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Facility Type: Child Day Care

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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 06/11/2024
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
20. Samples were brought to the lab on this date. However, the results have not been released at this time. Request results from RTI and keep on file for review by inspector. 0.0
26. 2812(i)- Chlorine disinfectant in spray bottle measured at a concentration of 1000ppm when tested. An approved disinfectant shall be provided for cleaning purposes. When a chlorine solution is prepared by an employee for use as an approved disinfectant, then the solution shall be prepared for use within 24 hours and a testing method shall be used to ensure compliance with the prescribed chlorine concentration. A chlorine disinfecting solution (concentration shall be between 500-800ppm) shall be used. Teacher stated that she is using the formula for 8.25% bleach with the 6% bleach and the concentration is reading above 800PPM. Ensure test strips are used to verify that the chlorine concentration is within range. 2.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/02/2023
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
4. General Comment: .2804(k)- Observed chicken nuggets in child`s lunchbox being stored at room temperature in their designated cubby. This food is considered potentially hazardous and shall be kept refrigerated. Lunches, snacks, and other meals that a child brings from home to the child care center shall be labeled with the date on which the food is brought to the child care center and the name of the child to whom the food belongs at the child`s home and shall be returned to the child`s home or discarded at the end of each day. Lunches, snacks, and other meals containing potentially hazardous foods shall be refrigerated at 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below and stored in the child care center kitchen or approved food preparation area. Hot foods that a child brings from home to the child care center in double-walled, insulated thermos containers may be stored outside of refrigeration at the child care center with the written permission of the child`s parent or guardian. Corrected During Inspection- Teacher donned gloves and placed lunches in refrigeration if they contained potentially hazardous foods. EHS will follow-up within 30 days to ensure lunches containing potentially hazardous foods are stored correctly. 0.0
20. NOTE: Child care operators, as defined under G.S. 110-86(7), shall test, once every three years, all water outlets used for drinking or food preparation. Test water for lead before April 27, 2024. 0.0
26. .2812(i)- Chlorine disinfectant in spray bottle measured at a concentration of >1000ppm when tested. An approved disinfectant shall be provided for cleaning purposes. When a chlorine solution is prepared by an employee for use as an approved disinfectant, then the solution shall be prepared for use within 24 hours and a testing method shall be used to ensure compliance with the prescribed chlorine concentration. A chlorine disinfecting solution (concentration shall be between 500-800ppm) shall be used. Lead teacher stated that this disinfectant was just prepared using warm water. Ensure test strips are used to verify that the chlorine concentration is within range. 2.0
30. General Comment: .2820(c)- Small container of hand sanitizer found stored accessible to children upon entering classroom. Without being prompted, lead teacher relocated hand sanitizer. Hand antiseptics and hand lotions shall be kept inaccessible to children when not in use, but are not required to be in locked storage. A product shall be considered inaccessible to children when stored on a shelf or in an unlocked cabinet that is mounted a minimum vertical distance of five feet above the finished floor. 0.0
42. NOTE: Facility is equipped with approved written procedures when responding to these events. 0.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 12/06/2022
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2019, childcare centers are required to test all water outlets used for drinking or food preparation. Initial samples shall be collected by the childcare center within one year of the effective date of this Rule (.2816). Non-compliance with this Rule on the initial inspection on/after October 1, 2020 will result in a general comment. Subsequent inspections with non-compliance to this Rule will be assessed 6-demerits. For free, initial testing, please contact RTI International (
**Teacher states that bleach sanitizing/disinfecting solutions are prepared weekly. Both solutions tested within the required range today. Remember that the 15A NCAC 18A .2800 rules require that disinfecting and sanitizing solutions be prepared fresh daily.
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 04/29/2022
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
48. General Comment: .2831(b)- Insect nest (wasp likely) is attached to the side of the school building near the outdoor learning environment that the pre-k class uses. Effective measures shall be taken to keep uncontained insects, rodents, and other vermin out of the child care centers and to prevent their breeding or presence on the premises. Work with school custodian to have this nest removed from the premises. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2019, childcare centers are required to test all water outlets used for drinking or food preparation. Initial samples shall be collected by the childcare center within one year of the effective date of this Rule (.2816). Non-compliance with this Rule on the initial inspection on/after October 1, 2020 will result in a general comment. Subsequent inspections with non-compliance to this Rule will be assessed 6-demerits. For free, initial testing, please contact RTI International (
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/27/2021
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
26. .2812(g) - Facility does not have a supply of test strips to verify concentration of chlorine sanitizer and disinfecting solutions. A testing method or equipment, used in accordance with the product manufacturer`s instructions, shall be made available, convenient, and regularly used to test the strengths of these chemical sanitizing solutions to ensure the prescribed concentrations are met. Teacher states that test strips have been ordered and awaiting delivery. 2.0
49. General Comment: There is no cover on sandbox in play area. The sandbox used in outdoor play shall be constructed to allow for drainage and shall be covered when not in use and kept clean. Provide a cover to this sandbox. 0.0
General Comments
No recipient signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/19/2021
Score: 7

#  Comments Points
20. Note: Now that initial water testing for lead is complete, conduct future water testing for lead every 3 years or less. 0.0
26. Disinfectant concentration too high at 1500ppm chlorine residual. Dilute solution to proper concentration (500-800ppm chlorine) and use test strips to verify proper concentration achieved. 0.0
30. Hand sanitizers stored on low counters. Store hand sanitizers and hand lotions up out of reach of children. CDI- Sanitizer moved up during inspection. 3.0
31. Employee purse stored on low desk. Store purses up out of reach of children. Move purse up out of reach or place in locked storage. 0.0
37. Wall-to-wall carpet last cleaned December 2, 2019. Carpets shall be extraction cleaned every 6 months or less. Clean the carpets. 4.0
46. Note: No pressure-treated wood observed in outdoor play environment. 0.0
General Comments
No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/30/2020
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
7. Pre-k classroom lacks a stem thermometer to check hot water temps. at hand wash sinks. Please obtain a stem thermometer for this purpose. 2.0
General Comments
Reattach and seal edges of loose wall board in class bathroom.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/09/2019
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
49. 1. Sandbox lacks a cover when not in use. Please provide a cover for the sandbox. This was a REPEAT violation. 2. Weeds growing out of the sandbox and weeds overgrown in the playground area. Please ensure that the playground is maintained free of weeds. 2.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/28/2018
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
29. Please replace/repair the lock for the cabinet used to store bulk bleach and detergent. The door was able to be lock, but it was difficult to do. 0.0
37. 1. The Pre-K Room has wall to wall carpet. The center was unable to provide documentation that the wall to wall carpet was cleaned by using extraction method. Wall to wall carpets shall be cleaned using extraction methods at least once each six months. 2. Also a ceiling tile in front of the main door is uncovered. Please place the ceiling tile back in place once repairs have been completed. The Carpet was a REPEAT violation 4.0
49. Sandbox was not covered. Please provide a cover for the sandbox. This was a REPEAT violation. 2.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/19/2017
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
11. Sanitizer measured at 0 ppm. Sanitizer must be mixed to be between 50-200 ppm. CORRECTED-Made new sanitizer. 2.0
26. Disinfectant measured at 25 ppm. Disinfectant must be mixed to be between 500-800 ppm. CORRECTED-Mixed an appropriate bleach solution to correct concentration. 2.0
37. 0 points; Repaint walls before next grading period to prevent point deductions. 0.0
49. Sandbox was not covered. Install a tent to cover the sandbox./Repair fence as needed. Clean playground toys. Outdoor playground must be in good repair and sandboxes must be covered. Teacher has already placed work orders to get these items corrected, however, anyone is capable of cleaning the outdoor toys. 2.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 06/06/2016
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
49. The ground finished area under slide on playground is peeling. All equipment must be in good repair and easy cleanable. This a repeat violation. 2.0
General Comments
Inspection made with Ms. Farmer.
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/03/2015
Score: 2

#  Comments Points
37. There was one stained ceiling title over the teacher's desk. All ceilings covers must be smooth and easily cleanable. 0.0
49. The finish on the playground is peeling in several different areas. All equipment must be in good repair and easy to clean. 2.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/11/2015
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Center looks great! Inspection made with Ms. Farmer.
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 09/10/2014
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
48. Large spider web on the railing of the play equipment under the canopy. Please regularly check and remove any insect harborages on the playground. 0.0
General Comments
Center looks good today!
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 11/21/2013
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
46. Note : Need to determine when the wood picnic tables on the playground where manufactured. Pre-treated wood manufactured before January 1, 2005 shall be sealed using an oil-based, semi-transparent sealant; oil-based clear stain; or a water-based clear stain applied. Recommend to go ahead and seal the picnic table if the age cannot be determined. Save a receipt with the date the table was sealed. It needs to be repeated every two years. 0.0
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 05/29/2013
Score: 3

#  Comments Points
29. Comment: Found bottles of White Out stored in the teacher`s desk drawer that was not locked. Found Disinfectant wipes stored in a cabinet that was not locked. Toxic substances must be stored locked. 0.0
30. Found teacher purses and bottles of hand sanitizer stored at the teacher`s desk below 5 feet. Personal items and non-hazardous items must be kept "Out Of Reach of Children" (above 5 feet or locked). 3.0
37. Comment: Room 204 contains wall to wall carpeting that must be extraction cleaned at least every 6 months. The carpet has not been extraction cleaned in 9 months. 0.0
46. Comment: Need to determine when the wood picnic tables on the playground where manufactured. Pre-treated wood manufactured before January 1, 2005 shall be sealed using an oil-based, semi-transparent sealant; oil-based clear stain; or a water-based clear stain applied at least once every two years. 0.0
General Comments
Be sure to have proper hand washing discussions with employees and children on a regular basis.
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Location: 9425 BAILEYWICK RD RALEIGH, NC 27615
Facility Type: Child Day Care
Inspection Date: 04/25/2013
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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