the filters are cleaned on a regular basis. Found A/C filters in the activity room to be missing or broken. Found ceiling vents in restrooms to need cleaning. 1.0
8. Repeat: Found several sinks to have gaps between the wall and the sink which make them difficult to clean. Found caulk to be missing around the base of the toilet in room 132. Remove junk being stored in the handsink in the utility room where the bed pan sink is located. Toilet and lavatory facilities must be clean and in good repair. 1.0
14. Found the facility to not be disinfecting toilets, showers, handsinks, and bathtubs after use. They are cleaning these items but are not disinfecting afterwards. Be sure to use an approved disinfectant according to the labeled instructions to properly disinfect patient contact items. 1.0
32. Found cabinet drawers to be dirty and in bad repair. Found the barber shop chair to be torn which makes it difficult to clean. Found mattress cover to be torn in rooms 115 and 125. Found a hole in the bathroom door in room 113. Found therapy mat in room 113 to be torn. Furniture must be clean and in good repair. 1.0
34. General Comment: Found laundry to be picked up and returned in 4 white rolling bag holders. The employee stated that she goes to pick up the dirty cloths using a plastic bag in the rolling bag holder. Then the clothes are drapped over the rolling bag holder when they are returned. Be sure to label certain carts at "clean" for handling clean linen and others are labeled "dirty" for picking up dirty linen. 0.0
35. Repeat: Found adult diapers, underwear, and underpads to be stored on the floor or on a shelf that is sitting on the floor in a storage closet. Found adult diapers stored on the floor in the outside storage shed. Patient contact items must be stored 8" off the floor. Found a urine measuring cup stored on the handrail in the bathroom in room 108. 1.0
General Comments
Be sure to have proper handwashing discussions with employees on a regular basis.

Employee handwashing signs are needed in the employee restrooms.

It appeared that overall cleaning was better in the West Wing than in the East Wing.
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/07/2011
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
2. Found hallway carpet to be stained and worn throughout the facility. Found carpet to have damage at the doorway of room 132. Found floors tiles to have damage in rooms 105 and 101. Found floors to be sticky and stained in room 105. Found floors in several rooms to need better cleaning in the corners, behind beds, and up against the walls. Be sure to reattach the loose wall/floor coving in rooms where it has become loose. Found floors in the tub rooms to be dirty. Tub rooms are about to be under construction. Floors must be clean and in good repair. 2.0
3. Walls and the ceiling need repair around the guest restrooms. Need to fix holes in the doors in rooms 115 and 106. Walls and the ceiling must be clean and in good repair. 0.0
8. Found several sinks to be loose from the wall or have gaps between the sink and the wall creating a cleaning hazard. Found toilet seat to be missing in the restroom for room 101. Need to clean inside the sink vanitiy in room 101. 1.0
32. Found drawers and cabinents in several rooms to need cleaning. 0.0
34. home-type washer in use; shared linen must be washed in a solution containing 50 ppm bleach; in order to do this in a home type washer, bleach needs to be added to the wash water, and the water needs to be ested with chlorine test strips until 50 ppm is reached. Found there to be no bleach or no test strips to be in the laundry rooms. 1.0
35. Found adult diapers to be stored on a shelf that is sitting on the floor in a storage closet. Found boxes of paper towels, bath tissue, and exam gloves to be stored on the floor in the utility closet. Found clean blankets stored on the floor in the clean linen closet. Patient contact items must be stored 8" off the floor. Found personal adult diapers to be stored on the closet floors. Try to talk to residents to store off the floor. 1.0
General Comments
Complaint #: 2358648
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/07/2010
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
2. the carpet is stained and worn and needs to be replaced; 1.0
5. clean the HVAC filters and replace any missing filters; clean AC unit as needed ( splash and stains ); dust the bathroom exhaust vents 1.0
8. the tile in the shared bathrooms was painted at some point; the paint is flaking off the tiles; paint is also flaking off the paint rails in the bathrooms; caulk the commode in the bathroom with the "pretty" tile; the hand sink faucet in 124 is starting to corrode; the metal door frames to individual bathrooms were painted; rust spots are appearing at the base of several door frames 1.0
14. a disinfectant spray is available; clean the shared bathrooms after each used and spray the area with disinfectant; let disinfectant air dry 0.0
28. keep all storage off the ground ( additional shelving may be needed ); shelving units with a bottm shelf on the floor trap dust and debris under the bottom shelf; sweep the storage rooms 0.5
34. home-type washer in use; shared linen must be washed in a solution containing 50 ppm bleach; in order to do this in a home type washer, bleach needs to be added to the wash water, and the water needs to be ested with chlorine test strips until 50 ppm is reached ( commercial washer will be replaced ); use shatterproof light bulbs in storage rooms that contain laundry; clean the hard-to-reach areas in the laundry room 1.0
35. replace rusty toilet chairs ( see room 124 for example ); two of the shower chairs in the West Wing shared bathrooms need repair or replacement; one has bent legs creating a seating surface that is not level, the other one has lost two rubber feet and is stained yellow; clearly separate personal items ( brushes, tooth brushes, shavers ) in the bathrooms 0.5
General Comments
Note : one of the three bathrooms near the laundry area is accessible to residents; at the time of inspection, the hot water temperature at the hand sink was 116 F; in the past, the temperature at this sink was above 130 F; monitor the temperature; hot water in areas accessible to residents should be at 100-116 F ;
GC # 3 : part of the building was renovated; renovations are ongoing in the other sections; the walls in the older areas need repair and paint; the caulking behind the new hand rails is shrinking creating small holes; re-caulk the handrails as needed; repair bent insect screens ;
GC # 34 : recommend installing a hand sink in the laundry room; employees need to wash hands before handling clean laundry and after handling soiled linen ;
GC # 32 : check the mattress covers frequently and replace torn covers
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/26/2009
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
35. urinals need to be labeled with the resident`s name; replace rusty toilet chair in one shared bath; replace rusty toilet chair in 126; 0.5
32. replace torn mattresses and clean and sanitize all mattresses on a regular basis; clean the personal chair in 126 1.0
28. keep all storage off the ground ( additional shelving may be needed ); include floors, walls and ceiling in the utility room in the renovations 0.5
14. provide an EPA registered disinfectant spray for the shared bathrooms; shared bathrooms need to be cleaned and disinfected after each user ( showers and tubs ); 1.0
13. the hot water in the three public bathrooms across from the laundry room reaches above 130 F; one of them is accesible to residents; either lower the hot water temperature or make all three of these bathrooms employee bathrooms 1.0
8. the tile in the shared bathrooms was painted at some point; the paint is flaking off the tiles; one shared bathroom needs minor ceiling repairs , too 1.0
2. all the carpet needs to be replaced; 1.0
General Comments
Note : renovations are ongoing; East Wing has only three occupied rooms; the rest will not be occupied until after the renovations ; repair the commercial washing machine ;
GC # 4 : lighting is still too low in bathrooms that have not been remodeled; increase lighting to reach 10 foot candles ; replace the light bulb in the clean linen storage room with a shatterproof bulb ;
GC # 3 : wheel chair damage to walls and doors; the divider between TV room and office is starting to get stained ;
Note : any window, that is used for ventilation, needs to be screened to keep insects out of the building ;
GC # 5 : clean the A/C units as needed ( splash on the outside of the units and filters )
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 10/29/2008
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
2. the carpet needs to be replaced; wax is seeping into the carpoet at doors; the carpet in one TV lounge has a lot of stains; wax is building up along walls and furniture in a couple of bedrooms 1.0
3. wheelchair damage to corners and doors; many door frame bases are rusty; in the lounge near the entrance, the paint is flaking off the walls 1.0
4. lighting is still too low in bathrooms that have not been remodeled; increase lighting to reach 10 foot candles 1.0
8. paint is flaking off the tiles in the shared baths; the ceiling paint is flaking, too, and walls near commodes need repair; caulk cracks in tiled areas 1.0
13. the hot water reaches up to 125 F in the bedrooms, and one shared toilet has hot water at 145 F 1.0
28. clean the floor tiles in the housekeeping area 0.5
32. replace torn mattresses; replace cloth furniture with vinyl covered furniture 1.0
35. urinals need to be labeled with the resident`s name; replace rusty toilet chair in one shared bath; remove duct tape from shower chairs and toilet chairs 0.5
General Comments
GC # 17 : the drinking fountain is turned off ;
GC # 14 : the shared bathrooms must be cleaned and disinfected after each user ;
GC # 16 : check on the status of the water supply backup plan
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 02/13/2008
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
1. the carpet has some definite signs of wear; several transition strips between carpet and tile floor are missing, the edges are fraying, and there are a few permanent stains; the paint on the common bathroom floors is chipping off ( tile floor was painted ) 1.0
3. wheel chair damage to doors and walls; the metal door frames at entrances to bathrooms are rusting ( several have significant corrosion near the base of the door frame ); several rooms need baseboards; repair damaged bathroom walls; a crack runs through the wall in room 132 and continues into room 130; repair the wall in the former bathroom-now storage room; a lot of the resident bathrooms need small patches and paint; paint is peeling off the wall in the hallway across from the activity lounge 1.0
8. in one common bath, the toilet seat is missing; in one of the bathrooms acros from the activity lounge, the toilet seat is broken; replace the older faucets ( as in rooms 105 and 109 ); re-caulk the hand sink in the handicapped bathroom 1.0
13. in the bathrooms across the hall from the activity lounge, the hot water reaches above 150 F; keep these bathrooms locked and use them as staff bathrooms only until the water temperature can be adjusted to 100-116 F; in the 100 hall, the hot water reaches up to 119 F; slightly lower the hot water temperature at the water heater for this hall 1.0
14. no disinfectant available; provide an EPA registered hospital disinfectant for bathroom cleaning; use this disinfectant after routine cleaning of resident bathrooms; the common baths need to be cleaned and disinfected after each user 1.0
17. the fountain has pink algae growth ( use the kitchen sanitizer to sanitize the fountain mouth piece ) 1.0
28. keep all storage off the floor; replace storage racks that have the bottom shelf on the ground with units that have a bottom shelf 12 inches off the ground 0.5
General Comments
GC # 4 : lighting is insufficient in resident bathrooms with a shower; increase lighting in these bathrooms to 10 foot candles; one common bath, the small storage room near the activity room, and the linen closet need light shields ;
GC # 5 : clean the ceiling vent covers in the 100 hall
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 03/27/2007
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
2. carpets have numerous stained areas; carpet is sticky 1.0
3. most door frames are rusting at the bottom; doors have extensive damage from wheel chairs; replace bathroom door in 116 1.0
4. replace all missing light shields and broken light bulbs 1.0
7. front and back porch are smoking areas; smoke is drawn into the building through open doors and windows 1.0
8. replace faucet handles as needed;floor tiles in community bathrooms where painted, not replaced; paint is starting to chip off; soap dispensers are attached to the wall with a double sided tape; the tape does not hold, and soap dispensers are sitting on commodes and sinks 1.0
10. hopper sink is not in use; clear the hopper sink and the hand sink next to it; this is where bed pans and urinals are to be cleaned 0.5
14. cleaner and disinfectant need to be stored in the bathrooms for easy access; clan and disinfect after each resident 1.0
28. remove all stored items that are accumulating outside the building; raise all storage shelves to at least 8 inches above the ground ( you need to be able to clean under shelves ); do not anything under a storage shelf 1.0
30. sharp containers on med carts where unlocked; keep sharp containers loked 1.0
32. chairs and other furniture in common areas have stains and small tears; replace soft cloth covers with washable vinyl covers 1.0
General Comments
GC # 34 : hand sink in the laundry room was removed; employees need to wash hands before handling clean laundry; re-install hand sink
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/17/2006
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
3. ceiling in lounge needs repair; ceiling above nursing station needs repair; ceiling paint is starting to peel off in high humidity rooms like bathrooms and kitchen; damage to baseboards and walls; replace damaged doors 1.0
4. replace missing or broken light shields where needed; supply each resident bathroom with two bright light bulbs 1.0
5. hallway temperature is 86 - 90 degrees Fahrenheit 1.0
8. hand sink fixtures are corroding; re-grout showers as needed 1.0
11. bedpans need to be cleaned at the hopper sink; keep the hand sink in the hopper room free of storage 1.0
14. community bathrooms need a cleaner and a separate disinfectant ; clean and disinfect shower after each resident 1.0
28. keep all storage 12 inches off the ground to allow for cleaning; keep the housekeeping cart clean and clean the mop sink room 1.0
34. no hand sink available in the laundry room; provide separate carts for clean and dirty items and label the carts accordingly 2.0
General Comments
GC # 1 : carpets are stained; floors are in the process of being waxed
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Wake Assisted Living
Location: 2800 Kidd RD RALEIGH, NC 27610
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/31/2006
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
2. Clean resident room bathroom floors. Clean Shower floor tile. Some Mold present in community shower floor tile. Clean floors beneath beds in resident rooms. Replace missing base tile in lounge area by wall. Repair/Repaint scraped floor tile in bathroom 1.0
3. Repair ceiling leak in room #106 bathroom . Repaint ceiling inthis area. Repaint ceiling in store room by activity room lounge 1.0
General Comments
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