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Lockhart Elem. School

1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189

Facility Type: Schools

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Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/24/2021
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair toilets that have poor water flow in class bathroom #108A and in the end stall of girls hall bathroom #133. Repair leaking toilet in the first stall of the modular building girls bathroom #M615-03A. The leak on this toilet has rusted the water pipe at the top of the toilet rim. 20.0
5. Repair hand wash sink that has poor water flow in the boys bathroom in the restroom trailer. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in health room #100C, in class bathroom #110A and in the modular building girls bathroom #M615-03A. The leak in the girls modular bathroom #M615-03A is major and requires priority repair. Water damaged ceiling tiles should be replaced after the sources of these leaks are fixed. Replace rotted floor boards that have holes on the entry ramps to the restroom trailer and to modular class building # 182. (Priority repairs due to safety concerns and trip hazards.) Replace broken wall base tiles beneath urinal in the fourth grade building boys bathroom #3. Seal hole in wall of classroom #209 bathroom. The hole is around the water pipe for the toilet in this bathroom. Repaint chipped walls in staff bathroom #211D. The walls in all of the pre-k hall classroom bathrooms are permanently stained and require repainting. 15.0
11. Repair torn floor covering on platform on playground structure behind the fourth grade building. The platform is adjacent to the monkey bars on this play structure. (Priority repair due to safety concerns.) Repaint chipped and rusted monkey bars on this same play structure. 15.0
General Comments
Replace broken paper towel dispenser for hand wash sink in classroom #209. School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/10/2019
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains by boys hall bathroom #121, in modular building #M615, and in the 300 building by the boys bathroom. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional toilets in class bathroom #106A, in the boys hall bathroom #121, in the girls hall bathroom #133, in the boys hall bathroom in the 300 building, and in the girls gym bathroom #610 (second stall from end). Repair clogged toilet in boys gym bathroom #608. Repair broken toilet seat in boys hall bathroom #135. Repair nonfunctional urinals in boys hall bathroom #135 (one urinal) and in the 300 building boys bathroom (two urinals). Repair ceiling leaks in the girls modular hall bathroom #M615-03A and in the girls hall bathroom in the 200 building. Replace missing ceiling tiles in boys hall bathroom #216. Repair peeling wall paint in class bathroom #206. Replace missing wall base tiles in the boys modular hall bathroom #M615-02A (toilet stall). 35.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink in the boys hall bathroom #216. 15.0
6. Repair peeling wall paint in gym. Repair ceiling leak in health room #100C. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light fixtures in the bathroom trailer (boys and girls bathrooms), in the health room bathroom # 100D, and in the boys modular building bathroom #M615-02A. The lack of lighting in the bathroom trailer is severe and a safety hazard. Repair A.S.A.P. Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in classroom #208. 20.0
11. Repair loose support beam on monkey bars ring on playground structure adjacent to blacktop. Replace ground cover pads that have holes on playground by blacktop. (trip hazard). Repair torn step covering on playground structure by blacktop. (trip hazard) 15.0
General Comments
Box of class paperwork was stored on the floor of class bathroom #106A. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Repair clogged dishwasher drain in the special needs class kitchen #115.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/23/2017
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
4. Main and 300 building- All bathroom inside walls need cleaning and repainting. Cleaning of the bathroom walls is needed more frequently. Physical facility must be maintained clean and in good repair. Main building- The caulking around the base of the toilets are not smooth. The caulking has become soiled and stained from the waxing and mopping of the floors. The base of the toilets also need better cleaning/scrubbing, due to the splash of mop water leaving residue on the toilets. Please remove the old caulking and replace with new smoothly applied caulking. Repeat- Wall cleaning in the bathrooms was mentioned on the last inspection. 50.0
6. Main building- The hallway doors and walls need to be repainted. Doors and walls are soiled from hands and have not been repainted in a long time(years). Please clean all hand contact areas of entry doors. Doors have a soiled residue build-up on them around the handle area. 15.0
General Comments
Inspection made with the custodian Tony.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/24/2015
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
3. Replace the missing push bar on the water fountain in main building. Clean the water fountain in the modular building where the computers labs are there was pink algae around the mouth piece of the fountains. All water fountains must be in good repair and clean. B. The water fountains in the modular unit M1615 had low water pressure. The water fountain in the modular unit where the computer labs are had low water pressure. 40.0
4. Replace the missing floor covers in the boy`s restroom in modular unit M615. Clean the walls in the restrooms. 15.0
General Comments
8. Clean the blinds in the modular unit used for gym equipment to remove the dust and spider webs.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/30/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
3. A. In the main building drinking fountain # 1 needs the area around the hand press replaced. The hand press handle is rusty. Repair all the water fountains that are not working. 20.0
4. A. Clean the floors in all the restrooms. (C) Clean the floors in all restrooms Clean around the baseboards of the floors in the restrooms. 30.0
General Comments
GC 7 keep storage at least 15 inches above the floor to facilitate cleaning.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/14/2012
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. The water fountain, in the 300's hallway, was very soiled and either needs to be cleaned or replaced if not able to clean. Must be clean and in good repair. 20.0
4. The ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable; vinyl coated tiles. The walls, in the bathrooms, located in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade hallways need to either be cleaned or repainted. Foundation, in the 1st grade restrooms, seems to be settling and causing separation between the flooring and wall. Must be in good repair. Replace the stained wall tiles in the 1st grade girls restroom. 15.0
6. Several walls, in the hallways and bahtrooms, need to be either cleaned or repainted. Repair the hole in the wall, behind the water fountain. Address the crack in the lower ceiling, in the library, located above the computers. Clean the build-up, on the wall, underneath the water fountains in the library. Loose corner wall piece found in trailer 183. Flaky paint found inside of the gymnasium; scheduled to be repainted with the next 2 weekends. Repair work on repainting of outside/inside gym, exterior 1st grade doors, door jams of 1st grade building, cafeteria, and kitchen. 15.0
7. Storage was on the floor in multiple classrooms and trailers (206, 207, 127, 117, 182, and 183). Storage must be at least 15 inches off of the floor. 10.0
8. Rusted vent covers were found in the 5th grade boys restroom. Clean the dust build-up on the ventilation units located in the 300s and 200s bathrooms. Blown light bulbs in the 5th grade bathroom. 20.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/25/2009
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. water pressure is too low at the fountains in 103,110,208,209, and at one fountain in the large modular ; clean the fountains outside 135 ( pink algae ) and outside room 317 20.0
4. the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( vinyl coated tiles ); the walls in the Kindergarten hall bathrooms need repair ( stains, moisture damage, odor ); clean the walls around sinks and commodes in the bathrooms 119 and 121, and 133 and 135; paint is chipping off the insulated pipes in the bathrooms in 300 building; the tile in the girls bathroom in 200 building needs repair, and the heater pipe has mildew spots 15.0
6. several Kindergarten rooms had wall damage near the base of the back door; re-attach loose base coving in gym hallway; walls and door frames in 300 building need paint; some of the door frame bases of outside doors in 200 building have rust 15.0
7. remove storage out of the Kindergarten bathrooms; organize book storage rooms 140 and 201 10.0
8. the ceiling vent covers in 119/121 are rusty; clean the stage curtains ( stains and dust ); paint is flaking off the windows in 300 and 200 buildings ; sewage odor in the former shower rooms/now storage rooms 605A and 605B ( gym building ); floor drains that do not have water running through through can run dry; if this happens, sewer gas will enter the building through the dry drains; check the condition of the floor drains in 605 A and B; window sills in the storage rooms in gym building have flaking paint; clean the windows ( spider webs, debris, dead insects ) 20.0
General Comments
Note : several small valve leaks in M-5 and M-6 ;
GC # 11 : please remind teachers not to store chemicals including Chlorox wipes and household cleaners in bottom cabinets or under the sinks; store chemicals out of reach of children in top cabinets or locked cabinets ;
GC # 5 : the faucets in 102,108,106 are starting to corrode
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/29/2008
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. repair the fountains to the very left near 113 and M615-02B; adjust fountain in 209; replace broken handle bar on fountain across from 303 20.0
4. the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( vinyl coated tiles ); paint is flaking off the walls in the girls bathroom in the gym; paint is chipping off the insulated pipes in girls bathroom in 300 building 15.0
6. replace moldy ceiling tile in 315; paint is flaking off the walls and pipes in the gym building; the back of the stage has water damage to walls and flooring ( the wooden floors are moist and give when stepped on; wall covering is peeling and flaking; mineral deposits are forming on the walls ); the floor under the hand sink in the boys bathroom in the single trailer may have water damage; the vinyl is stained and wrinkled, and the floor gives when stepped on; replace stained tile in 705; clean the ceiling around the vents in 102 15.0
8. paint is flaking off the windows and some mildew is forming on the windows in 300 and 200 buildings ( 200 building is more affected than 300 building ); rust is forming on ceiling vents and light fixtures need to be cleaned in 183 20.0
General Comments
GC # 11 : please remind teachers not to store chemicals including Chlorox wipes and household cleaners in bottom cabinets or under the sinks; store chemicals out of reach of children in top cabinets or locked cabinets ;
GC # 7 : do not use bathrooms for storage
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/03/2006
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. adjust pressure at several fountains, especially in the Annex building; outdoor fountains have no protection from contamination ( bird droppings and run-off from the roof ) 20.0
4. all bathroom ceilings need to be washable ( no acoustic tile ) 15.0
6. huge mold spot above hand sink on girls side of bathroom trailer; replace cracked floor tiles in hallways and stained or missing ceiling tiles; floor tiles do not fit seamless; repair wall around commode in 110 15.0
8. large amount of condensation dripping from the duct work in the gym; same problem in trailer 183; heaters in bathrooms in 1st grade building are rusty; mold spots in light shields in 701 20.0
General Comments
GC 4b : sand and paint dividers in 1st class building bathrooms and in bathrooms in the free standing bathroom trailer;
Note# : do not use water heater as storage surface ( Annex ), and keep a thermometer in the special ed class refrigerator
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Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/16/2004
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Lockhart Elem. School
Location: 1320 Smithfield Rd P.O. Box 189 RALEIGH, NC 27545
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/01/2001
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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