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Leesville Road High

8410 Pride WAY
RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004

Facility Type: Schools

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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/17/2021
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the first stall of the auditorium boys dressing room bathroom #10J. Repair one nonfunctional urinal in the boys hall bathroom #20 at the main gym. Repair one clogged toilet in the first stall of the girls hall bathroom #21 at the main gym. Repair two nonfunctional urinals in the boys hall bathroom #31. Repair one nonfunctional toilet both in the girl`s hall bathroom #109 and in the boys hall bathroom #110. Repair one nonfunctional toilet in the girls bathroom of the modular building #1 for student restrooms. Replace damaged toilet seat in the far right stall of the girls bathroom in modular building #1 for student restrooms. Repair one nonfunctional toilet in the modular building girls bathroom #R816-3A. Repair one nonfunctional urinal in the modular building boys bathroom #R816-2A. Repair one nonfunctional urinal in boys hall bathroom #2215. 20.0
5. Repair hand wash sink that has a clogged drain in girls hall bathroom #213. 15.0
6. Repair hole in entrance ramp floor boards for modular building # R816. (Priority repair item due to potential safety hazard.) Ceiling duct work in the main gym #30 has chipping and peeling paint and requires repainting. Ceiling paint in the auditorium #10 by the stage is chipping and requires repair. Repair chipping ceiling paint in the boys hall bathroom # 20 at the main gym. Repair ceiling leak in boys locker room #45A. Replace water/mold stained ceiling tile after this leak is fixed. Mold growth is present on the boys locker room shower ceiling #45C. The ceiling should be cleaned of the mold growth and repainted with a water proof and mold resistant paint. Replace broken floor tiles in the entrance to the boys locker room shower #45C. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the Media Center #101 entrance and in the media center main room adjacent to the central brick support column. Repair ceiling leaks in classroom #126, in the hallway by health classroom #35, and in student support services by room #1113. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after these leaks have been repaired. Replace broken floor tile in the final left girls bathroom stall of the student restroom modular building #1. 15.0
7. Excess classroom storage including a book case with magazines was present in special needs class bathroom #2202 B. Athletic program archery supplies were stored in the shower stalls of girls locker room #50C. Class bathrooms and locker room showers are not clean storage spaces. Items stored in these areas can become a means of transfer for communicable disease pathogens including norovirus/stomach flu. Only items directly related to bathroom use or diapering should be kept in the special needs class bathrooms. Excess storage in class bathrooms and gym showers is also an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. Please remove. 10.0
8. Ceiling vents in the cafeteria dining room are covered in dust residue and require cleaning. 20.0
11. Courtyard one and two have high weed growth and require clean up. Trees growing between modular building #R816 and entry ramp should be cleared out. 15.0
General Comments
Repair one nonfunctional drinking fountain on the second floor hall by custodial closet #215. School facility sanitation inspection completed.
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/12/2018
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
3. one fountain outside of room 219 does not have adequate pressure. repair fountain. 0.0
4. urinal in boys room #214 is not working.Stall is out of order in girls room #32. Base of toilet is cracked in boys room #45. 20.0
5. one sink is not working in boys room #31 and #20. Automatic faucet in boys room # 1209 will not stay on long enough to wash hands. 15.0
7. There is storage on the floor in custodial closets # 246, #215, and #11. storage on the floor is not allowed. 10.0
9. Guest side locker rooms shower walls and ceiling are very dirty. Ceiling tiles are missing fro the ceiling in the guest locker rooms and boys home locker rooms. 15.0
General Comments
Classrooms checked were 117, 115, 118, 128,2209,239,242,229,1215,1217,2225
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/07/2016
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
3. One Water fountain in trailer stays on for an extended amount of time before eventually turning off (probably a full minute) 0.0
6. Multiple doors to classrooms, locker rooms and around facility need a good cleaning. There is a dark spot around the handle and in hand contact areas of door where dirt has accumulated. Clean the doors. Window sills and blinds are dusty in the sewing classroom, as well as floor near walls. 15.0
9. Locker Room Showers (at home girls) do not have any soap in them and the boys locker room for guests has no soap in showers. At home girls locker room lacks shower curtains. . . Boys locker room showers leak, drip water constantly from two or more shower heads. 0.0
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/24/2014
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
3. Repair leaks or non-functioning water faucets next to gym, Rm 215, next to 101 Education Theatre. Clean where water discharges and on mouth guard at water fountains next to 118, 137A, 215, 222, Gym. 20.0
4. Repair broken urinal R141, R248 (next to these rooms). Detail clean where water discharges in urinal and under base where urine drips. 20.0
General Comments
6. Replace damaged flooring and blow lighting in transportation trailer bathrooms. 8. Recommend increasing lighting in gang bathrooms on 1st floor of main building. Replace damaged stairwell tread (wood) for Trailer 3. Replaced damaged weight room equip pads (split open).
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/12/2013
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
4. Water damage to stall deviders in several restroms including 7, 109, 21, 31. Maintain stall dividers in good repair. Recaulk around bases of toilets in 7. Repair damaged floors in front parking lot modular restroom. 35.0
5. Repair damaged counters around lavatories in front lot modular restroom building. 15.0
General Comments
****PLEASE NOTE: UTILITY LINES TO FRONT PARKING LOT AREA MODULAR CLASSROOMS ARE SAGGING AT OR BELOW HEAD LEVEL. Fire Marshall consulted. Situation will be addressed by Fire Department and/or Building Inspections. Recommend keeping staff/students away from low wires until evaluated and corrected.****
Please note: water stains seen on ceiling tiles in library. Dehumidifiers in use in auditorium. No visible damage to floors, walls, ceilings and no active leaks seen. In both cases, staff indicate that these are due to water entry/ceiling leaks associated with recent tropical storm. No violations observed, as no active leaks or visible damage seen. However, strongly recommend that any roof leaks or means of water entry into auditorium be addressed.
One water fountain (near room 45) taken out of service by school, presumably due to malfunction - repair.
Remove shipping film from upper portions of showers in one locker room and re-seat ceiling tiles.
Cleaning chemicals in two classroom kitchens stored in cabinet above sink. High storage like this is recommended, but recommend that chemicals not be stored above sink if sink is used for food prep or utensil washing.
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/13/2011
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
4. Recaulk around bases of toilets in 1309 and 1311. Several toilets leaking water into bowl in front lot modular restroom building. Repair toilet in 2217. Repair out of service toilets and missing stall door in 248. Remove absorbent wood propping up stall wall in 250. 20.0
5. Repair damaged counters around lavatories in front lot modular restroom building. 15.0
6. Tiles in main building downstairs locker area cracked near (likely) crack in foundation. Floor tiles in front lot modular restroom building cracked. Windowsills in mid-hall stairwell not clean - maintain clean. Re-seat ceiling tiles in boys locker room. Several areas of damage to ceilings, including metal frame for drop ceilings in R8 modular building - repair. Repair damaged floor at threshold of door leading out of main building toward R8 modular building. 15.0
7. Storage in several storage rooms observed less than 15 inches above the floor (for example, rooms 1204, 1213, 2227). Ensure that all storage is at least 15 inches above the floor. 10.0
9. Shower in girl`s locker room leaking - repair. 20.0
General Comments
Toxic materials (aerosol air freshener, board cleaner, cleaning chemicals) stored accessible, but class out of session and no children present. Reminder: toxic materials shall be handled per mfr. instructions. Recommend that items stating "keep out of reach of children" be stored at least 5 ft off ground and that any aerosol items, or items with additional warnings, be stored in locked cabinet unless under control of teacher.
Replace torn and taped wedge cushion in special education classroom 2206.
Recommend that torn wall mats in aux. gym be replaced or repaired.
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/06/2009
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
3. Water pressure is low at the drinking fountains on the first floor of the main building by room 123 and on the first floor by the gym, 2nd floor of main building. The water must be above the mouth guard at the drinking fountains. A drinking fountain is not working on the 2nd floor in the main building by the restrooms.Repair The water fountain is clogged by the cafeteria,repair. 20.0
4. Handsink is not working in room 216. The 2nd floor boy`s restroom in the main building and in the boy`s restroom by the office are missing faucets. Repair. Recaulk a toilet in the boy`s restroom on the 1st floor of the East building. Countertops in the modular bathrooms are cracked. Repair. Some bathroom dividers are worn in the main building. Replace 20.0
6. Windows are leaking on the 2nd floor in the hallway in the main building. Floor tile is cracked,worn by the drinking fountain on the 2nd floor, room 123, floor tile in the hallway by the band room, in the hallway by room 135 and in the hallway by the cafeteria of the main building. repair Ceiling tile has water damage in the library-replace. 15.0
General Comments
Keep all storage off the floor in custodial closets (in cabinents or on shelving) including chemicals and toilet paper to facilitate cleaning. Room 2212 in the East Building had windex out. I recomend storing all chemicals in cabinents locked or out of reach.
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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/22/2005
Score: 94.5

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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/07/2004
Score: 98

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View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/21/2004
Score: 98.5 + Education Credit: 2 = 100.5

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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/02/2003
Score: 96

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Leesville Road High
Location: 8410 Pride WAY RALEIGH, NC 27613-1004
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/31/2001
Score: 96.5

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