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Brookdale Macarthur Park

CARY, NC 27513-8901

Facility Type: Nursing Homes

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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/30/2023
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
2. Window sills in lobby, room 112, 113, and room 211 were soiled with dirt and debris. Wall in room 206 had 2 holes within closet. Walls shall be clean and in in good repair. Fill holes. Clean window sills. 1.0
5. Ventilation unit in common area on right side of front lobby had dust accumulations. Ventilation equipment shall be clean and in good repair. Clean vent. 0.0
7. Shower curtain in room 202 was soiled with red and orange build up. Bathing facilities shall be clean and in good repair. Clean or replace shower curtain. 1.0
16. Water in room 103 had a temperature of 119F. Water in all other rooms were 107-116F. Hot water shall have a temperature between 105F and 116F. Ensure water does not exceed 116F in all rooms. 0.0
32. Chairs and cushions in downstairs library, upstairs activity room, room 207, and room 211 had accumulations of crumbs, debris, or staining. Furnishing shall be clean and in good repair. Clean areas listed. 0.5
45. Thermometer was not present in refrigeration units in activity room, room 103, room 113, room 202, and room 138. Thermometers shall be provided in refrigeration units. Replace thermometers. 0.5
46. Food in rooms 103, 112, and 207 was stored under drain lines. Food shall be properly stored and protected from contamination. Avoid storing food under drain lines. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 09/01/2022
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
16. No backup water supply plan provided. EHS reviewed requirements with PIC and emailed a copy of a sample water supply plan for reference. 1.0
32. Crumbs and food debris present under couch and chair cushions in shared spaces. Majority of furniture to be replaced during renovations. Ensure furniture is kept clean and in good repair. 0.0
43. Refrigerators in resident rooms not equipped with an ambient air thermometer. Each refrigeration unit shall be provided with an indicating thermometer of such type and so situated that the thermometer can be easily read except that indicating thermometers shall not be required for food iced in coolers for transport. Place ambient air thermometers in each resident refrigerator. 1.0
General Comments
The Clairebridge refrigerator is in disrepair and in need of replacement. Condensation is dripping onto residents food. This is a source of contamination.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/29/2021
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
6. General Comment: .1311(b) - A/C units in some hallways (dogwood/ memory care) with black microbial growth present. -Small leak in ventilation system in spa room on dogwood hallway. Ventilation equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. Clean all A/C units and keep clean; repair ventilation system to function as intended in spa room in dogwood hallway. 0.0
8. .1312(a) - Several paper towel dispensers at handwashing sinks were broken. -Rusty shower chair observed in the downstairs spa room. All institutions shall be provided with toilet, handwashing, and bathing facilities that are conveniently located and readily accessible to residents and staff. These facilities, and laundry facilities when provided, shall be kept clean and in good repair. Repair all broken towel dispensers and replace rusted chair in spa room. 1.0
14. General Comment: .1312(f) - Facility does not have test strips to verify concentration of disinfectant used for community restrooms and baths. Director states that EcoLab verifies concentration every month and if concentration is out of range, the dispenser will automatically shut off. Where disinfectants are mixed on site, the concentration of the mix shall be assured by use of a metering pump, measuring device or chemical test kit. Director was able to get Ecolab on the phone during inspection and have test strips ordered. -Facility is using the general disinfectant for disinfecting the spa tub but there are specific disinfecting instructions for the spa tub that should be followed. 0.0
43. .1323(b) - Refrigerators in resident rooms not equipped with an ambient air thermometer. Each refrigeration unit shall be provided with an indicating thermometer of such type and so situated that the thermometer can be easily read except that indicating thermometers shall not be required for food iced in coolers for transport. Place ambient air thermometers in each resident refrigerator. 0.5
General Comments
Areas inspected include all common areas, community restrooms, Rm 109, Rm 107, Rm 201, Rm 214, Rm 113, spa rooms, soiled utility rooms, clean linen closets, housekeeping, med rooms, and stairwell leading to memory care.
Inspection led by Cris LeClair.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/28/2021
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
8. Observed debris/residue inside bath tub with jets in the spa room (upstairs). Chair under the shower in spa room rusted. Toilet, handwashing, laundry and bathing areas shall be maintained clean and in good repair. Clean the bath tub; rusted chair discarded by PIC. 2.0
28. .1318 Observed items on the floor in the storage closets. Suitable rooms or spaces shall be provided for the storage of all necessary equipment, furniture and supplies, and kept clean. All patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor to prevent water contamination from cleaning floors. Organize storage closets. 0.5
29. .1318 Mop sink downstairs needs cleaning and replacement of board. Mop receptors or sinks shall be provided and used for the cleaning of mops and the disposal of mop water. Replace deteriorated board around the mop sink. 0.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 12/07/2020
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
8. Observed a buildup of debris inside bath tub with jets in the (spa room). Observed a buildup of debris on floor in the restroom on the second floor. Observed debris on the floor and in large sink in the soiled linen closet. Toilet, handwashing, laundry and bathing areas shall be maintained clean and in good repair. 1.0
32. Observed drawers off track inside medication room on the second floor. Furnishing shall be maintained in good repair. Maintenance manager currently in the process of repairing drawers. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 01/11/2019
Score: 99.5

#  Comments Points
35. Pull ups in room 127 on floor of closed. Patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor to prevent contamination. 0.5
43. Thermometer needed in refrigerator in common area of memory care unit. Each refrigeration unit shall be provided with an indicating thermometer. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/26/2018
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
2. Cleaning needed in stairwells. Floors shall be free of obstacles to cleaning, and shall be kept clean. 1.0
8. 2nd floor laundry cabinets have doors that are falling off and missing laminate. Laundry facilities when provided, shall be kept clean and in good repair. 1.0
24. Large amount of rodent droppings in stairwells. Effective measures shall be taken to keep vermin out of the establishment and to prevent their presence on the premises. Cleaning shall minimize accumulation of feces and other allergens generated by insects and other vermin. 1.5
28. Storage area 2nd floor needs to be organized. Suitable rooms or spaces shall be provided for the storage of all necessary equipment, furniture and supplies,and kept clean. Keep organized so that floor is easily cleanable. 0.0
35. One open package of diapers on floor of storage room on 2nd floor. All patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/21/2017
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
2. Cleaning needed of all laundry room floors again especially between and behind washer and dryer units; Cleaning and rewaxing needed of storage area floor on Magnolia hall, Dogwood hall soiled line room, room 107, 228 and 238 carpets. 1.0
3. Cleaning needed of walls in the following rooms: Magnolia med room, all laundry rooms, room 131 behind nightstand, Memory care dining room behind sink; Painting needed of walls in the following rooms: Azalea Activity room where it`s been spackled and inside Storage room on Magnolia hall; Repair damaged drywall in the following areas: 228 behind bed, Memory care spa, Dogwood hall Spa across from shower, and wall outside sunroom on Memory care hall; Replace missing base tile under counter in Dogwood laundry room; Recaulk around Spa tubs in Dogwood and Magnolia; Replace water damaged ceiling tiles in Magnolia room hallway; Repair or replace damaged closet door in room 101; Cleaning needed between the bottoms of blinds and window sills in numerous rooms throughout facility. 1.0
9. A lot of storage in room 131 bathroom. Toilet rooms are not to be used for storage. Remove all equipment. 0.0
11. Storage in basin of Laundry room hand sink as well as Dogwood hall Med closet hand sink. Handwash lavatories shall be used only for hand washing. 1.0
12. Paper towels missing or inaccessible in the following rooms: Magnolia Spa, Building shared laundry room. Paper towels are to be present and accessible. 1.5
14. Disinfectant not available in Dogwood hall spa and Memory Care Spa. A supply of cleaning and disinfectant agents shall be accessible to bathing areas. Keep disinfectant locked in or near shared bathing facilities. 1.0
15. Keep hoses at least 1 inch above flood rims of mop sinks to preclude a cross connection. 0.0
20. Minor sweeping needed around outside dumpster. 0.0
24. Mouse droppings observed in facilities Laundry room. Terminix invoices onsite from 7/27/17 showing that they had been onsite. Director of facility stated that a rodent had been eliminated from facility. Clean area where droppings observed thoroughly and continue with pest control measures. 0.0
28. Personal care items on floor in Magnolia Storage room and in Memory Care. All patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor to prevent water contamination from cleaning floors and shall not be stored below exposed sewer lines. 0.5
32. General cleaning needed under shared living area couch cushions. Cleaning also needed of shower chair in room 101 as well as under couch cushions, under couch cushions in Magnolia Sunroom, shower chair and toilet seat in Magnolia Spa, wheel chairs and cushions in room 131, room 238 shower chair, Memory care shower chair and shower curtains; Repair badly warped and or missing cabinet doors and drawers in hallway laundry rooms. 1.0
43. Replace missing ambient air temperature thermometer in Memory care dining room refrigerator. 0.5
General Comments
milk-memory care refrigerator-40F.
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/29/2016
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
2. Cleaning needed of floors in all laundry rooms as well as room 232 and 130. 1.0
5. Cleaning needed of ac filters in the following rooms: Memory Care Dining room and hallway, and room 231. 1.0
12. Paper towels missing or inaccessible in the following rooms: Memory Care Dirty Linen room and Spa, Main Laundry room, Magnolia Hall Soiled linen room, Azalea Clean Linen room and Laundry and Dogwood Laundry room. Hand soap missing in the following rooms: Clean Linen room, Main Laundry room, and Dogwood Soiled Linen room. Soap and paper towels are to be provided at hand sinks for proper hand washing. 1.5
32. Cleaning needed under shower chair and shower curtain in Memory Care Spa as well as Magnolia Spa. Cleaning needed of toilet in room 231. Cleaning also needed under chair cushions in room 132, Magnolia Sun room, and Azalea Living room; Replace missing drawer fronts in numerous medical closets. 1.0
General Comments
Disinfectant not available at any of the bathroom/spas visited. A supply of cleaning and disinfectant agents shall be accessible to bathing areas.

Keep all storage off floor at least 8 inches. Today Storage on floor of Magnolia Hall closet and housekeeping.
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 12/31/2015
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
3. Repaint door to laundry room, paint wall in spa area on second floor. 1.0
4. Provide 10 ft candles of light in second floor mop room. 1.0
30. Clean cup container on cart. 1.0
General Comments
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 09/24/2014
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
2. Clean/destain carpeting as needed in rooms. 1.0
5. Cleaning needed on vent covers, in coils and insulation in room ac/heat units to remove dirt and mildew. 1.0
8. Cleaning needed in spa room fixtures. 1.0
28. All storage in storage rooms must be 8 inches above the floor. 0.5
32. Sitting area furniture needs cleaning (day rooms, living rooms, etc.) 1.0
34. Facility is not disinfecting facility linens that are not designated for individuals. Either every resident keeps the same sheets or linens must be disinfected during the wash process. After speaking with director EHS removed points. Per director all residents are required to bring their own sheets and the backups are almost never used-only in emergency. Facility must have in place sanitizing linens by next inspection. 0.0
43. Replace missing thermometer in memory care dining room refrigerator. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/23/2013
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
2. Clean/destain carpeting in rooms as needed. Remove water from leaking a/c unit in downstairs living room. 1.0
12. Handwash sinks in several spas out of papertowels or the dispensers were not working properly. 1.5
28. Keep all storage in storage rooms 8 inches above the floor. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/08/2013
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
4. 2 light balasts out in Memory Care Activities room; lights out in room 131, dogwood spa, and Azalea living room 1.0
12. No papertowels present in Memory Care Medicine room and Azalea Clean Linen room; No handsoap present at Beauty salon or women employee restroom handsink. 1.5
28. Magnolia hall storage room had single service gloves on floor. Paper towels on floor of hallway behind kitchen. Keep at least 8 inches off of floor on approved shelving. 0.5
32. Replace refrigerators with screws in place of handles in medication rooms; Cleaning needed under and of furniture in the following rooms: Memory Care Hallway, Magnolia Sunroom, Dogwood Living room, and Salon; Remove torn mattress in room 134; Cleaning needed of mattress and boxspring in room 211; Replace missing drawer handle in Magnolia Laundry room and missing drawer front in Azalea Laundry. 1.0
General Comments
2.) Clean floors beside and between washer and driers in laundry areas
8.) Repair leaking faucets in Memory Care Soiled Laundry room and Azalea Laundry room.
21.) Sweeping needed around dumpster. Replace missing dumpster plug.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 09/25/2012
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. Lights out in Magnolia and Azalea housekeeping closets. 10 foot candles of light required in these areas. 1.0
5. Cleaning needed of air filters and units in mounted ac units throughout facility. Very dusty; Cleaning needed of ceiling vents in Memory Care Unit living room-dusty. 1.0
12. Replace batteries at Magnolia Clean Linen room handsink paper towel dispenser; Keep handsinks completely unblocked at all times. Linens stored beside and in front of handsink in Memory care Clean linen storage room 1.5
28. Single service gloves and facial tissue on floor in Magnolia hall storage room. Keep at least 8 inches off of floor on approved shelving. 0.5
30. Cleaning needed of medication cart medication cup holders-very soiled on bottoms of racks; Single service styroofam cups on halls are to be sleeved. 1.0
32. Replace refrigerators with screws in place of handles in Memory Hall med room; Cleaning needed underneath furniture cushions in living rooms throughout facility; Cleaning needed of shower chairs in Memory care, Azalea and Magnolia Bathrooms; Cleaning needed of shower curtain in Memory Care Bathroom. 1.0
General Comments
Do not store paper towels below chemicals.

Repair leaking handsink in Soiled linen storage room in Memory care.

Replace cracked backsplash in Magnolia Housekeeping closet.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/05/2012
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
2. Cleaning needed of floorsin Memory Care Laundry room and first floor main laundry room. Cleaning also needed of Activity storage room floors; Smooth and repaint roughly spackled walls in Dogwood storage room. 1.0
12. No papertowels at Nurse's station on Memory Care hall or in Clean Linen room on Magnolia hall; No cold water at handsink in Magnolia hall Clean linen room. No hot water at 2 handsinks in first floor laundry room. Repair ASAP 1.5
28. Single service gloves on floor in Magnolia hall storage room from delivery yesterday 4/4/12. Keep at least 8 inches off of floor on approved shelving. 0.5
30. Cleaning needed of medication cart medication cup holders-very soiled on bottoms of racks; Single service styroofam cups on halls are to be sleeved. 1.0
32. Replace refrigerators with screws in place of handles in Memory Hall med and Dogwood med rooms; Replace badly torn couch and chair in Azalea living room; Cleaning needed under furniture cushions in Magnolia Sunroom; Replace torn couch cushion in The Garden room and remove stains under same couch cushion-strong urine odor; Cleaning needed of shower chairs in Memory care and Magnolia spas. Cleaning needed of bathtub in Magnolia spa; Cleaning needed of shower curtains in rooms 105 and 207 1.0
General Comments
Milk-Rose room-41F
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/26/2011
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
2. Cleaning needed of floors in Rose hall dining area and Main laundry on first floor. Linoleum badly bubbling in Magnolia Hall clean linen room. Repair or replace. 1.0
6. Mold growth observed in following areas: Dimentia ward living area ac unit, flooring under Rose Hall dining room sink, Magnolia Living room ac unit,and inside room 207's ac unit. 1.5
12. Soiled linen room in Dimentia ward had water turned off. Keep water on at handsinks; Handsink in Dimentia ward Clean linen room blocked with clean linens sitting in basin. Keep unobstructed to properly wash hands; No paper towels in following rooms: Dimentia ward Clean linen room, Magnolia Hall Laundry room, Main laundry,Azalea Hall Spa, Dogwood Spa, Dogwood Clean linen; Handsoap missing in following halls: Dogwood Clean linen room, Magnolia hall Clean linen room. 1.5
24. Mouse droppings again observed inside RoseHall Dining area underneath sink. Contact pest control to remediate. Thoroughly clean area. 1.5
28. Single service gloves on floor of Storage room on Magnolia Hall. Keep at least 8 inches off of floor. 0.5
32. Cleaning needed under couch cushions in Magnolia Hall Living room and sunroom. Cleaning needed under couch cushions in Azalea Hall and Dogwood Living rooms; Broken handles on Dimentia Med room and Dogwood Med room refrigerators. 1.0
General Comments
14.) No disinfectant inside any bathrooms. No disinfectant observed mixed and available during inspection. Keep disinfectant in a locked location preferable in restroom where it may be used between residents. No residents using baths during inspection.
21.) Remove wooden pallets behind dumpster. Repair dumpster stall door.
43.) Thermometer missing in room 207 refrigerator.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 01/06/2011
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
12. Soiled linen room handsink in Dimentia Ward had water turned off, Clean linen room on first floor had no soap and no water at handsink. Lavatories shall be fully supplied with soap and papertowels as well as hot and cold running water. 1.5
13. Hot water in Rosegarden Dining room, room 102,105,238, 131, and Spa room on second floor 118-119F. Hot water is not to exceed 116F. Lower temperature. 1.0
21. Bags of garbage on dumpster pad. Keep all garbage in dumpsters. 2.0
24. Mouse droppings present in Rosegarding dining area. Contact pest control immediately to remove vermin. Thorough cleaning needed of cabinetry. 1.5
28. Papertowels on floor of Clean linen room in Dementia area and in Housekeeping closet on first floor. Sharps and sharps containers on floor of Soiled Linen room. Keep off of floor at least 8 inches to protect from contamination. 0.5
32. Cleaning needed under couch and chair cushions throughout facility. 1.0
43. Med room refrigerator on second floor 47F. Repair or replace unit. Do not store PHF`s or medications requiring refrigeration in unit until 45F and below. Room 102 refrigerator thermometer missing. Replace; Replace all broken handles on Med room refrigerators. 0.5
General Comments
11. ) Clean linen room on second floor had linens sitting in handsink. Do not store anything in handsinks.
3. ) Repair wall in Dimentia Med room where cart has damaged.
14.) EPA registerd hospital disinfectant is to be accessible at all shared bathing areas. Equipment touching patients skin is to be cleaned and disinfected between patients.
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 03/23/2010
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
11. Do not leave drinking water pitchers for residents in handwash sinks in med. rooms. Ex: Azalea wing. 1.0
23. Do not leave sharp containers in sink for cleaning bed bans in soiled linens room. 1.0
24. Insects appearing to be either ants or termites were present in spas in magnolia and dogwood suites. Contact professional pest control company to check and treat these areas A.S.A.P. 1.5
34. Clean main dryer interior bins. Trash and residue were present. Repair leak on base of main laundry room washing machine. 1.0
35. Patient contact items like toothbrushes and comb in shared resident suite bathroom in dementia wing were all stored in a single container. Individual toiletry and grooming items should be stored seperately to prevent cross contamination or confusion over use of these products. 0.5
38. Handwash lavatory in dementia wing servery kitchen was turned off due to leaks in wall. Leaks should be repaired A.S.A.P. so that sink can be used by staff serving food to clients. 1.0
43. Med. room cooler in dogwood wing had an internal temp. of 48 to 54 degrees F. Repair A.S.A.P. Do not store unpackaged foods like apple sauce or potentially hazardous foods like milk in this cooler until it is repaired. 0.5
General Comments
Verify that soap and paper towels are present in all lavatory dispensers in staff bathrooms and med. rooms. Clean storage bins for cups and utensils on med. carts. Keep storage items above the floor in areas like linen closets and stock rooms. Clean floors in main laundry room. Clean dumpster pad area and keep dumpster doors closed. Complete repairs of all wall leaks in dementia servery and laundry rooms. Seal wall areas after leaks are fixed. Repair ceiling leaks in service hall. Staff lunches must be labeled if stored in servery kitchens. Keep food items like fruit and sherbert cups covered if these items are being kept temporarily in service kitchens. Ex: Demetia wing. Clean bathroom fixtures in spas. Replace torn or split mattress covers in resident rooms. Clean floors thoroughly beneath resident beds.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/19/2009
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
5. Clean H.V.A.C. units in rooms for Magnolia wing. Clean bathroom ceiling vents for rooms in same wing. 1.0
8. Clean showers and tubs in all wing spas. Repair commode that does not flush properly in Magnolia wing spa. Repair slow draining handwash sink in resident private bathrooms Ex: Room 101 in Magnolia wing. Replace missing drain cover in spa shower. 1.0
11. Do not store or leave drinking water pitchers for residents in handwash sinks in med. rooms. Ex: Magnolia wing. 1.0
13. Hot water temp. in some upstairs resident rooms was 117 to 118 degrees F. Adjust hot water temp. so that it does not exceed 116 degrees F. 1.0
43. Verify that all private room refrigerators have thermometers to display proper cold food storage temps. Ex: Three upstairs rooms did not have thermometers in room refrigerators. 0.5
General Comments
Do not store opened personal drink bottles above food or medicene for residents in med. room coolers. Clean behind washers and dryers in laundry rooms. Remove clothes hangers used to hold lids open on washing machines. Tips of hangers could be a puncture hazard. Recommend removal of crock pot used to heat towels in memory ward servery kitchen. Crock pot could pose a scalding hazard for special needs residents in this area since it can be accessed by anyone in this dining area. Crock pot could be used in an area that only staff can access. Keep soap and towels by handwash sink provided for staff of physical therapy room. Repair soiled linen room flush sink so that it flushes properly. Clean sinks and fixtures in all soiled linen rooms. Keep dumpster doors closed. Clean compartments on nurses carts where medicene cups are stored.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/22/2008
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
2. Clean floors in med. rooms, soiled linen room, clean linen room, custodial closets, behind laundry room equipment, and beneath beds in resident rooms. Clean floors beside, beneath, and behind of coolers in med. rooms. 1.0
3. Repair loose base tile in laundry rooms. Repair ceiling leak in hallway for magnolia wing and in library. Replace water damaged ceiling tile after leaks are repaired. 1.0
5. Clean ceiling vents in restrooms. Clean room H.V.A.C. units of dust, residue, or interior debris. Adjust ambient air temp. in second floor hall bathroom. Air temp was in excess of 85 degrees F. 1.0
8. Clean resident bathroom shower curtains and shower heads. Some mold growth was present in these areas in some rooms. Clean handwash sinks and hoppers in soiled linen rooms. Some fixtures needed cleaning and had interior mold growth. Clean interior of tub in second floor hall bathroom in dogwood suite. 1.0
10. Clean bedside commodes in resident rooms. These items should be cleaned more frequently in rooms for residents who have bladder or bowel control issues. 0.5
27. Clean floors beneath bird cage. 1.0
28. Keep items like adult diapers stored above the floor in store rooms and resident rooms. 0.5
30. Clean bins for medication cups, straws, and single service utensils on med. carts. 1.0
32. Mattresses and box springs that have permanent stains should be replaced. Two mattresses in resident rooms had fecal stains. Residents with bladder or bowel control issues may require more frequent checks and cleaning of beds. Recommend water proof mattress pads or covers for residents with these issues. Repair loose cabinet door in upstairs laundry room. Replace missing door to storage drawer in med. room in dogwood suite. 1.0
33. Stained bed linens were present in bedrooms for residents with bladder and bowel control issues. Linens in these rooms may require more frequent checks and changes. 0.0
General Comments
Thermometer is needed in cooler for activity kitchen in dementia wing. Clean bread maker and microwave in activity kitchens. Repair broken floor drain in shower for room # 131. Repaint scraped interior of entry doors to resident rooms. Keep personal toiletry items of individuals in shared rooms in seperate designated areas to prevent confusion over use or cross contamination. Clean interior of med. room cooler on dogwood suite.
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/24/2007
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/09/2007
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
2. Clean floors behind equipment like med room, refrigerators, and washer/dryers. Clean floors in spas. Clean floors beneath beds in resident rooms. 1.0
5. Clean room HVAC units. Clean bathroom and med room vents. 1.0
8. Clean bathroom fixtures and shower heads. Ex: tubs in spas. Clean toilets in spas. Repair non-functioning washing machines and dispensers. 1.0
28. Keep items like adult diapers stored above the floor in store rooms. Do not store food items or utensils beneath handwash sinks in med rooms. Ex: cans of Ensure. 0.5
30. Clean bins and drawers on med carts. 1.0
General Comments
Clean lint traps on dryers. Use shatterproof bulbs in shower light fixtures without shields. Keep thermometers in med room coolers in a clearly visible location. Do not use utensils that must be washed, rinsed and sanitized like stainless steel spoons to dispense medicine. Use single service utensils. Keep soiled linens in container in biohazards rooms. Do not leave soiled linen containers in areas accessible to residents. Ex: hallway laundry rooms. Verify that all patient contact items in shared rooms are stored separately and are labeled to prevent confusion over use. Ex: toothbrushes, brushes & razors. Label and date products like apple sauce in med rooms coolers after product package is opened. Verify all product is kept in clean covered containers.Store single service utensils like spoons in clean containers with handles up. Keep container covered. Ex: activity room kitchen). Do not leave compresses for therapy room in bathroom area. Bathroom can be used for storage if commode s removed and drain capped. Check temps of room coolers to verify that temp does not exceed 45 degrees F. Thermometers must be kept in all room coolers. Label soiled linen containers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Brookdale Macarthur Park
Location: 111 MACARTHUR DR CARY, NC 27513-8901
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/25/2006
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
2. Hallway carpets & carpet in Rm 228 need to be cleaned or replaced if uncleanable. 1.0
6. Mold growth inside A/C units (Around the World Rm & hallway entering the Around the World Rm.) Units will need to be replaced. You definitely don`t want mold spores in the air. This could create health problems for residents. 1.5
28. Storage supplies should be elevated 8" above floor. 1.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

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