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RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706

Facility Type: Schools

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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/03/2022
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair clogged urinal in the eighth grade hall boys bathroom # A-14. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the third stall of the girls hall bathroom #E05. Repair toilet in the handicap stall of girls hall bathroom # C08. This toilet has poor water flow. Repair leak on flush valve handle for toilet in the first stall of boys bathroom #C09. 20.0
6. Repair ceiling leak in receiving area room # J-20. Replace water stained ceiling tile in this area after the source of this leak is fixed. Wooden entry ramp floor boards and hand rails for all modular buildings except for building #3 and the bathroom trailer are deteriorated, splintered, and rotted. These ramp floor boards have deteriorated to the point of possible collapse. Some ramp floor boards are also loose and warped creating possible trip and fall hazards. Many of the entry ramp hand rails are splintered, broken, and near collapse. Priority safety repairs on these ramps are necessary to prevent possible accidents. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light ballasts in the media center. 20.0
General Comments
Tree limbs in the court yard adjacent to the cafeteria have grown over top of the school building. These trees should be trimmed back and away from the building to prevent possible roof damage caused by fallen limbs. Landscaping contractors are not clearing leaf debris or trimming weeds in the courtyard adjacent to the cafeteria. This area should be trimmed and cleared regularly to prevent possible pest issues. Beetles were spotted in the office area at the time of inspection. Pest control treatments should be utilized in this location. Bushes, vines, and weeds are growing between modular buildings and entry ramps. These areas should be cleared by landscaping contractors. Sidewalks are not being blown off by landscape contractors after mowing. The sidewalks should be cleared of grass clipping and leaf litter after mowing.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/22/2019
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair drinking fountains with broken hand activation paddles by room #`s A07 and H04. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain by room #B16. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional urinals in boys hall bathrooms #A-14 and #B-09. Repair nonfunctional toilets in girls hall bathrooms # E-05 and #B-08. (Three toilets are nonfunctional in girls bathroom # B-08.) Repair of this bathroom fixtures are needed A.S.A.P. Only one toilet functions in girls bathroom # B-08. Repair damaged wall behind urinal at plumbing pipe in boys hall bathroom #H-03. Repair damaged ceiling covering in girls hall bathroom # H-02. 35.0
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in gym. (Room #H-06). 15.0
9. Replace missing shower wall tiles in girls locker room # H-12. 15.0
General Comments
Replace missing light shield covers on ceiling lights in auditorium dressing room bathrooms #G-03 and #G-04.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/19/2018
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
4. .2408 (b) Baseboard tiles missing at the entrance of A14, and peeling paint on wall behind urinal in C9. Soil buildup around baseboards and around base of toilets throughout. Walls and ceilings of toilet facilities shall be constructed of non-absorbent, washable materials and shall be kept clean. Fix wall and missing tiles. 15.0
5. .2409 (b) Sink leaking in C9. Fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair. Repair sink. 0.0
6. .2410 Wall damage in room B02. Discolored ceiling tile in hallway by of room C21. Baseboard coming off of wall in C22 and wall cracked in two corners (exterior wall an wall adjacent to mechanical room). Crack on mechanical room side is completely cracked through to the other side. Shelving in rooms throughout (B18, B26, B02) with trim falling off or missing. Locker A306 and B98 missing door and boys locker room missing locker doors. Window pane and handle on display case in 8th grade hall missing. Doors leading to trailers are not tight fitting/light coming through. Floors, walls, and ceilings of all areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. Repair walls/baseboard and replace tile. Repairs/investigation have been made for crack in C22 and the exterior crack has been filled in with caulk, but the crack through the wall to mechanical room remains. Add weather stripping to exterior doors to keep insects from entering. 15.0
8. .2412 (b) Rectangular hanging light fixtures in C21. All windows and fixtures (grills, vents, blinds, drapes, lighting fixtures, etc.) shall be kept clean and in good repair. Clean lights. 0.0
9. .2413 (a) Tiles missing in and near both locker room showers. Floors, walls, and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair. Replace tiles. .2413 (d) Shower head missing in girls locker room shower. Exercise rooms mats torn badly. All fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair. Replace missing shower head and torn mats. 15.0
General Comments
Lauren Plis 919-500-0943
Place thermometers in fridges in classrooms for student use and maintain 45 degrees F or less.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/19/2017
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
4. Room A14- Wall area around the urinal is damaged. Room B8- Toilet seats are badly stained. Room B9- Toilet seats are badly stained. Wall area around the urinal is damaged. There are broken floor and baseboard tiles. Room E4- Hand-sink faucet is broken. Room E5- Ceiling light bulb is blown. Room H02- There is a large hole in the ceiling. Please repair or replace all items listed. Bathrooms must be in good repair and easy cleanable. 35.0
6. Room F11- Carpet has stains. Room A11- Room has a humid and musty smell. Carpet needs cleaning or replacing. Room E13- Broken ceiling tile. Room C22- Ceiling tiles are stained. Mobile 6- There is a hole, in the classroom floor, at the front door. Ramp railing is broken. Please repair or replace all items listed. Physical facility must be maintained in good repair. 15.0
8. Rooms B12 and C19- Air conditioning does not seem to be working very well. Rooms are warm and humid. Please repair the temperature issues for these classrooms. Classroom temperatures must be maintained to provide a comfortable leaning environment. 20.0
General Comments
Room F25- Water heater is leaking and badly rusted. Please replace this water heater before it causes a big flood.
Mobile 3 room- Due to the large volume of needed equipment, the teachers wish to remain in this mobile room.
Inspection made with custodian Nora and inspector Jordan Jernigan.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/14/2015
Score: 86

#  Comments Points
3. Clean water fountains in F-hall to remove debris./Adjust water fountain in B-hall near restrooms so that water dispenses further from mouthpiece. 40.0
4. Repair/replace baseboard in boys restroom (B09). 15.0
5. Repair faucets in restrooms B08 and E-hall girls` restroom so that once turned on, they stay on for at least 15 seconds to allow proper handwashing. 15.0
6. Repair drywall tape/peeling paint in skylights as needed, especially in rooms F04, F01, & B11./Repair/replace baseboard in room B21./Repair roof leak near B-17./Repair floor damage in special needs classroom in front of bathroom./Sweep corners of classrooms as needed to remove dust. 15.0
7. Sweep storage areas and mechanical rooms as needed to remove dust accumulation./Remove cobwebs in storage areas as needed, especially in storage room across from the gym./All storage must be at least 15 inches off of the floor. 20.0
8. Dust air vents throughout school as needed to remove dust accumulation./Replace light bulb in janitor closet F06./Dust shades inside skylights as needed. 20.0
9. Replace broken floor tiles in boys locker room bathrooms. 15.0
11. 0 points; Overall chemical storage is excellent, but make sure that all chemicals including board cleaner and hand sanitizer are locked up or in an area of teacher control (such as their desk). 0.0
General Comments
Replace missing locker doors throughout facility.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/09/2013
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. The drinking fountains outside the athletic event bathroom trailer are constantly leaking and should be shut off until repaired. There is no pressure anyway so they cannot be used and there is a huge waste of water occurring. All other drinking fountains appeared to be in good operating condition and clean. Good. 20.0
6. There are major ceiling leaks in several places throughout the school. The wood shop has 3 major leaks, one is directly above an expensive saw. There are also minor leaks in the wood shop classroom. The 8th grade hallway has a major leak at about midway and a large catch container is sitting in the hallway floor to keep water off the floor. F12 classroom and the hallway right outside this classroom have major leaks. H hallway has at least 2 major leaks. Ceiling tiles right outside the gym have been removed and catch containers are sitting on the hallways floor. There is a major leak in the gymnasium ceiling at the middle section of the northern end. There are leaks and damaged ceiling tiles in the media center near the encyclopedias. Computer labs F11 and F12 have damaged ceiling tiles but the leaks have been repaired. Leaks should be corrected as soon as possible to prevent major damage and occurrence of mold and mildew. 30.0
8. Several of the classroom skylight blinds appear to be missing. The one in the art room is missing and creates a major problem when trying to view material via projector. Blinds in the classrooms seem to be in very good overall condition. 0.0
11. There is still a major problem with standing water beneath mobile trailer #11. This also may be an issue with some of the adjacent trailers too. There will be a mosquito breeding problem if this is not addressed before warmer weather sets in. The recent addition of material to the gravel parking lot next to mobile #11 is worsening the condition i.e. blocking the water in even more. If not corrected this problem will lead to floor rot and possible mildew problems. The only solution I can see is to shovel sand beneath the trailer to displace the water. 20.0
General Comments
There are cobwebs in the upper corners of classroom C22.
Bathrooms throughout the school were generally in good condition, fully stocked and clean. Good!

The Handicap entrance door at the bus parking lot is not functional and must be repaired to allow easy access for all students, including those with disabilities.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/28/2011
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. 2 water fountains on C Hall do not function. 1 water fountain on E Hall has broken and loose plastic edge cover. 20.0
4. 2 toilets in female mobile unit restroom are not functioning. Strong sewer gas odor is present in female mobile unit restroom. 20.0
6. Carpet in Mobile Unit 1 is stained and not clean. There is dust build-up on surfaces of fabric skylight curtains in classrooms throughout the permanent building. Ceiling tiles are loose in mobile classrooms 7 and 11. There are leaks from roof or HVAC ducts at intersection of E and D halls, and in middle of E hall. There is a ceiling tile missing on C hall. The wooden walk-way on mobile classroom 3 has damaged grip pads are detached , creating a trip hazard. The wooden walk-way on mobile classroom 2 has two broken board that create a trip hazard. The ceiling vents and stage curtains/lighting in auditorium have build-up of dust on surfaces. 15.0
7. All 3 science supply storage rooms have items stored on floors in the middle of the rooms, and build-up of dust/debris on floors [Move storage onto shelving, to allow access and ease of cleaning.]. Room E63 has supplies stored on the floor [Provide shelving for supplies.]. 10.0
8. Ceiling vents in permanent building classrooms have build-up of dust on interior and exterior surfaces. Ceiling vents in mobile classrooms 1,2,11 have build-up of dust on interior and exterior surfaces. Mobile classrooms 1 and 2 have mold or mildew growth on interior surfaces. Light fixture is hanging loose from ceiling in room H04. 20.0
General Comments
One of the sinks in room C15 does not drain. In art room, there are cabinet and display case locks that do not function properly, and a supply drawer that has a loose frame.1 shower in each female and male locker rooms are missing the shower nozzle heads. Some of the doors are missing from lockers in male locker room.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/31/2009
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
8. Vents are dirty in the boy`s and girl`s locker rooms, custodial closet H08, the training room, the auditorium. Trailer 4 light covers are dirty. 20.0
6. The floor tile is worn in the hallway by the boy`s restroom A14. Trailers 1,2,9 and have stained carpet. Trailer 1 has some holes in the carpet. Replace. Training room floor is dirty. 15.0
5. Handsink is not working in girl`s H02 restroom, boy`s A14 restroom. Replace the worn handsink fixture in boy`s H03 restroom. 15.0
4. Repair/replace worn missing floor tiles in girl`s restroom H02, girl`s A15, and the girl`s and boy`s restrooms in the trailer. 15.0
General Comments
Repair the holes in the wall in the girl's bathroom in the trailer. The girl's locker room shower is missing tiles on the wall by the shower. Remove the old fence and broken bike on the dumpster pad. One roach was seen in the training room. Use pest management and clean the floor. Keep all storage off the floor in the art room storage closet. The boy's restroom in the trailer is missing a handle on one of the urinals.
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/24/2007
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. the outdoor fountains at the bathroom trailers are not protected from contamination ( wild life; rain ); clean fountain near H02; repair and adjust fountains near C16, B16, A07 20.0
4. damage to walls and floors in the bathroom trailers; mold on the ceiling in the girls room of the bathroom trailer closer to the school building; damage to doors and dividers in the bathroom trailers 15.0
6. the carpet is starting to show definite signs of aging and may need to be replaced ( stains; worn areas; floor wax seeped into carpet; missing transition strips at doors ); several rooms have small sections of baseboard missing; replace stained ceiling tiles in C22 and C25; possible leak in the hallway ceiling near A18 15.0
8. clean the ceiling vent covers; replace missing vent covers ( and fan blades ) in girls locker and H02; dust blinds and window sills as needed; dust the light fixtures in the stage area; strong sewage odor in one trailer girls room ( A/C is not running, either ); dust is accumulating on the ducts in the gym 20.0
General Comments
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/20/2006
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
3. several fountains need to be adjusted; outside fountains are not protected from contamination ( bird droppings , animals ); 20.0
6. replace stained ceiling tiles; block off open space under lockers to keep debris from accumulating; carpets are showing signs of wear 15.0
8. dust on light fixtures above stage; clean the ceiling vents 20.0
General Comments
Note : foods in home-ec refrigerator are expired
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/07/2005
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/15/2004
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/24/2003
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/10/2002
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/14/2001
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
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Location: 10401 DURANT RD RALEIGH, NC 27614-9706
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/03/2000
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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