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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School

APEX, NC 27539-7655

Facility Type: Schools

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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/10/2024
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
5. Repair loose hand wash sink faucet on counter top in classroom #309. 15.0
6. Replace deteriorated and loose floor boards on the rear exit decks on class trailers #412 and #413. These deteriorated and loose floor boards have exposed nail heads. Priority repairs for safety are needed on these rear trailer decks due to the potential of injury from trip and fall hazards and from the potential of the deteriorated floor boards collapsing under use. Replace deteriorated and loose entrance ramp floorboards on class trailers #412 and #413. These loose and deteriorated ramp floor boards require priority repairs for safety to prevent possible trip and fall hazards. Repair loose hand railing on the steps of the rear exit deck on trailer #412. Safety repairs are needed to prevent fall injuries should the loose railing break away from the steps when in use. Repair ceiling leaks present inside of the custodial shipping and receiving area in room #300. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in room #300 after the sources of these ceiling leaks have been fixed. Replace broken ceiling tile in the gym/multi-purpose room. 15.0
8. Replace missing ceiling light shield in the cafeteria dining room. 20.0
11. Replace loose and broken foundation trellis along the crawl space and base of the rear entry deck of trailer #412. The sharp broken wooden pieces of trellis and exposed nail points also on this loose trellis pose potential injury hazards and require priority repairs for safety. Replace or remove broken hand hold on the steps of the play structure on the pre-k playground. More durable repair is needed for this broken hand hold. Weeds and saplings growing through the floor boards of the ramps, decks and steps on trailers #412 and #413 should be removed. Vines of poison ivy growing on the exterior walls of the back sides of the school building should be removed. 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/05/2021
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional water bottle dispenser on drinking fountain in hall by room #216. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in girls bathroom on 200 hall. 20.0
5. Repair damaged hand wash sink counter top in classroom #308. Repair loose hand wash sink faucets in classrooms #307 and #309. Student hand wash sink in classroom #303 was not accessible to students due to being turned off by the instructor and being blocked by excessive storage. Hand wash sinks must kept functional and accessible to students for health safety. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leak in the cafeteria kitchen staff bathroom. (Room #122) Repair water stained ceiling and wall areas after this leak is repaired. Repair chipping wall paint behind hand wash sink in classroom #313. 15.0
7. Excessive storage of class supplies was present in the bathrooms of classrooms #303 and #304. This storage prevents access to bathrooms for cleaning, maintenance, and repair. Bathrooms are also not clean storage locations. Only items related to bathroom use should be stored in restrooms. Storage of classroom supplies was also present in class bathrooms #307, #308 and #203. All of these class bathrooms should be cleared of this excess storage. Please repair A.S.A.P. 10.0
8. Repair nonfunctional heating system in classroom #206 and custodial office #300. Repair nonfunctional ceiling vent fan in the media center girls bathroom. (Room #120). Clean dust residue from ceiling vents in the cafeteria dining room. Reattach loose ceiling light shield in the cafeteria dining room. (Room #122) 20.0
General Comments
Repair damaged fence behind modular buildings #409 and #410. The torn fencing could be a possible injury hazard. Repair fence A.S.A.P. Excessive storage of class items in kitchen #204 is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of this facility. Please remove storage items from the kitchen.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/28/2019
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
4. Repair chipped wall paint, broken stall door, and missing base tiles in boys bathroom on the 200 hallway. Repair damaged wall covering in pre-k classroom # 206 bathroom. 30.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink in classroom #311 (Priority sanitation repair request due to classroom having a bathroom.) Repair loose hand wash sink faucet in classroom # 309. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink in special needs classroom # 201. (Repair also needed A.S.A.P.) 30.0
6. Repair of roof and ceiling leaks is required in classrooms #201, #309, #310, and #313. Repair of ceiling leaks is also required in the gym/multi purpose room #121, in the cafeteria dining room, and in the 300 hallway at room # 302. Severe roof and ceiling leaks are present in modular class building #404 and require priority repair status. Water stained ceiling tiles in all listed areas must be replaced after leaks are repaired. Missing roof fascia board must be replaced on the exterior of modular class building # 405. The wood siding in this location is rotting due to the missing fascia. Repair A.S.A.P. Repair loose tread covering on entry ramps to modular class buildings #402 and #404 to prevent trip hazards. Replace splintered and loose handrails also on the entry ramps to modular class buildings # 402 and # 404. Repair damaged wall covering behind and adjacent to hand wash sinks in classrooms #308 and #312. 30.0
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/06/2017
Score: 87

#  Comments Points
4. Paint coming off of walls in all classroom/trailer restrooms. Walls need cleaning in hallway restrooms especially behind hand sinks. 35.0
5. Cleaning needed of toilet bases and under urinals. Re-caulk around and clean rust off hand sinks in hallway restrooms. Toilet out of order in girls restroom across from cafeteria. 30.0
6. Hallway walls and floors throughout establishment need cleaning and/or repair (cracks in floor tiles). Cleaning needed of walls and floors of gym, hole in wall of stage storage room, Carpet stained/floors stained in classrooms/trailers and broken floor tile in room 200, custodial C and mechanical E. 15.0
7. B.) Storage observed on floor of the following rooms: Both gym storage rooms, Art storage rooms,303 and 312. Keep storage at least 8 inches off floor. Clean floors in custodial storage rooms. 20.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: Art room,200,203,208,211,214,220,303,312,401 and 410. Chemicals labeled "Keep out of reach of children" such as hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes shall be stored 5 ft above floors or locked. Cleaning chemicals that say more than Keep out of reach shall be locked. Keep custodial rooms locked. 30.0
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/01/2016
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
5. A.)Cleaning needed of toilet bases and under urinals in 3 & 4th grade boy`s restroom; Recaulk around toilet base in boy`s restroom in Library and behind hand sink in girl`s restroom across from dining room . B.) Paper towels not present in girl`s restroom across from dining room. Paper towels are always to be present at hand sinks. Replaced before REHS departed. 35.0
6. Many damaged ceiling tiles observed in building especially in wing containing Music and Art rooms. Custodian stated that repairs have been made to roof but leaks are still occurring. Permanent repairs needed to roof or replacement. Areas with damaged ceiling tiles: Music room, Art Classroom, 309, PTA storage room (mold observed), Main hallway by stair well, 213, 212; Repairs needed to detached and uncaulked FRP in Kindergarden Faculty restroom and in boy`s restroom in Library; Resecure peeling wall paper in room 212 and 201; Replace missing tiles behind toilet in 3 & 4th grade hall; Repair damaged walls in room 303 and room 206 restroom behind hand sink. 15.0
7. B.) Storage observed on floor of the following rooms: Both gym storage rooms, Art storage rooms, and modular buildings 411 and 403. Keep storage at least 8 inches off floor. 10.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: Music, Art, Kindergarden Faculty restroom, 304,304,309, Gym closet, 206, 120D, 201, 213, 212, and modular buildings 405, 411 and 403. Chemicals labeled `Keep out of reach of Children` such as hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes are to be kept 5 feet off finished floor or locked. Cleaning chemicals any anything in an aerosolized container including disinfecting sprays and air fresheners are to be kept locked. 30.0
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/05/2015
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. A.) Cleaning needed of carpet in the following rooms: 201,206,209,and 215. Cleaning needed of floor tiles of storage rooms in the following rooms: Art, Modular 410 and 402; Repair ceiling. Damaged water tiles observed in the following rooms: Modular 414, 217,304,221 and Music room. After ceiling repaired replace water damaged ceiling tiles; Replace cracked and damaged ceiling tiles in Gym; Cleaning needed of walls in Gym; Replace damaged/peeling wallpaper in room 217 and repair damaged door jamb in Modular 414. 15.0
7. B.) Storage on floor observed in the following storage areas: Art, Gym, Modular 410, 402 and 406. Keep all storage at least 8 inches off floor. 10.0
11. C.) Improper chemical storage observed in almost all classrooms visited. Chemicals labeled "Keep out of reach of Children" such as hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes are to be kept 5 feet off finished floor or locked. Cleaning chemicals any anything in an aerosolized container including disinfecting sprays and air fresheners are to be kept locked. 30.0
General Comments
Cleaning needed of ceiling vents in Gym. Ceiling ventilation in rest of school looked good today.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/24/2014
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
6. Cleaning needed walls in the following rooms: 121B-cobb webs andGym; Repair damaged ceiling in Gym; Replace damaged ceiling tiles in GYM; Replace damaged floor tiles in room 408, and 410; Repair damaged wall in closet/Costodial closet, Special Pre K classroom, and faculty restroom on Pre K hall. 15.0
7. Keep all storage off floor. Today storage observed in the following rooms: 410,408,412, Art,Gym storage, and 121B. 10.0
8. Cleaning needed of ceiling vents throughout facility. 20.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: Media, 201, 204, 120D,213, 304, 308,and 211. Chemicals labeled "Keep out of reach of Children" are to be kept 5 feet off finished floor or locked. Cleaning chemicals are to be kept locked. Mouse droppings observed in storage closets of 408, and 410. Contact pest control to remediate. 30.0
General Comments
Replace missing handle on faculty restroom handsink in Pre k hall.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/30/2013
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. Repair/repaint walls as needed (chipping paint, peeling wallpaper, nail and screw holes, etc.). EHS observed repair needed in rooms 307, 313, 200, and 216. Repair walkway to 408, it has come loose from the support and a cinder block has been added to act as a support. Repair loose floor covering on steps in hall C. 15.0
11. Store all chemicals as directed on labels. Chemicals labeled `keep out of reach of children` observed in lower cabinets or sitting out in numerous rooms. Dead cockroaches in cabinets below sinks in 311 and 209. Increase pest control measures and frequently clean cabinets to monitor for current infestation. 40.0
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/14/2011
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
6. Repair/repaint damaged walls as needed (chipping paint, nicks, tape removal damage, nail and screw holes, etc) throughout the building. 15.0
11. Keep all chemicals labeled "keep out of reach of children" and with hazard warnings in locked storage. Evidence of cockroach infestation throughout the building (droppings in cabinets and below sinks, one live adult observed and one dead small one observed). The ones observed were not german cockroaches, they are one of the large species generically referred to as water bugs. 50.0
General Comments
Disinfectant wipes should not be used by children. Sani-wipes (provided by WCPSS) or similar or baby wipes would be appropriate for children to use. Disinfectant wipes should be stored in locked cabinet and only used by teachers and, per directions, teachers should wash their hands after using.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/06/2010
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. The walls around the toilet in the boys bathrooms (Rm 203 & Media Center) have flaking paint due to the corrosiveness of the chemicals used on the paint. Smooth the walls and re-paint. 15.0
6. The carpets in classrooms throughout the entire school are dirty. They should be steam extracted, not just spot cleaned, annually. This will help alleviate asthma/allergy triggers and help with the musky odor. 15.0
11. Many chemicals labeled as `Keep out of Reach of Children` were found in all classrooms (ie. Lysol Spray, Renuzit Air Freshener Spray, Glass Cleaner, All-Purpose Cleaner, Clorox Spray, Carpet Cleaner & Fantastik Cleaner. These products may be kept in the classrooms if stored in a locked cabinet at all times. 30.0
General Comments
No evidence of mold growth in the school or the trailers. According to the custodial staff and teachers interviewed, various ceiling tiles in every classroom in the school need to be changed after heavy rains but Rm 310 seems to be the worst requiring ceiling tile changes after any amount of rain. Recommend having the roof checked for leaks and/or defects. The HVAC is scheduled to be replaced in August. Recommend cleaning the duct work during that time.
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/31/2006
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
6. Broken tile in main hall near cafeteria and 2nd grade hall near the end. Replace broken tile. Stains on carpets in 4th/5th grade halls. Clean the carpets. Clean the lower walls in Rm 222. Leaking ceiling in Rm 10; Repair leak and replace ceiling tile. Clean the floors better behind toilets in classrooms. 30.0
8. Dusty blinds in trailers need cleaning. 20.0
11. Toxic chemicals found under sinks in Art Rm and pre-K kithcen. Store chemicals in locked cabinets. Keep Rm 300-Receiving locked at all times due to toxic chemicals stored inside. 30.0
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/21/2003
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
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West Lake Year-Round Elem. School
Location: 4500 W LAKE RD YEAR ROUND APEX, NC 27539-7655
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/31/2002
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
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