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Oak Grove Elementary School

10401 Penny Rd

Facility Type: Schools

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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/05/2022
Score: 89.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair loose water/drinking fountain attachment on sink in class room #407. These classroom sink fountains should be secured in a fixed position to spray over the sink. 20.0
4. Repair misaligned and loose toilet seat in classroom bathroom #411A. Repair toilet that has poor water flow and a loose and stained toilet seat in the girls hall bathroom #603. This toilet seat requires replacement. Repair two toilets that have poor water flow for flushing and one clogged toilet in girls hall bathroom #502. Repair one nonfunctional urinal and one toilet with poor water flow for flushing in the boys hall bathroom #500. Repair ceiling leak and repair water damaged ceiling surface at the area of the leak in girls bathroom #200. 35.0
5. Repair water damaged hand sink cabinet interior in pre-k classroom #122. This wooden sink cabinet interior is very deteriorated from a prior leak. Reattach paper towel dispenser to wall in staff bathroom 100L. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in the 400 hallway adjacent to custodial closet #409. These leaks are actively dripping into garbage cans placed beneath. Priority repairs are necessary. Repair additional ceiling and roof leaks in the following school building locations: on the gym #301 stage ceiling adjacent to the skylights, in classroom #506, in classroom #507, in trailer #804, in the courage court hallway intersection, in the 100 hallway at room #114E, and in the art class kiln room #108B. Repair water damaged ceiling materials or replace water stained ceiling tiles after the sources of these leaks have been fixed. Repair and repaint chipping and peeling gym (room #301) ceiling paint. Repair chipping paint on door surfaces in the gym (room #301). Replace broken floor tiles in the 400 hall at room #413. Replace broken drawer exterior cover on cabinets in special needs class room #205. Repair and replace loose and detached exterior siding wall adjacent to ramp on trailer #803. There are exposed nail points on this detached siding that pose potential injury hazards to students and staff using the ramp. Priority repair is required for safety and to prevent water damage to the trailer interior. The floor boards and fence hand rails on the entry ramps and decks of trailers #801, #802, #803, #804 are deteriorated, loose, and damaged. In some areas on these ramps and decks the floorboards have come loose and are deteriorated to the point where breaks or collapse under foot is a concern. The handrail posts are also extremely loose on these ramps with concerns of breaking. Priority replacement of the trailer handrails and ramp and deck floorboards is needed due the potential of trip and fall hazards and other possible injuries. Carpeting in room #605 is damp and has a musty odor from an air conditioning system leak. This carpet is also stained from the water damage caused by the leak. The carpet in room #605 is need of replacement due to the potential of possible mold growth due to water damage. The source of the leaks causing the water damaged carpet in room #605 also requires proper repair to prevent further water damage. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the following school locations: in office #207A, in classroom #405, in classroom #406, in classroom #404, in classroom #407, in classroom #410, in classroom #413, in the art classroom #108 and art class stockroom, in girls bathroom #200, and in the cafeteria dining room. The cafeteria dining room has eight nonfunctional ceiling light fixtures and classrooms #410 and #413 each have four nonfunctional ceiling lights. Priority repair of lighting throughout the main school building is necessary. Dust buildup is present on the tops of the air conditioning system ductwork in the gym #301. The tops of these ceiling ducts require cleaning. Replace broken ceiling light shield in girls hall bathroom #603. 20.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed for current annual inspection cycle.
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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/12/2022
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
4. .2408 In girls restroom(212), the last stall on far right did not flush; toilet seats in bathroom (502) were stained. Hallway bathroom was peeling, chipping paint on walls and around hand sinks. Toilet fixtures shall be kept in good repair. Walls of toilet facilities shall be kept clean. 15.0
6. .2410 In ECS sensory room, paint on walls were peeling, workroom(103) walls has scratches and chipped paint, and stained ceiling tiles in classrooms(406 & A01). Exterior of trailer walls deteriorating, walls need cleaning in classroom(505), floor of trailer ramp walkway need repairing, carpet in trailer 1 need cleaning and BI trailer ceiling is peeling. Floor, walls and ceilings of all areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15.0
7. Outside storage room near pre-k classroom has toys and other items stored on the ground. Food was stored on the floor in classroom(508). All storage shall be at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged so as to permit thorough cleaning. 10.0
8. Light fixtures bulbs were blown out in classrooms (110, 104, 602, 606 & 514). Clean windows in first trailer and clean vents in trailer A01. All windows and fixtures (grills, blinds, drapes, lighting fixtures, etc.) shall be kept clean and in good repair. 20.0
11. .2415(a)(b) Unlabeled spray bottles stored on cabinet in nurse`s station, metallic spray paint in open storage closet (508), dry erase board cleaner with additional warnings stored on board accessible to students (514), and chemical stain blaster with serious warnings(406). Piles of leaves that can become harborage area near pre-k playground and fallen tree branches and trees/bushes growing across fence at large playground area. Pesticides or other toxic materials shall be used as directed on the label and handled and stored as to avoid health hazards. There shall be no fly or mosquito breeding places, rodent harborages or undrained areas on premises. 10.0
General Comments
Inspection with Brenda Bass. Written inspection form was provided and signed by PIC.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/21/2020
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair office drinking fountain that has low water pressure. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in classroom #407 40.0
4. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys hall bathroom #201. Repair leaking toilet in girls hall bathroom #212 (last stall). Replace stained toilet seat on this same toilet. Repair cracked rim of toilet in the first stall of boys bathroom #500. Repair loose toilet seat in boys bathroom #601. (First stall) Replace missing stall dividers for urinals in boys bathroom #216. 20.0
6. Repair chipping paint and damaged wall coverings in classroom bathrooms #207C, #404A, #407A, #408A, #410A, #411A, and #413A. Repair ceiling leak in staff bathroom #214. Repair peeling ceiling covering in gym and stage areas. (Room #301) Repair ceiling leak at entry to first grade hall. Repair ceiling leak in the first grade hallway. Repair damaged wall area in classroom #411 by the class bathroom. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the office staff bathroom #101M and in class bathroom #413A. Repair nonfunctional ceiling exhaust fan in staff bathroom #501. Cafeteria dining room ceiling vents have an excessive amount of dust build up and require cleaning as well as possible changing of vent system filters for this room. (Vents are located at divider wall between gym and cafeteria.) 20.0
General Comments
Repair door catch to the entrance doors on the special education class hall. The door catch is nonfunctional and the door will not stay opened. Repair loose hand hold bar at entry to slide on play structure platform on the 3-5 playground. Special needs class bathrooms #207B and #207C have been converted into teaching stations for online instruction. Backdrop screens and other classrooms items including desks and chairs stored in these restrooms are an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these restroom facilities. Restrooms are also not clean locations for the storage of classroom items. Only items related to bathroom use should be stored in class bathrooms.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/19/2019
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in the 500 and 600 hallway intersection and in classroom # 407. 20.0
4. Repair peeling paint and damaged wall coverings in health room bathroom 101F, media center student bathroom, #114D, class bathrooms 407A, 408A, 410A, 411A, 413A, and in special needs class bathroom 207C. Wall boarding in class bathroom # 411 A must be painted with water proof paint. Repair hole in the base of the wall in class bathroom #411A. Replace missing urinal stall dividers in boys hall bathrooms #601 and # 216. Replace loose wall base tile covering in all classroom bathrooms listed for wall repairs. Repair damaged floor covering at the entrance to the special needs class bathroom # 207C. Repair leaks at the base of toilets in girls hall bathrooms # 200, #212, and # 603. Replace damaged toilet seat in girls hall bathroom #212. Replace missing or loose grout around the base of toilets in staff bathrooms #117 and #119 and in office bathrooms #101O and #101M. 50.0
6. Repair ceiling/roof leaks in custodial room #302. High wall ledges in media center, cafeteria dining room, and in front hall/Media center entrance have dust build up and require cleaning. ( Lift is needed to clean these areas due to height of ledges.) Repair peeling ceiling paint in gym/activity room. 15.0
General Comments
Replace loose kindergarten playground ground padding to prevent trip hazards.
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/08/2016
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. All the fountains attached to hand sinks need to be re-adjusted. The water pressure is too low on most of them. Recommend removing those fountains. They are a source of contamination for the user, because the fountain mouth piece is splashed on every time hands are washed. The hallway fountain next to the library does not work. 20.0
4. The walls in the 500 hall bathrooms need to be painted. There are lots of scuffs and scratches. Repair the bathroom wall in 407 A. 15.0
6. The carpet needs to be cleaned thoroughly ( debris as well as spots and stains ). A leak above the back door of the custodian area has caused several celling tiles to be come moldy. Tiles are still wet. Locate and repair the leak and change the moldy ceiling tiles. In the cafeteria, a leak can be found above one of the doors to the kitchen. The ceiling support beams are rusty, and the tiles are stained. Locate and repair the leak. Repair the wooden steps leading to trailer 804. One is broken, and several more are "soft". The paint on the gym ceiling is starting to flake off. 15.0
7. The storage room floors need to be cleared of storage and cleaned. Use mop hangers in the mop sink closets to avoid having the wet mop heads leaning against the walls. 10.0
8. The ceiling tiles in all classrooms are noticeable bent indicating high humidity in the building. The dehumidifiers should be evaluated. The air conditioning is not working well. Room 602 is at 80 F, for example. The music trailer is at 84 F at 10:30 am. Repair the air conditioning system for this unit. Replace all broken light bulbs. 20.0
11. Chemicals, cleaners, disinfectants are stored under the sinks in the classrooms. Please remind teachers that these items need to be kept out of reach of children ( 5 feet or higher off the ground or in a locked cabinet ) when the children return on Monday. This includes Chlorox wipes and hand sanitizers. 0.0
General Comments
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/28/2014
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
4. Repair a crack in the ceiling in bathroom 200. Repair moisture damage to bathroom ceilings in 212 and 216. 15.0
6. The carpet need to be cleaned ( spots and stains ). Replace a stained ceiling tile in 610. The panic bar on one of the doors of room 802 gets stuck and does not open easily. The wall paper in rooms 511 and 407 is starting to peel. Repair moisture damage to the ceiling above a window on the peach colored wall in the library. 15.0
7. Clean the floors in storage areas 101 N and 101 Q. 10.0
8. Clean the windows in the art room. The ceiling tiles in almost all rooms are noticeable bent indicating high humidity in the building. The dehumidifiers should be evaluated ( look at tiles in 600 hall or the computer lab ). It is very warm in rooms 514 and 410. The overhead duct work in the gym/multipurpose room is very dusty and needs to be cleaned. The stage curtains need to be cleaned. The light fixtures in the stage area and the library are dusty. 20.0
11. Chemicals, cleaners, disinfectants are stored under the sinks in the classrooms. Please remind teachers that these items need to be kept out of reach of children ( 5 feet or higher off the ground or in a locked cabinet ). This includes Chlorox wipes. 30.0
General Comments
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/15/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
4. Repair urinal that is out of order. One hot water heater with MAXIMO #15628 does not seem to be working. 15.0
6. Thoroughly clean hall floors. Clean storage areas. Cob webs in corners etc. 15.0
7. Some of the high shelving is dusty. High dusting needs to be better. There are items stored on floors in class rooms and in storage areas. All storage should be on shelves or on racks high enough to sweep and mop under. Shelving could also be enclosed like a proper cabinet base. Shelving can be on wheels to be moved for cleaning. 20.0
General Comments
***The kindergarten outdoor jungle gym has swinging steps that are suppose to be anchored with chains at the ground so they move but do not swing too far. The chains have come loose at the ground. They could be a hazard and need to be repaired or removed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/27/2010
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
4. Boys gang restrooms have holes in wall from new stalls repair holes. Walls in classroom restrooms are damaged and need repair. Repair walls and damaged base boards this should help with smell (ex: rooms 404, 408 -recommend FRP) 15.0
5. Replace corroded faucets in gang restrooms. 15.0
6. Clean walls around handsinks in classrooms, clean floors in janitor closets. Cobwebs in restrooms and closets. 15.0
11. Lysol wipes, clorox wipes, other chemicals should be kept behind the teachers desk or in a locked cabinet to prevent access to students. 30.0
General Comments
Clean air vents and ceiling around vents where needed. Provide shelves for track out rooms and organize.
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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/19/2007
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
6. Repair floor in custodial closet on 200 hall. 15.0
7. Do not store class supplies, toys, or art supplies in classroom bathrooms. Ex: Classes on 200 and 400 hallways. 10.0
8. Clean ceiling vent returns in cafeteria and in 200 hall classes. Some dust/residue was present. 20.0
11. Keep items like chemical surface wipes, white board cleaner, rubber cement, and cleaning chemicals stored in areas not accessible to students. Ex: In locked or closed cabinets, drawers, closets, and storerooms. These items were present in classes on 400 and 600 halls. 30.0
General Comments
Inspection was conducted to also investigate a complaint concerning air quality and temperature in classroom # 608. School and Wake County Public Schools System administrators have taken several steps to verify proper air quality is maintained in this classroom. Administrators had all vents on 500 and 600 halls cleaned by a private contractor. Visual inspection of the vent system for class # 608 was made on 9/11/07 and minor repairs were made. Wake county school system maintenance staff performed follow up visual inspections of the vent system in classroom 608 and surrounding rooms on 9/12/07. No visual signs of mold growth were found. Air quality tests were performed on room # 608 on 9/13 and 9/14/07 by the firm of Froehling and Robertson Inc. Results from all tests indicated air quality as normal. During the testing period students were relocated to a modular classroom on campus. The carpeting in room # 608 was thoroughly cleaned and the coils on the H.V.A.C. system for the entire 600 hall were cleaned. Today''s inspection of classroom # 608 showed no visual signs of mold growth. No odors were present and both carpeting and vents in room were clean. The air conditioning system in the room appeared to be functioning properly. The inspection also showed that items that could impact air quality in the building that had been identified from the prior October of 2006 sanitation inspection have also been repaired. Ceiling leaks in rooms 208, 511, and custodial offices have been repaired and all water damaged ceiling tile has been replaced. Room # 604 was inspected and no odors or visual signs of mold growth were present. Vents and carpets in this room were also clean. No other visual signs of mold growth or leaks were observed at the time of this inspection. Recommend that school administration continue to monitor the rooms that were areas of concern to ensure that air quality continues to remain at approved levels.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/04/2006
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
6. Repair ceiling leaks in rooms # 208, 511, and in custodial offices. Replace water damaged ceiling tile in these areas. Some mold is present at leak in room # 511. Repair A.S.A.P. Verify completion of repairs to ceiling leak by cafeteria window. 30.0
11. Fire ant colonies are present throughout all outside activity areas. The entire outside play and activity area should be treated by an approved pest contractor. Treatment should be thorough across grounds and play equipment. Pesticides should be applied when children are off premises. All cleaning chemicals, disinfectant surface wipes, and aerosol cans should be stored out of reach of students in classes. Ex: Store in cabinets, closets, or drawers. 50.0
General Comments
A musty odor is present in classroom #604. Have ventilation filters, ducts, and returns checked. Carpeted area in room should also be checked to see if mold is present on floor pads beneath. Dispenser that can hold provided paper towels is needed in girls hall bathroom #502. Towels are getting wet.
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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/29/2006
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
4. Walls in all 1st grade restrooms are dirty and in poor repair. Strong urine odor present. Recommend placing FRP on walls around toilets to provide a cleanable surface. 15.0
5. Need towels in 500 & 600 hall - boys restrooms. 20.0
6. Repair celing leak at entrance to 500 hall restroom. 15.0
8. Clean airvent covers in Rms 608 & 205 and in other classes as needed. 20.0
11. Toxic chemicals found under sink in Rm 205. Store in locked cabinet or custodian room. 30.0
General Comments
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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/22/2003
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/25/2002
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
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Oak Grove Elementary School
Location: 10401 Penny Rd RALEIGH, NC 27606
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/24/2002
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
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