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Mellow Mushroom

9600 Brier Creek PKY

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/10/2024
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
21. 3-501.16(A)(1); Priority; Parts of tomato sauce was holding at less than 135F. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in hot holding shall be maintained at 135F or above. CDI - PIC moved container of tomato sauce onto griddle for rapid reheating. 0.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; A couple TCS foods in the drawer of the pizza prep cooler were holding at 42-43F. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - Foods were moved into freezer for rapid cooling. Great improvement from previous inspection. 1.5
23. 3-501.18; Priority; A container of prepped mac and cheese cups did not have date marking, when asked the PIC stated that these cups are kept for three days. A TCS, ready-to-eat, refrigerated food either prepared in the establishment or opened from a container shall be discarded if it is in a container that does not contain a date or day. CDI - Mac and cheese cups were prepared earlier today, correct date was added. 1.5
28. 7-201.11; Priority; Observed a sanitizer bucket stored next to cardboard pizza boxes. Poisonous/toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service/single-use articles by: Separation by spacing or partitioning; and locating the poisonous/toxic materials in an area not above the mentioned items. CDI - Sanitizer bucket was relocated. 1.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Observed a couple clear plastic containers stacked together while wet. Clean equipment and utensil shall be stored in a self-draining position that allows air drying; and covered or inverted. CDI - PIC separated containers to be cleaned. 0.0
General Comments
If there are food or sanitation questions, contact your Registered Environmental Health Specialist at or 919-618-8964.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/05/2023
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; The TCS foods stored in the salad prep cooler were holding at a range of 53-60F, see table above. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - PIC voluntarily discarded out-of-temperature foods, do not place TCS foods in this cooler is repaired. Maintenance service has been called and scheduled for 12/6/2023. 3.0
33. 3-501.15; Core; Cooling cooked spinach and cooling cooked potatoes were placed in container with tight plastic wrapping, though cooling rate was achieved. When placed in cooling/cold holding equipment, food containers in which food is being cooled shall be loosely covered or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination during the cooling period to facilitate heat transfer from the surface of the food. CDI - Foods were removed and placed onto flat pans for rapid cooling. 0.0
General Comments
If there are any food or sanitation questions, contact your Registered Environmental Health Specialist at or 919-618-8964.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/07/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Cooked mushrooms and cooked onions stored in the top section of the prep cooler were holding above 41F. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - Containers moved into freezer for rapid cooling. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Core; Prepped stuffed mushrooms were cooling in the walk-in cooler placed inside a container tightly wrapped in plastic. When placed in cooling/cold holding equipment, food containers in which food is being cooled shall be loosely covered or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination during the cooling period to facilitate heat transfer from the surface of the food. CDI - Plastic lifted and allowing for better cooling. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; The floor in the walk-in cooler was dirty under some of the shelving. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean under shelving. 0.5
General Comments
If there are any questions, contact your Registered Environmental Health Specialist at or 919-618-8964.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/17/2023
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; The TCS salad dressings were stored on the counter, therefore their temperatures were above proper cold holding temperatures. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - PIC voluntarily discarded out-of-temperature foods. Ensure that the salad dressings are either stored in coolers or submerged in the counter ice bath. 1.5
28. 7-201.11; Priority; A bucket of sanitizing liquid was stored above a container of bread on a rolling cart. Poisonous/toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service/single-use articles by: Separation by spacing or partitioning; and locating the poisonous/toxic materials in an area not above the mentioned items. CDI - Sanitizer bucket relocated to a lower shelf. 1.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Observed corn meal dust and flour buildup on the floor throughout the front prep area. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean the floors more frequently. 0.0
General Comments
If there are any questions, contact your Registered Environmental Health Specialist at or 919-618-8964.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/09/2022
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
39. 3-305.11; Core; Observed a few boxes of food stored on the floor of the freezer. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food: At least 6 inches above the floor; Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and in a clean, dry location. Store boxes of food on shelving. 1.0
39. 6-404.11; Priority Foundation; Observed a couple dented food cans stored with whole, intact cans. Products that are held by the permit holder for credit, redemption, or return to the distributor such as damaged, spoiled, or recalled products shall be segregated and held in designated areas that are separated from food, equipment, utensils, etc. CDI - Dented cans removed from storage. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/24/2022
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; A few TCS foods in the prep top coolers, and some packages of shredded mozzarella, were above 41F. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - Prep lids closed and cheese moved to walk-in cooler for cooling. EHS recommends putting lids on TCS foods in prep coolers without lids to keep them cold. 1.5
48. 4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Establishment has a high-temp testing device for the dishwasher, but it is not operating and the batteries need to be replaced. In hot water mechanical warewashing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. CDI - Establishment has extra batteries and will be replaced. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 02/04/2022
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
10. 5-202.12; Core; One automatic hand sink in men's bathroom is not providing sufficient water flow. A self-closing, slow-closing, or metering faucet shall provide a flow of water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet. Adjust this sink to provide water of sufficient capacity. 1.0
16. 4-602.11; Core; Soda dispensing nozzles at soda fountain next to bar were observed with residue. In equipment such as beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of beverage and syrup dispensing lines/tubes shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude the accumulation of soil or mold. CDI - Nozzles were removed for cleaning. 0.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Multiple TCS foods in the drawer cooler and sandwich prep cooler are not maintaining proper cold holding temperatures. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - PIC voluntarily discarded out of temperature foods. Until this unit is fixed no TCS foods shall be stored in these units. 1.5
General Comments
Informal follow-up visit for cold holding issues on 2/07/2022. No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions. Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/21/2021
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
10. 5-202.12; Core; One handwashing sink in men's room was unable to reach 100F. A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100F through a mixing valve or combination faucet. CDI - Sink adjusted to now provide water of adequate temperatures. 0.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; TCS foods in pizza prep top cooler and pizza drawer cooler not maintaining proper cold holding temperatures. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in cold holding shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI - Due to the fact that the foods were recently placed in unit, they were moved to walk-in cooler. Unit was adjusted. 1.5
23. 3-501.18; Priority; One container of cooked curry chicken over seven days old in reach-in cooler. A food shall be discarded if it is appropriately marked with a date that exceeds the correct temperatures and time of 7 days. CDI - Container voluntarily discarded by PIC. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Concentration of sanitizer for wiping cloths in prep areas was too low. Cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment surfaces shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer at a concentration specified by the manufacturer. CDI - Emptied out buckets and refilled with new sanitizer. 0.5
48. 4-302.13 (B); Priority Foundation; No measuring device for the facility's high-temperature dish machine was available. In hot water warewashing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring utensil surface temperature. Acquire a high temp dish machine thermometer. Follow-up by 10/29/2021 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:

No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions. If there are any questions, contact me at or 919-618-8964.
Follow-Up: 10/29/2021
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/05/2021
Score: 99.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions. If there are any questions contact me at or 919-618-8964.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/12/2020
Score: 99.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Inspection led by Samantha Sparano. No PIC signature due to COVID-19.
Follow-Up: 11/20/2020
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/09/2020
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/18/2019
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Mellow Mushroom
Location: 9600 Brier Creek PKY RALEIGH, NC 27617
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/23/2019
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
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