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Carnage Middle School

RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909

Facility Type: Schools

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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/17/2021
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the rear stall of girls bathroom #406. 20.0
5. Repair leaking hand wash sink faucet in girls bathroom #2506. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leak in the gym along the H.V.A.C. system lines. (Repeat violation) These gym ceiling air conditioning lines also need to be encased since the existing covering has deteriorated and insulation is now exposed. Repair leaking and water damaged porch exterior overhang roof and ceiling at rear gym entrance. Repair major roof leaks in custodial warehouse room #2106 and in cafeteria dining room #2102. The water damaged wall coverings beneath the roof leaks in both the cafeteria dining room #2102 and the custodial warehouse room #2106 require repainting. Repaint stained ceilings and chipping and deteriorated walls and ceilings in the following school building locations: boys bathroom #506, boys bathroom #401, boys bathroom #404, girls locker room #103B, girls bathroom #305, girls bathroom #2301, boys bathroom #2305, and boys bathroom #2504. 30.0
8. Ceiling light fixtures in the media center lack the protective shield coverings. These light shields require replacement. Ceiling vent coverings in student bathrooms throughout the school building are rusted and require repainting. 20.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/28/2020
Score: 86

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain by girls hall restroom # 2306. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys bathroom # 309. Repair nonfunctional toilets in the girls gym locker room bathroom and in student hall bathrooms # 401, #403, #506, #201, # 305, and in #2406. Repair leaking toilet in student bathroom #305. Repair nonfunctional toilet in staff bathroom #602. Repair broken toilet seat in boys bathroom #404. Repair broken toilet stall doors in girls gym locker room bathroom and in student bathrooms #401 and # 2506. Repair damaged floor tiles in boys bathroom #401. Repair peeling wall paint in boys bathroom # 309. Repair broken base tiles and chipped wall paint in boys bathroom #2504. 50.0
5. Repair broken soap dispensers in media center boys bathroom and in student bathrooms # 404 and #302. Repair leaking hand wash sink faucet in staff bathroom #516. 35.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in gym along H.V.A.C. lines, in the 200 hallway by rooms # 203 and #209, in the custodial office #2106, and at the top of stairway # 2400. Replace missing ceiling tiles in the 400 hall, in classroom #204 and at the top of the 2400 stairs. Repair gym floor that has termite damage. Replace missing sewage cleanout cover on wall in the 400 hall. Repair broken window on entry door to dining hall. 15.0
9. Repair broken locker doors in boys gym locker room. 20.0
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/09/2016
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
3. Comment: A) The water fountain between rooms 416 and 418 is broken, repair or replace fountain. 0.0
4. A) The plumbing clean out covers in 406 (girls' bathroom) need to be properly put back in place, they are loose and/or have holes above them. In 305, the handicap accessible stall door is locked and cannot be opened, it appears that the lock/stall wall was improperly installed; repair or replace lock or reset the door/stall wall so that the stall can be opened and used. Repair the peeling paint next to the toilet in the handicapped accessible stall in 309. Replace the missing restroom sign outside of the boys bathroom on the 500 hall.
B) In the girls' locker room, one toilet has a bag over it and the other toilet is not flushing properly; repair or replace both toilets. Replace the broken toilet paper dispenser in 2305.
6. In multiple classrooms throughout the building, there is evidence of water getting in around the windows; it appears as though the windows are not properly sealed around screws at the bases of the windows. In room 205, there is a vine growing into the classroom from outside, the vine needs to be removed and the area needs to be properly sealed. The floors in room 608 need cleaning, there is debris on the floor throughout the classroom. The floor at the base of the stairwell, leading to the track, from the 600 hall needs cleaning; also clean the walls in this stairwell. In the 300 hall stairwell, there are holes in the sheetrock below the windows, it appears that someone has stepped on and broken the sheetrock; repair holes. There is a missing strip of metal above the lockers on the 2300 hall, replace metal. Replace the missing panel next to locker 59 on the 2400 hall. In room 2503, around HVAC equipment and an electrical outlet, there are multiple ceiling tiles that have moisture damage, the moisture appears to be coming from the HVAC system; repair any leaks and replace the stained ceiling tiles. At the top of the stairs from the main level to the 2nd floor, there are several ceiling tiles with moisture damage, locate and repair any leaks then replace the ceiling tiles. Repair the peeling ceiling above the windows over the bus loop exit door; this appears to be moisture damage. Around the water fountain on the 2200 hall, there is peeling paint that has been covered with construction paper; repair the peeling paint. The 300 hall janitorial closet (307) has rust staining and moisture on the light fixture and standing water on the floor to the left of the door, water appears to be coming from somewhere above or outside of the closet; repair to prevent electrical damage or electrocution. The slide lock at the top of the athletic department (103H) storage room is stuck and the door is damaged at the upper corner, repair or replace lock and door. 30.0
7. Comment: B) There is some storage on the floor in the drama room storage closet, remove storage from the floor. 0.0
8. In the 600 hall stairwell, there are multiple broken window panes on the outside of the building, some have debris and/or water in between the panes; these broken panes need to be replaced. Replace the damaged blinds in room 605. 20.0
11. A) The natural area around the greenhouse is very overgrown, it needs to be properly maintained. B) There are some shrubs and/or vines that have grown up in front of the emergency egress windows in some of the ground level classroom, these windows need to be cleared.B) There is a small pong and large bird bath that are holding water, these standing bodies of water are potential mosquito breeding areas; standing water needs to be emptied/changed out or treated to prevent mosquito breeding. 15.0
General Comments
Wet, dripping mops were found propped against the wall in the custodial closet (408) on the 400 hall. The water had dripped onto and was standing on the floor. Mops should be hung or propped over the mop sink so that any water dripping drips into the sink, not onto the floor.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/16/2015
Score: 88.5

#  Comments Points
3. Comment: Repair or replace the water fountain between rooms 416 and 418, the fountain is not working. 0.0
4. A) Several of the bathrooms in the school have stall doors that have been sanded to remove graffiti or writing, these stall walls are now very rough and not easily cleanable; the sanded stall walls need to be smoothed, painted, or replaced so that they are smooth and easily cleanable.
B)Repair or replace the non-functioning toilets/urinals in 2504, 2506, 2305, R401-03A(modules girls' bathroom), 201, and 506. In 202A, there is some rust staining on the floor, the toilet may need to be reset and/or resealed.
C) Replace the damaged floor tile next to the toilet in 202A. Cleaning is needed on the walls and floors below the soap dispensers in many of the student restrooms.
5. A) Several of the sinks in the Home Economics classroom are leaking from under the faucet handle when the water is turned on, repair. Also, there is no hot water in this classroom, hot water is required in areas where food is prepared; according to custodian, the water heater was replaced about 1 month ago but hot water has not been restored to the sinks. 15.0
6. Replace the moisture damaged ceiling tile over the hall 300 sign. Repair the wall in room 2211 that was cut out to check for a leak, also find and repair source of leak causing the brown streaks on the wall. The floors in most of the custodial closets used by the night crew need cleaning. In trailer 3/13 the floors in the closets need to be stripped, the closets were not opened when the floors were stripped and sealed over the summer; make sure to leave the closets open/unlocked before teachers leave for the summer if there is no master key available. In the 1st floor custodial closet where the wooden shelves were removed, have wood debris that needs to be removed from the floor, also the end of the existing wood shelving unit needs to be sealed. 15.0
7. B) Room 410 has excessive storage on the floor, there are books and boxes stacked around the edges of the room. In classrooms and storage closets, nothing should be stored on the floor that is not easily moveable. Storage that is not easily moveable should be at least 15 inches off the floor. 10.0
8. Comment: Replace the damaged blinds in room 2608. Replace the torn screen on the window in room 2309. 0.0
11. A) The area where the paper stock recycling bins are stored needs to be cleaned out, there are pallets and leaf litter in this area. The sinks in the custodial closets that are used by the night cleaning crew are very dirty, some sinks are so dirty, water will not drain from the sinks because of the debris built up on the drain; the crew cleaning the floors at night should be sweeping the floors to remove debris prior to mopping and/or buffing the floors. The drain pit in the athletic department laundry room appears to have been used to dump mop water, this drain pit is for the laundry only, it should not be used to dump mop water. B) There were several roaches observed in the boiler closet in the Home Ec room and roach complaints were received from teachers in the module unit, have an exterminator spray for bugs, especially in these area. 25.0
General Comments
The mop heads in the 2400 hall custodial closet need to be replaced, they are mildewed. The mops need to be hung or otherwise arranged so that they can properly air dry after use.
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/18/2013
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
3. One of the fountains near 2602 has a small steady leak. Repair the leak. Three fountains near 203, 2416, and the gym are not working. Repair as needed. 20.0
4. Re-caulk the commodes where needed ( see 500 hall ). Several bathrooms were painted over existing tile. The paint is peeling. Bathrooms 2506 and 2504 have broken tiles at the base of the walls. 15.0
11. There are mouse droppings in the cabinets under the sink in 2611 and 2416. Clean the cabinets and watch for furthr activity. Mechanical room M-3 is being used for the storage of containers of chemicals. Remove the containers and store them in a custodian closet or the custodian receiving area. 40.0
General Comments
GC # 5 : One of the electric hand dryers in the boys locker room does not work.
GC # 6 : Clean under the bleachers. In the large modular, a couple of floor tiles near the entrance are missing, and one wall corner near the entrance is damaged.
GC # 8 : Clean the light shields in room 612 ( several other rooms in this hall also have dusty light shields, but not as many as room 612 ). The stage curtains are dusty. Clean the window tracks. Replace a missing light shield in R401-02A.
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/24/2011
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
4. Re-caulk the commodes. Several bathrooms were painted over existing tile. The paint is peeling ( see 309, 2301 ). 15.0
5. The right-hand hand sink in the boys bathroom 309 does not work. 15.0
6. The floors need to be cleaned, especially on 600 hall. Dead insects and debris on the floor can be found against the cabinets in the home-ec room and in many corners in the hallways. The carpets are stained, and several doorways have lost the transition strip between carpet and tile. Clean the floor under the bleachers in the gym. The paint on the handrails in the stair cases is starting to flake ( 510,2302 ). 30.0
8. Clean the window tracks ( dead insects, spiders, debris ). One skylight in the gym has a peeling brown film. Remove the rest of the film. The dance room window has a hole in one of the outer window panes. Clean the ceiling vent covers, curtains, and light fixtures in auditorium and stage area. Replace broken blinds in 603. Clean the inside of the older heaters ( covered with grills ). Papers and other debris have accumulated inside the heaters. Staircase 317 has one broken outer window pane. 40.0
General Comments
GC # 9 : Clean the shower chairs in the locker room showers.
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/21/2009
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. one fountain across from room 606 is not working; clean the fountain near 303 and 2406; the fountain across from 2603 has a small steady leak 20.0
6. replace cracked floor tiles at transition points between hallways and other rooms; clean ledges in the skylights on 2500 hall; the carpet on 300 hall and in the media center is showing signs of aging; replace stained ceiling tiles ( 416, 2410, 2300 hall, 2504, 2506, moldy tiles in 2104 and 2103A, moldy tile near 405 in media center, wet tile in 2202 ) 15.0
7. clean the floors in the custodian and contractor closets; one set of lockers on 2600 hall is missing a side shield , and trash is building up on top of the locker 10.0
8. clean the window tracks and light shields ( dead insects are accumulating in light shields - see rooms 2407,2418,2411 for example ); a lot of the blinds are bent; one skylight in the gym is covered with a brown residue; clean the ceiling vents in the auditorium; there are two leaks in mechanical room M6; windows and window sills in staircase 607 need to be cleaned 20.0
9. in locker room 103, several benches and lockers have been removed, and the replacements have not arrived yet 15.0
General Comments
GC # 4 : the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( no acoustic tile ceilings ); repair cracked tiles at entrance to 403; one commode in the girls modular bathroom is not working; paint is flaking off the tile in 2305 ; re-attach one toilet seat in 2504 ;
GC # 5 : the water pressure at one hand sink in 506 is very low
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/22/2008
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. fountains near 103 D and 603 not working; one fountain near 2603 has a small steady leak 20.0
4. all ceiling tiles in bathrooms need to be washable ( vinyl coated tiles ); the ceilings in smaller bathrooms still have acoustic tile ceilings; minor tile repairs to floors and walls are needed in most bathrooms ( individual cracked tiles ) 15.0
6. cracked floor tiles at transition points between hallways and other rooms; replace missing ceiling tiles in drama room; replace stained ceiling tiles; there are moldy ceiling tiles above the door to 416 and some mildewy pipes are visible through an opening in the ceiling in 414; repair carpet at entrance to 306; repair broken tiles in the staircase near 302 A 15.0
8. replace cracked window in 2307; clean the ceiling vent covers including vent covers on high ceilings ( in some cases the light fixtures next to vents also need to be cleaned ); some rooms have heating units with open grids as a cover; debris is accumulating inside these heating units; the thermostats in many rooms are not working properly; the thermostat is set on 78 F, but the room temperature is much higher; in the modular with several bathrooms, the temperature is cool, but the humidity is so high that the paper towel in the bathrooms feels slightly moist 20.0
11. there are mouse droppings inside cabinets in differnt parts of the building ( 2309, 2203, 2600 hall ); the droppings are found in cabinets under sinks in science rooms ( these cabinets are open in the back ) 10.0
General Comments
GC # 5 : leak under one sink in the art room;
GC # 7 : clean and organize custodian closets an cleaning crew closets; one row of lockers in 2600 hall is missing side pieces, and debris like paper towel is building up in a space on top of the lockers; room 2304 needs additional storage racks ;
GC # 9 : one shower head in boys locker is broken
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/18/2006
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. two fountains near the gym need repair; several others need cleaning 20.0
4. Note : ceilings in all bathrooms need to be washable ( several smaller bathrooms have acoustic tile ceilings - needs to be vinyl coated acoustic tile ) 0.0
5. in restrooms in large modular : boys room faucet is leaking; one faucet in girls room not working 15.0
6. replace stained ceiling tiles and repair any leaks; clean floors and walls in hard-to-reach places like under and around fountains; cracked floor tiles at transition points between hallways and other rooms; staircases need to be dusted; carpet is damaged in 306 15.0
8. clean light shields near ceiling vents; trash accumulating inside heaters under the windows; heater in 2305 needs repair; water inside window in 2105; replace broken window in R401-07; paint chipping off the heater in dance room; clean ceiling vents where needed ( locker rooms ) 20.0
General Comments
GC # 7 : keep storage off the floor ( check room 407 )
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/21/2004
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/27/2003
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/24/2002
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/06/2001
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
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Carnage Middle School
Location: 1425 CARNAGE DR RALEIGH, NC 27610-3909
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/22/2000
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
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