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Memo's Pizza

877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/13/2024
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Observed raw chicken being stored directly above RTE foods.- Foods shall be stored according to final cook temperatures and to prevent cross-contamination- CDI, items moved to proper storage procedures. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Observed multiple items (see chart above) that were above 41 degrees F.- TCS foods stored for cold holding shall be at 41 degrees F or less.- CDI, items moved and unit lids closed. 1.5
39. 6-404.11; Priority Foundation; Observed dented cans being stored with other food.- Products that are held by the PERMIT HOLDER for credit, redemption, or return to the distributor, such as damaged, spoiled, or recalled products, shall be segregated and held in designated areas that are separated from FOOD, EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, LINENS, and SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES- CDI, items removed to be sent back for credit. 1.0
49. 4-602.13; Core; Undersides/backsides of equipment door handles, sides/edges of equipment doors, solid metal shelving, ventilation fan surfaces (very dusty). Also, protective plastic was peeling under sink drainboards...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of equipment above, and remove protective plastic from drainboards. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Cleaning is needed on the floors/walls throughout facility.- Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.- Please clean floors/walls throughout. 0.0
General Comments
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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/30/2023
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
10. The hand wash sinks could not meet minimum water temperature requirements as hot water was not in working condition. Ensure that a minimum of 100F water is available to the handsinks. 5-202.12; Core; A) A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 38oC (100oF) through a mixing valve or combination faucet. 1.0
10. The front hand sink was not available as a chair had been placed in front of it blocking access to staff. CDI: Chair was removed from hand sink for access. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; A) A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. Pf 0.0
16. Utensils and equipment were not sanitized before use as sanitizer was not available on sink. The operator has not received sanitizer order. CDI: Chlorine was pulled out to use a sanitizer and dishware, utensils were rewashed and sanitized as required during inspeciton.4-702.11; Priority; UTENSILS and FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be SANITIZED before use after cleaning. P 1.5
43. Tongs for cooking chicken were stored on handles of oven where staffing are walking into them and are exposed to contamination. Discontinue storing tongs on oven handles and store in use utensils on a clean surface that is washed, rinsed and sanitized at a minimum of every (4) four hours. CDI: Tongs removed from oven handles. 3-304.12; Core; During pauses in FOOD preparation or dispensing, FOOD preparation and dispensing UTENSILS shall be stored:(C) On a clean portion of the FOOD preparation table or cooking EQUIPMENT only if the in-use UTENSIL and the FOOD-CONTACT surface of the FOOD preparation table or cooking EQUIPMENT are cleaned and SANITIZED at a frequency 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The gaskets on the roll top prep refrigerator at the cook line are in poor repair. Ensure that all equipment is maintained in good repair. A) EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
48. Upon testing the sanitizer sink, there was no level of quat sanitizer found in sink. PIC was not using test strips to determine proper sanitizer levels. It was observed that the sanitizer container(quat ammonia) was empty. CDI: The PIC drained and used chlorine bleach and tested levels in sink. 4-501.116; Priority Foundation; Concentration of the SANITIZING solution shall be accurately determined by using a test kit or other device. Pf 0.5
50. When checking the hot water at dish sink, hand sinks - no hot water available due to hot water heater in poor repair. PIC was boiling water on stovetop to fill wash basin to ensure wash, rinse and sanitize utensils and equipment. Verification for corrective action by 12/1/23. 5-103.11; Priority Foundation; (B) Hot water generation and distribution systems shall be sufficient to meet the peak hot water demands throughout the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Pf 0.5
51. 5-205.15; The water spigot that is installed on the three (3) compartment sink does not have a spout long enough to reach all basins of the sink setup. A spigot that can reach/fill the last basin is needed for functionality. 0.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 12/01/2023
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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/03/2023
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation - No written clean up procedures were provided for vomiting and diarrheal events...Written procedures for employees shall be available when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the establishment. The procedures shall address the specific actions employees must take to minimize the spread of contamination and the exposure of employees, consumers, food, and surfaces to vomitus or fecal matter...CDI by informing PIC of requirement and providing examples of procedures and kit. 0.5
6. 2-401.11; Core - Observed employees' water bottle on shelf beside/above food areas and clean food equipment/utensils...Employees shall eat and drink only in designated areas where contamination of exposed food and clean equipment and utensils cannot result...CDI by properly storing water bottle. 0.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority - Ricotta cheese was at 48F on make line top...Unless actively preparing or properly cooling, cold TCS* foods shall be kept at 41F or less...CDI by properly refrigerating ricotta cheese. 0.0
37. 3-302.12; Core - A few bottles of sauces, etc. were not labeled...Unlabeled containers of foods not easily recognizable must be labeled with the common name of food...Properly label food containers to denote contents. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core - Soiled wiping cloth was on counter top...Moist or soiled wiping cloths shall be kept in approved clean sanitizer between uses...Store moist/soiled wiping cloths as stated above OR in soiled laundry area. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core - Several clean pots, food containers, and pans were stored with food contact sides up and unprotected. Also, foods such as onions and cooking oil were stored on wire shelves above clean equipment/utensils...Clean equipment and utensils shall be stored where they are no exposed to splash, dust or other contamination and shall be covered or inverted...Cover clean equipment/utensils or invert on clean surfaces. Store foods below and away from clean equipment and utensils. 0.5
45. 4-903.11(A) and (C); Core - Many pizza boxes were stored on floor in kitchen and in hallway near bathrooms, and some disposable food containers had food contact sides up and unprotected...Single service disposable food/beverage containers shall be protected from contamination and stored 6 inches above floor...Store pizza boxes 6 inches above floor and food contact surfaces covered, and invert food containers on clean surfaces. 0.5
47. 4-101.19; Core - Cardboard and cloth toweling were used to line shelves and trays (these surfaces were soiled)...Nonfood contact surfaces of equipment exposed to splash and spillage shall be made of nonabsorbent and smooth materials...Remove cardboard and cloth toweling do not replace. Consider using vinyl liners or easily cleanable trays without any liners or cloth. 0.5
47. 4-205.10; Core - Table mounted can opener did not appear to meet ANSI/NSF certification...Except for toasters, mixers, microwave ovens, water heaters, and hoods, food service equipment shall meet ANSI/NSF certification...Replace can opener with one that meets ANSI certification or equivalent. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core - Undersides/backsides of equipment door handles, sides/edges of equipment doors, solid metal shelving, ventilation fan surfaces (very dusty). Also, protective plastic was peeling under sink drainboards...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of equipment above, and remove protective plastic from drainboards. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core - Some kitchen ceiling panels were soiled, and dining room ceiling light shields were soiled...Physical facilities shall be maintained clean...Increase cleaning frequency of panels and light shields. 0.5
55. 6-501.16; Core - Mops in mop sink/can wash had mop handles in sink basin with mop heads up and leaning against wall...After use, mops shall be positioned to air dry without soiling walls, equipment or supplies...Hang up wet mops with handles up and mop heads down. 0.0
56. 6-202.11; Core - Light bulb in freezer was not shielded...Light fixtures shall be effectively shielded where there is exposed food and clean equipment and utensils...Effectively shield bulb or provide a shatter-resistant bulb. 0.0
General Comments
TCS* foods: Time-temperature control for safety foods...DISCUSSION: Remember to wash, rinse and sanitize at 3-compartment sink at least once every 4 hours the pizza cutters and knives used throughout the day...When coating cooked chicken/wings in sauce, put cooked chicken in clean bowl and pour sauce over chicken. Wash, rinse and sanitize these chicken bowls once every 4 hours...Observed soiled storage cardboard boxes. Do not reuse cardboard boxes for storing items. Consider using hard durable and easily cleanable plastic or metal containers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/20/2022
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation - No written clean up procedures were provided for vomiting and diarrheal events...Written procedures for employees shall be available when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the establishment. The procedures shall address the specific actions employees must take to minimize the spread of contamination and the exposure of employees, consumers, food, and surfaces to vomitus or fecal matter...CDI by informing PIC of requirement and providing examples of procedures and kit. 0.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority - Raw shell eggs were stored above ready-to-eat foods...Foods shall be stored according to final cook temperatures and to prevent cross-contamination...CDI by properly storing eggs. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation - Significant dried food debris was on electric food slicer...Food contact surfaces shall be clean to sight and touch...CDI by cleaning slicer. 1.5
16. 4-602.11; Core - Almost all soda dispensing nozzles had black and white build-up...Equipment such as beverage dispensing nozzles shall be cleaned frequently enough to prevent soil or mold build-up...CDI by removing all dispensing nozzles to clean. 0.0
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation - Open container of anchovies, half-n-half, cooked and frozen ground beef, etc. (all prepared more than 24 hours ago) had no dates...Refrigerated ready-to-eat (RTE) TCS* foods kept more than 24 hours shall have dates (date of preparation or use by date). This includes cooked and cooled and opened packages and cans of RTE TCS*. Foods prepared on site and then frozen and thawed must have freeze and thaw dates...CDI by placing dates on foods. 1.5
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation - Small amount of purple liquid was in unlabeled spray bottle...Working containers of chemicals taken from bulk supplies shall be labeled with common name of product inside...CDI by labeling spray bottle. 0.0
33. 3-501.15; Core - Chicken breasts were cooling in completely covered container...Hot TCS* foods shall be cooled in shallow containers (2-4 inch food depth), using ice-water bath with frequent stirring, using rapid cooling equipment (freezer), adding ice as ingredient, loose covered or uncovered if there's no overhead contamination...CDI by changing cooling methods for faster cooling. 0.5
37. 3-302.12; Core - Several bottles/containers of sauces, dressings, etc. and dry spices were not labeled...Unlabeled containers of foods not easily recognizable must be labeled with the common name of food...Properly label food containers to denote contents. 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core - One soiled wiping cloth was on counter top...Moist or soiled wiping cloths shall be kept in approved clean sanitizer between uses...Store moist/soiled wiping cloths as stated above OR in soiled laundry area. 0.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core - Several clean pots, food containers, and pans were stored with food contact sides up and unprotected...Clean equipment and utensils shall be stored covered or inverted...Cover clean equipment/utensils or invert on clean surfaces. 0.5
45. 4-903.11(A) and (C); Core - Many pizza boxes were stored on floor in hallway near bathrooms, and some disposable food containers had food contact sides up and unprotected. Disposable cup lids were stored in soiled container. A few disposable containers were stored in dry foods...Single service disposable food/beverage containers shall be protected from contamination and stored 6 inches above floor...Store pizza boxes 6 inches above floor, and invert food containers on clean surface. Do not store small disposable containers in foods. Use only hard, durable containers with extended handles to dispense foods. 0.5
45. 4-502.13; Core - Some cardboard boxes were being reused for food storage and other miscellaneous storage...Single use articles shall not be reused...After original food contents are removed from boxes, these boxes shall be discarded or placed in recycling and not reused. 0.0
47. 4-101.19; Core - Cardboard, foil, cloth toweling and paper liners were used to line shelves and trays (these surfaces were soiled, damaged, and/or torn)...Nonfood contact surfaces of equipment exposed to splash and spillage shall be made of nonabsorbent and smooth materials...Remove cardboard, foil, cloth toweling and paper liners from surfaces above and do not replace. Consider using vinyl liners or easily cleanable trays without any liners. 0.5
47. 4-205.10; Core - Table mounted can opener did not appear to meet ANSI/NSF certification...Except for toasters, mixers, microwave ovens, water heaters, and hoods, food service equipment shall meet ANSI/NSF certification...Replace can opener with one that meets ANSI certification or equivalent. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core - One refrigerator door gasket was torn...Food service equipment shall be kept in good repair...Replace the torn door gasket. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core - Undersides/backsides of equipment doors, pizza prep unit condenser coils, and some shelving were soiled...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of equipment above. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core - Many ceiling light shields were soiled...Physical facilities shall be maintained clean...Increase cleaning frequency of light shields. 0.5
55. 6-501.16; Core - Mop in mop sink/can wash had mop handle in sink basin with mop head up and leaning against wall...After use, mops shall be positioned to air dry without soiling walls, equipment or supplies...Hang up wet mops with handles up and mop heads down. 0.0
56. 6-202.11; Core - Light bulb in freezer was not shielded...Light fixtures shall be effectively shielded where there is exposed food and clean equipment and utensils...Effectively shield bulb or provide a shatter-resistant bulb. 0.0
General Comments
TCS*: Time-temperature control for safety foods...REMINDER: Remember that hands are to be washed at handsink for 10-15 seconds with soap and warm water, rinsed thoroughly, dried with a paper towel, and use paper towel to turn off sink faucet knobs...>>>Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/22/2021
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Lauren Harden 919-500-0943
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/09/2020
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
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Memo's Pizza
Location: 877 E Gannon AVE Suite 105 ZEBULON, NC 27597
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/27/2020
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
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