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Wake Forest Elementary School

136 W Sycamore St

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Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/17/2024
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
3. Repair drinking fountains adjacent to the girl`s bathroom #523. These fountains have clogged drain pipes that are backing up and are overflowing onto the adjacent floor. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boy`s bathroom #242. Repair all toilets in the girl`s bathroom #320. All toilets in this bathroom have poor water flow for flushing. Repair toilet that is leaking on the plumbing pipework when flushed in girl`s bathroom #241. Repair toilet in the classroom #225 bathroom. This toilet has poor water flow for flushing. Repair the sources of the major ceiling leaks in boy`s bathrooms #511 and #332 Repair water damaged ceiling surfaces in these boy`s bathrooms and repaint with a waterproof and mold resistant paint after the ceiling leak sources have been fixed. Repair and repaint chipping and damaged walls behind urinals and toilets in boy`s bathrooms #531 and #511. Repair damaged wall surface behind toilet in classroom #253 bathroom. 35.0
5. Repair clogged sink drains in the art classroom #315. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sinks at the entrance to the girl`s bathroom #543. All hand wash sinks at this restroom have poor water flow for hand washing. 15.0
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school locations: in the cafeteria dining room,(major leaks), in the art classroom #315, in room #225, (major leaks), in classroom #318, in classroom #229, in classroom #219, in classroom #302, in classroom #316, in classroom #401, in classroom #520, in classroom #255, in the auditorium in the Forest building, (multiple roof leaks). Repair the causes of the ceiling leaks in these listed locations and replace water stained ceiling tiles. Repair leaking ceiling pipes in the cafeteria dining room and replace the stained coverings on these ceiling pipes. The pipe coverings are covered in a residue that could be possible mold growth. The gym original wooden ceiling is covered in a gray residue that could be possible mold growth. The gym wooden ceiling surfaces should be cleaned of this residue and the gym ceiling should be repainted with a waterproof and mold resistant paint. The gym ceiling roof should be checked to verify that no leaks are present. If roof leaks are present over the gym priority repairs should be completed. The basement room #503 in the forest building is flooding frequently during heavy rainstorms. The sources of this flooding requires repair. Rainfall runoff should be diverted away from the building foundation especially at the ground level windows of room #503. Storm water drain pipes near the front of the Forest building and adjacent to this basement stock room should be checked for blockages and unclogged if needed. The water stained floor tiles in room #503 should be replaced. The chipping and peeling wall surfaces in room #503 should be repainted with a water proof and mold resistant paint. (Repeat sanitation inspection item) Repair and repaint chipping and peeling wall surfaces in the auditorium stairway #516A that leads to the lower building level and at the wall above the ramp that leads from the auditorium floor to the stage. Repaint chipping and peeling stairway railings and window framework in the original gym stairway that leads to the lower building level of the gym. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in boy`s bathroom # 405 and in class bathroom #225. Replace burned out light bulbs in ceiling fixture in classroom #230. 20.0
11. Repair and secure loose railing on exterior sidewalk ramp leading to the 3-5 playground. Priority repairs for safety are needed. Repair torn ground cover padding around playground equipment on the 3-5 playground. Priority repairs for safety are required to prevent trip and fall hazards. 15.0
General Comments
Cleaning chemicals including chemical surface wipes of Clorox and aerosol spray cans of disinfectant including Lysol should be stored in areas not accessible to students in classrooms. These cleaning chemicals should be stored in closed or locked cabinets, closets, stockrooms, and desk drawers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/29/2021
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilets in class bathrooms #247 and #254. 20.0
5. Repair hand wash sink faucets that are nonfunctional in building B girls bathroom #543. Repair hand wash sink faucets that have poor water flow in building B girls bathroom #523. 20.0
6. Ceiling and roof leaks are present in classrooms #218, #219, #220, #225, #230, #250, #252, #255, and #256. Ceiling and roof leaks are also present in the hallway outside of the art classroom #315, in the short 300 hall by the entry to girls bathroom #320, in the hallway by room #229, by the exit doors on the 200 connector hall near the custodial closet #239, in the cafeteria dining room, in the hallway at boys and girls bathrooms #242 and #241, in building B girls bathroom #523, in the auditorium #516 above the ramp to the stage, and in the building B teacher lounge # 520B. After the sources of all ceiling leaks have been repaired water damaged ceiling tiles and materials should be removed and replaced. There is also a leak on the ceiling pipes in the cafeteria that requires repair. These cafeteria ceiling pipes should have the water damaged coverings removed and replaced after the leak is fixed. The building B basement storage room #503 was flooded at the time of inspection with a large puddle of standing water present on the floor. Mold growth was present on floors around the area of standing water. The source of this flooding requires repair. Rainfall runoff should be diverted away from the building foundation especially at the windows to this basement storage room. Storm water ground drain pipes near the front of the building should also be checked for blockages and unclogged if needed. Floors, walls, and ceiling components in this storage room should be cleaned of possible mold growth after repairs are completed. Repair chipping and damaged wall paint coverings in the gym basement classroom #401, in the gym basement girls bathroom #414, behind the hand wash sink, in the media center bathroom #231, behind the toilet, in classroom #247, in classroom bathroom #253, in class bathroom #220A, in the building B boys bathroom #511, and in the auditorium #516 stairway to the basement,(major wall damage is present in this location with deterioration and chipping of plaster walls). Repaint chipping porch ceiling above the side entry doorway to building B. Repaint class bathroom #252 chipped interior door casing and window transom. Repaint rusted interior door casing in class bathroom #229. Replace broken wall tile in class bathroom #225. Reattach loose wall base tile in class bathroom #219. Repaint chipped hand rail components in both of the two gym stairways. 15.0
7. Class supplies, toys, and games were stored in the special needs kitchen class bathroom. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. The class items stored in this bathroom can become a source of transmission for communicable diseases including norovirus. These class materials are also an impediment to the cleaning, repair, and maintenance of this bathroom facility and should be removed. 10.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in the health room bathroom #203. Replace missing ceiling light shield in class bathroom #250A. 20.0
11. Repair torn ground covering around play structures on the 3rd to 5th grade playground behind building B. This torn ground covering could create a trip hazard for children and should be repaired right away. 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/13/2019
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in classroom # 218. 20.0
4. Classroom bathroom door frames for rooms #225, #226, #229, and # 245 are rusted and require repair and repainting. Class bathrooms with unused radiators inside have these radiators jammed full of trash and cannot be cleaned easily. Recommend removal of these unused bathroom radiators to maintain these restrooms in a more sanitary condition. The radiators are located in class bathrooms # 225, #226, # 230, #245, #247, and #252. Chipping wall paint is present in classroom bathrooms #220A and #221A. Stained wall paint is present in all class bathrooms throughout the facility. These classroom bathroom walls require repainting. Boys hall bathrooms #511B and #531B are also chipped and require repainting. Wall coverings behind the sinks in these same bathrooms are coming loose and requires reattachment. Repair chipping wall paint behind the hand wash sinks in the gym building bottom floor girls bathroom. Repair ceiling leak in Building B. girls bathroom # 523. Repaint this girls bathroom ceiling after the leaks are repaired. 15.0
5. Repair leaking hand wash sink faucets in media center staff bathroom #231 and in teachers lounge #228. 15.0
6. Ceiling and roof leaks are present in classrooms #220, #222, #229, #250, #252, #253, #254, and #256. Roof and ceiling leaks are also present in the Gym 300 hall, in the media center room # 227, in the cafeteria dining room #240, in the Building A hallway by the cafeteria student bathrooms, in the Building B teachers lounge #520, in the school auditorium in building B, and in the hallway outside of classroom # 247. These roof and ceiling leaks require repair and water damaged ceiling tiles must be replaced after these leaks are fixed. 30.0
11. Weeds and shrubs outside of classroom windows of building A are overgrown and require trimming to prevent pest harborage areas. 15.0
General Comments
Room # 503B (basement stock room of building B is flooding due to drainpipes which channel runoff from the building downspouts being clogged. These drainage pipes require clearing A.S.A.P to prevent future flooding of this basement stock room.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/23/2016
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
6. Chipping and peeling wall in Gymnasium. Peeling wall behind commode in 218. Ceiling tile black near light in room 248. Must be in good repair. 30.0
General Comments
Recommend water fountain hand sink combination be noted as to which one you are using by a sign.
Inspection made with Ms. Debbie Mitchell.
Will contact a representative regarding possible lead paint in Gym.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/12/2014
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
4. The toilet rooms, inside of the classrooms, had ceiling tiles that were not washable. These same ceiling tiles were absorbent. Ceiling tiles, in toilet rooms, must be clean, nonabsorbent, and washable. (Rooms in the 200's hallway). Pre-K classroom had similar toilet room. (One of the boys restroom urinals, in 531, was not flushing all the way through. Must be in good repair.) 15.0
6. The ceiling was peeling inside of the gymnasium (420) and parts of the auditorium. Replace the water stained ceiling tiles located in the media center, classrooms in the 200's and 300's hallway. Cracking and peeling walls were found inside of classrooms of the 200's. Will contact someone about possible lead paint since facility was built before 1970. Clean the cobwebs and dust build-up found on in rooms 522 and art room. Must be clean and in good repair. 30.0
7. Storage was found on the floor, in storage rooms. Work on keeping storage above the floor to facilitate cleaning. Must be a minimum of 15 inches above the floor. 10.0
8. Clean the dust build-up found on the ventilation units located in some of the classrooms. Replace damaged blinds in classroom 229. Must be in good repair. (In some 200's classrooms, the middle light was not working. Possibility of another switch not being turned on but could not find. Must be in good repair.) 20.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/06/2012
Score: 89.5

#  Comments Points
3. There was one drinking fountain on the second floor that was not working. There was one water fountain on the second grade hall that stay on for a long time before turning off. There were several drinking fountains on the second and third floor that needs to be cleaned to remove the pink mold around the mouth pieces. In room 256 the water pressure on the drinking fountain was very low. Fountains shall be provided with adequate water pressure,properly regulated,kept clean and in good repair. 40.0
4. In the girl's restroom by the cafeteria on restroom stall did not have a door. In room 322 the boys restroom on the third floor there was peeling paint. In the pre-K room restroom there was peeling paint. Clean the floors in the all the restrooms throughout the school. In room 218 the shoe-molding is starting to come apart from the wall. In several restrooms the walls and ceilings have peeling paint. 30.0
6. In the music room there was peeling paint near the window areas. In room 245 there was peeling paint on the wall near the bathroom. 15.0
8. Clean the vents on the 5th grade hall to remove the dust. Clean the window in several rooms to remove the dead bugs and the spider webs. 20.0
General Comments
Storage spaces and custodians closets shall be kept clean and arranged so s to facilitate cleaning. All storage must be at least 15 inches above the floor.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/30/2011
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. Drinking fountain in (big) girls bathroom doesn't turn off. Small fountain in classroom doesn't have enough pressure to use. 20.0
4. In girls restroom by cafeteria, stall doors are falling apart. Wall in boys restroom upstairs has sheetrock peeling off. Small toilet rooms in classrooms have peeling paint and rusty door frames. 35.0
5. Cracked sink in one of 1st grade classrooms. Water pressure really low in restrooms near the gym. 15.0
6. Need to replace moldy ceiling tile in classroom #248. In 2nd floor classrooms and auditiorium need to clean ceiling tiles around AC vents of dust buildup. AU room has baseboard falling off wall of classroom and in toilet room. 15.0
General Comments
Peeling paing on gym ceiling/rafters.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/19/2009
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. clean the fountains in 500 building ( pink mold ) 20.0
4. the ceilings in all bathrooms, even the smaller ones inside classrooms, need to be washable; numerous toilet bolt covers are missing, and rusty bolts are exposed; replace a corroding wooden divider in boys room 242 and adjust the cold water faucet handle; repair rusty bathroom door frame in 247; paint rusty radiator in 252; strong odor in boys room in 500 building 15.0
6. the carpet in the hall around room 220 and the carpet in the media center is worn and stained; patch and paint walls in 218, 222, 223; replace damaged floor tiles in 220; repair the wall around the sink in the janitors closet 224 ( water damage ); floor wax is building up on the base coving and in the small holes in the concrete blocks of the walls; re-attach a piece of base coving in 230; repair areas of flaking paint in 245, 242, 252, 401, 4-424 and 4-421 staircases ; repair base coving in 247; patch hole in the wall in 248; 302 has moisture damage to the base of one wall ( flaking paint and base coving is falling off the wall ); paint damage to the hallway walls in 500 building; clean the stage area thoroughly, and replace several missing floor tiles in the auditorium 15.0
7. several classrooms have built-in shelves under the windows; the space under the shelves is not large enough for cleaning tools and is filling with debris; keep storage in the closets off the ground to allow for floor cleaning; the shelves in 410 are too low; debris and floor wax is building up under the shelves 10.0
8. clean windows, blinds, and window sills ( especially in 500 building ); replace missing light shield in boys room 242; clean the ceilings around vents in 400 hall and 500 building 20.0
General Comments
GC # 3 : hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( possible contamination of the fountain piece every time hands are washed );
GC # 11 : room 301 has some mouse droppings around a mouse trap
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/16/2008
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
4. the ceilings in all bathrooms need to be washable ( no acoustic tile ); one faucet at the sink in 322 ( boys room ) does not work 15.0
6. the ceiling in 502/503/504 is unfinished; paint is peeling off at least one wall in 503 and 401; paint is flaking off the gym ceiling in large flakes; close the hole in the wall under the sink in 315; water is draining through the walls of a small ( un-numbered ) shed attached to the main building; the concrete is being washed out from between the brick, and algae and mold are growing on the brick wall 15.0
7. repair the wall around the mop sink in 224; clean the floor in 409 ( broken bottle ); provide enough shelving to store all supplies off the floor and do not use bathrooms in the classrooms for storage; the top floor in the 500 building does not have a custodian closet, and paper goods and some cleaners are stored in the mechanical room 20.0
11. teachers store chemicals like chlorox wipes and cleaning agents under the sinks or on counter tops in the classrooms; remind teachers to store chemicals out of reach of the children ( 5 feet or higher ) 30.0
General Comments
GC # 8 : dust the windows and window sills ;
GC # 3 : hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( potential contamination of fountain piece every time someone washes hands );
GC # 4 : the commode in 316 is child-sized and appears too small for the children in that room
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/31/2006
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
4. ceilings in all bathrooms need to be washable ( no acoustic tile ); one bathroom has a very old corroding window and damage to the base of the walls 15.0
6. gym ceiling paint is flaking off ( floor is littered with paint flakes ); paint peeling off the walls in the basement ( moisture ); dance room floor is bulging up ( hardwood floors not suitable for basements ); replace cracked floor tiles; repair hole in library wall; repair damaged wall areas around mop sinks; thoroughly clean 246,251 30.0
8. clean window sills 20.0
11. door between dance room and outside needs a door sweep; leaves and dirt blowing into the classroom; a lot of dust and spiders in the dance room; clean refrigerator in 514 15.0
General Comments
Note : repair any loose toilet seats;
Note : fountain/ handsink combination sinks in use (contamination of fountain part during hand washing)
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Wake Forest Elementary School
Location: 136 W Sycamore St WAKE FOREST, NC 27587
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/13/2004
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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