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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/21/2023
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
6. 2-401.11; Core; Observed personal drinks stored on shelving above bags of RTE buns. An employee shall eat, drink, or use any form of tobacco only in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; unwrapped single service and single use articles; or other items needing protection can not result- item removed. 0.0
9. 3-301.11; Priority; Observed team member on the grill place RTE toasted bun on a burger with their bare hands. Food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves, or dispensing equipment-Item discarded. EHS provided training- - manager washed hands and donned gloves. 2.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Observed raw chicken stored directly on top of container of raw shrimp inside walk in. Observed raw steak stored directly above raw shrimp inside line drawer. Food shall be protected from cross contamination: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. Manager rearranged storage hierarchy. 3.0
15. 3-304.11; Priority; Observed RTE tortilla strips stored directly inside grocery take out bag. Food shall only contact surfaces of: Equipment and utensils that are cleaned. Keep food protected in food grade containers for storage. 0.0
23. 3-501.18; Priority; Observed macaroni and cheese and rainbow pasta holding with preparation dates 12-11-23 and 12-12-23. Observed no date on open gallon of milk.Food specified in par. 3 501.17(A) or (B) shall be discarded if it: (1) Exceeds the temperature and time combination specified in par. 3-501.17(A), except time that the product is frozen; P (2) Is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; P or (3) Is appropriately marked with a date or day that exceeds a temperature and time combination as specified. Item discarded. 1.5
28. 7-203.11 ; Priority; Observed purple chemical stored inside spray bottle labeled sanitizer. A container previously used to store poisonous or toxic materials may not be used to store, transport, or dispense food. P sanitizing solutions shall not be stored in or dispensed from containers previously containing other poisonous or toxic materials. Item discarded. 0.0
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Observed mushrooms and onions cooling while stored inside tightly covered containers. Cooling shall be accomplished by 1) Placing the food in shallow pans; Pf (2) Separating the food into smaller or thinner portions; Pf (3) Using rapid cooling equipment 1) Arranged in the equipment to provide maximum heat transfer through the container walls; and (2) Loosely covered, or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination. Covers removed. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Observed thick black residue inside spray nozzle at dish machine. Observed standing water inside reach in cooler holding pans of deli meats. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements. Repair or replace equipment. 0.5
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/14/2023
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
8. 2-301.14; Priority; Observed team remember fail to wash hands after handling raw burgers then changed tasks to prepare a RTE salad. After handling soiled equipment or utensils; During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross contamination when changing tasks; When switching between working with raw food and working with ready to eat food ; Before donning gloves for working with food; P and After engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. EHS interrupted activities and request hand wash-team member washed hands. 2.0
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Observed knife rinsed inside handsink basin. A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than handwashing- item placed in dish machine. 0.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Observed box of raw chicken stored on top of box of boiled eggs.Observed 3 boxes of raw shell eggs stored above RTE turkey and ham.. Food shall be protected from cross contamination: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. Manager rearranged storage hierarchy.; Corrected During Inspection 1.5
15. 3-304.11; Priority; Observed ceramic bowl of avocados stored directly on top of cut lettuce without a barrier inside cold top station. Food shall only contact surfaces of: Equipment and utensils that are cleaned. Keep food protected in food grade containers for storage. Do not stored exterior surfaces on containers in contact with uncovered food.Item removed. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation Two food prep sinks have encrusted food debris present. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch- items washed. 1.5
40. 2-402.11; Core;At the beginning of inspection observed waitress preparing milkshakes inside kitchen without wearing a hair restraint. Food employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed FOOD; clean food , equipment, utensils, linens, and single service articles or single use articles. Obtain hair restraints. 0.0
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/24/2023
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Observed package of raw burgers stored directly above RTE ham and turkey inside reach in cooler. Food shall be protected from cross contamination: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. Manager rearranged storage hierarchy. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation;Observed dried food debris on two food dicers,knife stored on magnet, can opener blade,and three food prep sinks have film and dried food debris present. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch- items placed in 3 comp sink 3.0
16. 4-501.112; Priority; Observed sanitizing hot water reach 147F on disc thermometer. Sanitizing hot water shall be 180F or above on final rinse. Manager will call for service on unit.. 0.0
18. 3-401.11; Priority; Observed grilled chicken removed from the grill to be served at 157F. Chicken shall reach an internal temperature of 165F before serving. Items placed on grill to reheat to 165F. 1.5
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Observed date marking missing for house made cooked potatoes. Observed cooked sausage links, sausage patties , open packages of ham, turkey, roast beef. Ready to eat , Potentially hazardous food (Time/temperature for food safety food ) prepared and held in a food establishment for more than 24 hours shall be marked to indicate the date or day by which the food shall be consumed on the premises, sold, or discarded, based on the temperature and time combinations specified below. The day of preparation shall be counted as Day 1. All items dated.; 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Observed portioned bags of diced chicken stacked in deep container inside cold top station while cooling. Observed cooked onions cooling inside tightly covered plastic container. Cooling shall be accomplished by 1) Placing the food in shallow pans; Pf (2) Separating the food into smaller or thinner portions; Pf (3) Using rapid cooling equipment 1) Arranged in the equipment to provide maximum heat transfer through the container walls; and (2) Loosely covered, or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination. Covers removed, item placed on sheet pans inside walk in cooler. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Observed wet and soiled wiping cloth on counters. Wet or soiled wiping cloths shall be held in sanitizer solution in between uses. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Follow-Up: 02/03/2023
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/03/2022
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed dried food debris on food dicer, cutting boards, can opener blade, food prep sinks have film and dried food debris present. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch- items placed in 3 comp sink. 1.5
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Observed date marking missing for house made cooked potatoes, pans of meatloaf, and sausage links. Ready to eat , Potentially hazardous food (Time/temperature for food safety food ) prepared and held in a food establishment for more than 24 hours shall be marked to indicate the date or day by which the food shall be consumed on the premises, sold, or discarded, based on the temperature and time combinations specified below. The day of preparation shall be counted as Day 1. All items dated. 1.5
28. 7-201.11; Priority; Observed unlabeled blue spray chemical.Working containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material- item labeled. 0.0
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Observed wings, fettuccine, and cut lettuce cooling in tightly covered containers. Cooling shall be accomplished by 1) Placing the food in shallow pans; Pf (2) Separating the food into smaller or thinner portions; Pf (3) Using rapid cooling equipment 1) Arranged in the equipment to provide maximum heat transfer through the container walls; and (2) Loosely covered, or uncovered if protected from overhead contamination. Covers removed. 0.5
38. 6-501.111; Priority Foundation; Observed gnats particularly in dish washing area on soiled dishes. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to eliminate their presence on the premises by: (A) Routinely inspecting incoming shipments of food and supplies; (B) Routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests; (C) Using methods, if pests are found, such as trapping devices and (D) Eliminating harborage conditions. If issue persists, Call pest control. 1.0
48. 4-302.13; Priority Foundation;There is no thermometer is provided for the hot water sanitizing dish machine. In hot water mechanical ware washing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. Obtain thermometer to measure sanitizing hot water temps. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core; Observed thick dust inside ceiling vents above chicken prep sink. observed grease buildup on hood above grill. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. 0.0
56. 6-303.11; Core; three lights are burned out above grill area. At least 540 lux (50 foot candles) shall be provided at a surface where a food employee is working with food or working with utensils or equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders, or saws where employee safety is a factor. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Follow-Up: 11/13/2022
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 07/18/2022
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Observed raw beef stored above cooked meatloaf inside walk in cooler. Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. Manager rearranged storage hierarchy.. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed food residue on pans stored clean. Observed a film of food reside and dried food debris inside food prep sinks. Observed dried lettuce in strainer stored clean. EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch- items washed. 1.5
16. 4-602.11; Core; Observed a buildup of pink debris inside ice machine and one ice bin lid. In equipment such as ice bins and beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of equipment such as ice makers; clean equipment at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Empty ice and detail clean machine. 0.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Observed marinara holding below 135F. TCS foods shall be held at 135F or greater. Item reheated to 165F. 0.0
25. 3-603.11; Priority Foundation; Observed burgers and philly steak on the menu that can be served undercooked. Astrisks are missing from one the menu to denote what is offered undercooked. DISCLOSURE shall include: (1) A description of the animal-derived FOODS, such as oysters on the half shell (raw oysters raw-EGG Caesar salad, and hamburgers (can be cooked to order); or (2) Identification of the animal-derived FOODS by asterisking them to a footnote that states that the items are served raw or undercooked, or contain (or may contain) raw or undercooked ingredients. Email or send a picture of new template to inspector before printing for finalizing updates. Menu is missing asterisks for items that may be served raw or under cooked i.e. burgers, steak. Place an asterisk next to each animal food that can be ordered undercooked. Disclosure statement is missing from the menu. Asterisked items may contain raw or undercooked ingredients. 0.5
38. 6-501.111; Core; Observed gnats active all throughout facility particularly in bar area where the handsink pipe is draining on the floor because it is not properly aligned with the floor drain. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to eliminate their presence on the premises by: (A) Routinely inspecting incoming shipments of food and supplies; (B) Routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests; (C) Using methods, if pests are found, such as trapping devices and (D) Eliminating harborage conditions. Call pest control. 1.0
47. 4-501.11; Core;Observed black debris inside damaged spay nozzle at dish machine. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements. Replace nozzle. 0.5
47. 4-501.12; Core; Observed scored green and red cutting boards stored clean above prep sink.Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and SANITIZED, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced. 0.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Observed soiled handsink in area with food prep sinks. Observed black growth on plastic shelving inside walk in cooler and walk in cooler back wall. Observed dried food debris on shelves where hot holding items are held. onFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Follow-Up: 07/28/2022
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/27/2022
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; In walk-in cooler found two containers of wings with expired date marking (04/17), over 7 days. TCS foods (time/temperature control for safety food) opened or prepared, in the establishment and kept for more than 24 hours shall be date marked. Date marking should be either a preparation date, or a consume-by/discard date. CDI by voluntary discard by PIC. 1.5
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; One spray bottle of window cleaner was not labeled with a name of the product. Poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. CDI - PIC labeled the bottle. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Several lights are not working under the hood. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair. Replace the lights. 1.0
49. 4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Observed that some gaskets on beer reach-in coolers (bar area) have dark residue. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Clean the gaskets. 0.0
55. 6-501.12; Core; Floor under the deep fryers has accumulation of grease and food debris. Floor under the handwashing sink in bar area has some debris in the corner (cups, papers, etc.) Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean the above mentioned areas. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:;
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/03/2021
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Establishment does not have a written procedure for vomit and diarrhea episodes. Instructions as well as a clean up equipment for vomit and diarrhea shall be maintained on site. CDI - Emailed poster and procedure. 0.0
10. 6-301.11; Priority Foundation; There was no soap available at the handwashing sink next to the cook line. Each handwashing sink shall be provided with a supply of hand cleaning liquid. CDI - PIC refilled the soap dispenser. 1.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Observed small container of raw chicken stored on top of the shrimp' container in the reach-in cooler. To prevent possible contamination, food shall be stored according to final cook temperature with ready-to-eat foods on the top and raw chicken on the bottom. CDI - The food was rearranged. 0.0
16. 4-602.11; Core; Observed that ice machine had heavy accumulation of dark/pink residue inside. Equipment such as ice makers shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Clean the ice machine more frequently. 1.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Observed that clean plates were stored under the electrical cords that had heavy dust buildup. Cleaned equipment and utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry location, where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination. CDI - PIC cleaned the cords. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Observed that clean metal containers were stacked while still wet. Equipment and utensils shall be stored in a self-draining position that allows air drying. Air dry all dishes. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Lid in flip top 2 is damaged; two lights don't work under the hood. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair. Replace the lid and lights. 0.5
55. 6-501.12; Core; Floor under the deep fryers has accumulation of grease and food debris. Floor under the handwashing sink in bar area has some debris in the corner (cups, papers, etc.) Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean the above mentioned areas. 0.0
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/06/2021
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 11/25/2020
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due to COVID-19 precautions.
Verification will be held the latest on December 4th.
Follow-Up: 12/05/2020
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/01/2020
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No PIC signature due COVID-19 precautions.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/29/2019
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Inspection led by Ursula Gadomski.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/21/2019
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/23/2018
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/06/2017
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice*Effective January 1, 2019, NC food code 3-501-16(A)(2)(b)(ii) requires that equipment be upgraded or replaced to maintain temperature of 41 degrees or less. Please plan accordingly.
Follow-Up: 12/15/2017
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/30/2017
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
*Notice*Effective January 1, 2019, NC food code 3-501-16(A)(2)(b)(ii) requires that equipment be upgraded or replaced to maintain temperature of 41 degrees or less. Please plan accordingly.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/29/2016
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/03/2016
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Determined Cooling of Mashed Potatoes to be at a rate of 33 degrees per hour. This is exactly what is needed in the portion of the potatoes tested, although if center of the potatoes were probed, the rate may be slower.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 10/06/2015
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/29/2015
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Advised manager to lower the product amount in the refrigerator unit near the stove area. This may be one of the reasons contributing to the food storage being temperature abused in the given refrigerator.

Cold hold unit/2 door prep refrigerator is inconsistent with temperature holding. Most of the foods are around 46-47 degrees in temp. Contact your primary operator to diagnose the machine and ensure that it's capabilities are adequate and sufficient.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 13200 STRICKLAND RD STE 104 RALEIGH, NC 27613
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/20/2015
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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