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Vance Elem School Bldg.

RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533

Facility Type: Schools

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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/29/2023
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the bathroom in classroom #302. Repair toilets that have poor water flow for flushing in the following school locations: in the 2nd toilet stall of the gym girl`s bathroom, in the first toilet stall of the boy`s bathroom on the #400 hallway, and in the bathrooms in classrooms #305 and #306. 20.0
6. Repair roof/ceiling leak in media center. Repaint water-stained upper wall area in the media center caused by this leak. The wall area should be repainted with a waterproof and mold resistant paint. Replace deteriorated wooden floorboards on entrance ramps for classroom trailers #802 and #806. These deteriorated wooden floorboards pose potential safety concerns including trip and fall hazards and the possibility of a floorboard collapse underfoot. Priority repairs for safety are needed. Repair or replace deteriorated and loose side railings on the entry ramp for class trailer #806. Repair for safety is required to prevent fall hazards and other injuries on this ramp. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctioning air conditioning systems in classrooms #406 and #407. Priority repairs of these air conditioning systems are required for the health, safety, and comfort of both students and staff who use these classrooms. Repair seven nonfunctional ceiling lights in classroom #204. Replace missing ceiling light shield cover for light fixture over the gym stage. Reattach loose ceiling light shield covering in the girl`s bathroom on the #500 hallway. 20.0
11. Reattach loose hand railing on top of retention wall at elevated bridge leading to the K-2 playground structure. Priority repairs for safety are needed to prevent fall hazards and other possible injuries. 15.0
General Comments
Storage of supplies by the YMCA program in the front lobby of the gym is blocking the entry/exit doors. This storage poses a safety risk by blocking these exit doors and should be removed. A large hornet nest is in a tree adjacent to the front vehicle parking locations. Keep children and staff away from the area around this hornet nest and have pest control professionals remove the nest.
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/28/2022
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the media center student bathroom. 20.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink that has a clogged drain in the boys bathroom on the 500 hall. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling/roof leak in media center. Repair/repaint water stained wall area beneath this leak. Repair and repaint chipping ceiling cover in the gym at the windows. Repair and seal hole in class bathroom wall of modular building #806. Ramp and deck floorboards, steps, and handrails on Modular buildings #801, #803, #804, and #806 are in need of replacement. These components are loose, warped, deteriorated, chipped and splintered. The poor condition of the floor boards on the ramps, steps, and decks could cause possible trip and fall hazards. The splintered hand rails can cause possible punctures or cuts. Priority repairs are needed. Repair loose metal fastener strip on ramp floor tread cover for modular building #804. This loose metal stripping poses a possible trip hazard and a possible cut hazard. Priority safety repair is needed. Repair ceiling leak in modular building #803. Replace stained ceiling tile after the source of this leak is fixed. Repair loose hand railing on retaining wall adjacent to the K-2 Playground. Safety repair item. Seal spaces between floor/ground cover tiles on the 3,4,5 Playground to prevent possible trip hazards. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the gym and in the boys bathroom for the gym. Replace missing ceiling light shield over the stage in the gym building. Dead bugs are present in the ceiling light fixture in the men`s staff bathroom on the gym stage. These light fixtures should be cleaned out. Replace stained ceiling light lens covers in modular class building #803. 20.0
General Comments
Cleaning chemicals including bleach wipes and aerosol spray cans should be stored in areas not accessible to students. Examples: These cleaning chemicals should be kept in areas only accessible to staff including closed or locked cabinets, closets, stockrooms, or drawers. Repair deteriorated hand rail covers on K-2 playground structure ramps. Rusted metal on these exposed areas of hand railing could create possible cutting and splinter hazards. Repair deteriorated covering on spinner foot platform on 3,4,5 playground structure. Exposed sharp metal edges on the spinner foot platform could cause possible cuts or injury. Safety repair item.
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/07/2020
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in special needs classroom #501. Repair loose drinking fountain fixture on sink in classroom #407. 20.0
5. Repair or replace nonfunctional hand wash sink in classroom #202. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms #300 and #405. Replace damaged, warped, or loose floor boards on the rear exit deck to the stairs on modular building #803 and on the entry ramp for modular building #806. 15.0
7. Office and class supplies were stored in the gym/stage girls restroom. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Storage of these items in this gym/stage restroom are an impediment to the cleaning and repair of this facility. Remove all items from this restroom so fixtures are accessible for cleaning and maintenance. 10.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the nurses office on the 200 hall, in classroom #206, and in the boys gym bathroom. 20.0
11. Ants are present in the drinking fountain in the gym. Pest control treatments are necessary to remove this infestation. 10.0
General Comments
Repair damaged hand rail covering on platform near tube slide on playground structure behind the basketball court. (Safety Hazard).
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/14/2018
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
4. Reattach loose base of commode in staff bathroom in media center. Repair leak on commode pipe in class bathroom # 501. Replace worn commode seats in the girls restroom in the gym. 20.0
7. Class supplies, office files, toys, and cabinets were stored in class bathrooms in modular buildings # 801 and # 806. Bathrooms are not clean storage spaces and storage in restrooms is an impediment to cleaning. 20.0
11. Wasp nests are present on ceiling of picnic shelter. Keep children away from this area until the wasps nests have been removed by approved staff. Grounds around gym and modular class buildings require mowing. 25.0
General Comments
Repair, reattach, and seal loose foam square pad covers around playground equipment. Recommend notice to staff to keep cleaning chemicals, chlorox wipes, white board cleaner and aerosol sprays out of the reach of students in the classrooms. Example: Store these chemical products in locked cabinets or in teacher desk drawers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/26/2017
Score: 84.5

#  Comments Points
3. Water pressure of water fountain in room 501 needs to be increased. Water pressure should be adequate for drinking without having to touch spout or hood but not so much that it overflows onto floor. 20.0
4. Repairs needed to toilet in 500 hallway - seat is badly scarred and discolored, bolts connection toilet to floor are broken so toilet unsecured. Boys restroom across from art room, urinal not working and reportedly not working for at least 2 month. Foul odor in same restroom. Girls restroom across from art room has non-functional faucet on sink closest to door. Door of Men`s restroom, at music room, does not close without a great deal of force. Many previous comments. Repeat 30.0
5. Lavatories of both boys` and girls` restrooms in 300, 400 and 500 hallways in need of cleaning. Caulk is stained, soiled and cracked. 15.0
6. Cleaning needed of badly stained carpet in rooms 400, 401, 402, 405, 305, 303, 306 and 307. Replacement needed of cracked and broken floor tiles in rooms 407, 805, 803 and 802. Replacement needed of rotted and loose boards on entry ramps at trailers 802, 801 and entry stairs at trailer 801. Ceiling paint in need of repair in trailer 801. Repairs needed to soft and spongy floors in trailers 801 and 802. 30.0
7. Storage on floor observed in the following storage rooms/areas: 500 Hall, modular building 803, 200 Hall Custodial room, Media Storage, Gym, 406 and Art. Keep all storage off of the floor at least 15 inches; Storage in restroom observed in all trailers. Do not use restrooms are storage areas. Repeat 20.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in all classrooms visited. Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lotions, and any other chemical labeled ` Keep out of Reach of Children` is to be kept 5 feet off finished floor. Cleaning chemicals, anything in an aerosolized container and medications are to be kept locked. [Repeat] Drain flies in toilets in gymnasium. 40.0
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/07/2015
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
3. A.) Cleaning needed of water fountain in 300 Hall. 20.0
4. B.) Repairs needed to leaking toilet in 300 hall boy's restroom; Cleaning needed under boy's urinals on 400 and 500 hall. 20.0
6. Cleaning needed of Media center doors as well as 300 hallway restroom doors; Repairs needed to Modular building 801 wall. Large hole in wall near entry door; Replacement needed of damaged/worn carpet in modular building 801. 15.0
7. B.)Storage on floor observed in the following storage rooms/areas: 500 Hall, modular building 803, 200 Hall Custodial room, Media Storage, Gym, 406 and Art. Keep all storage off of the floor at least 15 inches; Storage in restroom observed in Modular building 801. Do not use restrooms are storage areas. 10.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in all classrooms visited. Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lotions, and any other chemical labeled ' Keep out of Reach of Children' is to be kept 5 feet off finished floor. Cleaning chemicals, anything in an aerosolized container and medications are to be kept locked. 30.0
General Comments
Repair bubbling paint behind toilet in boy's restroom on 300 hall.
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/21/2014
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
3. A.) Cleaning needed of water fountains in 300 and 400 hall. 20.0
6. A.) REHS observed peeling paint in Gym and behind boy`s toilet in 300 hall. According to Wake County records Gym and main building was constructed prior to 1977. Information will be provided to Lead Specialist and contact will be made regarding paint. Do not touch affected areas; Replacement needed to damaged floor tiles at 300 hall threshold in doorway; Cleaning needed of floors in Art room kiln closet behind door and in Media center closet. 15.0
7. B.) Storage on floor observed in the following rooms: Media center storage, Music room, 200 Custodial closet, Art closet,500 storage room, Gym storage, and Modular classroom 802 and 803. Keep all storage at least 15 inches off floor. 10.0
11. C.) Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: 202, 203, 302, 307, 111, 402, Gym girl`s restroom, and modular buildings 802 and 803. Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lotions, and any other chemical labeled " Keep out of Reach of Children" is to be kept 5 feet off finished floor. Cleaning chemicals, anything in an aerosolized container and medications are to be kept locked. 30.0
General Comments
Hand sanitizer should NEVER be used in place of proper hand washing. Recommend putting teachers that have students that require close care in rooms with adequate hand washing facilities.
Replacement needed of badly rusting handsink in Girl's Gym restroom.
Replacement needed of badly corroded screws securing toilets to floors.
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/24/2013
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
7. Storage on floor observed in the following rooms: Art,Media room, Gym, and 406. Keep storage off of floor. 10.0
8. Replace blown lights in rooms 204, 305, Art, and modular building 805. 20.0
General Comments
Repair handsink handles in 400 hall boy's restroom that once depressed stay on less than 15 seconds. Replacement needed of 400 hall girl's restroom handsink handles. These handles must be turned and must kept being turned to wash hands. Children cannot properly or effectively wash hands with these handles.
Replace cracked floor tiles in outside modular building beside new YMCA modular.
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/15/2013
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
7. Storage must be above the floor. Paper room needs more shelving to keep storage above the floor. 10.0
11. Store chemicals according to labelling requirements. Disinfectant/sanitizing wipes (lysol and clorox wipes) found in several classrooms where they were easily accessible to children. All bottles labeled "keep out of reach of children" should be stored five feet up. 30.0
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/20/2012
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. Repair two broken toilets and one that won't stop flushing. Replace caulking as needed on toilet bases and urinals. 20.0
7. Storage must be above the floor. Paper room needs more shelving to keep storage above the floor. Book room has insufficient space for the amount of storage. 10.0
11. Store chemicals according to labelling requirements. Disinfectant/sanitizing wipes (lysol and clorox wipes) found in several classrooms where they were easily accessible to children. A couple of bottles of general cleaners (Mr. Clean, etc) also found in classrooms below sinks or in lower cabinets. All bottles labeled "keep out of reach of children" should be stored five feet up. EHS recommends using only school provided cleaners and disinfectants as these chemicals are approved for institutional use and MSDS sheets are provided. 30.0
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/20/2010
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
3. Several water fountain nozzles need better cleaning. 20.0
7. Can washes in custodial closets need some cleaning. 10.0
General Comments
Clean school!
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/03/2006
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/06/2004
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/21/2001
Score: 97.5

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Vance Elem School Bldg.
Location: 8808 OLD STAGE RD RALEIGH, NC 27603-9533
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/28/2000
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
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