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Fred Olds Elementary

204 DIXIE Tra
RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016

Facility Type: Schools

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Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/19/2024
Score: 87

#  Comments Points
4. Repair ceiling leak above the end urinal in the boy`s bathroom on the 2100 hallway. Repair and repaint water stained and water damaged wall above and behind this urinal after the source of the ceiling leak has been identified and fixed. Repair and seal multiple holes in the bathroom wall between the urinals in the 3100 hallway boy`s bathroom. Repair toilet that is leaking on the plumbing pipework in the boy`s bathroom in the 2100 hallway. Repair ceiling leak in the entryway into the girl`s bathroom on the 2100 hallway. Repaint water stained ceiling in this girl`s bathroom after the leak is fixed. 35.0
5. Repair hand wash sink in the staff bathroom #2103. This sink has a clogged drain and is leaking on the plumbing pipework beneath. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink at the entrance to the girl`s bathroom on the cafeteria/gym hallway. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in the following school locations: in classroom #3116,(major leaks), in the school principal`s office #2115E, in the 2100 hallway at student services, in office #2116, in room #2114 at the ceiling air conditioning vent, in the media center in the corner wall by the windows, in the 2100 hallway at room #2118, in the 3100 hallway at the entrance to room 3118, in classroom #2102 at the ceiling air conditioner vents, in classroom #2101 at the ceiling air conditioning, in classroom #2118 at the ceiling air conditioning, in classroom #2117 at the ceiling air conditioning, in the 3100 hallway at the girl`s bathroom entrance, at the top floor landing in the #3100 A stairway, in classroom #3104, in classroom #3107, and in classroom #3109. Possible mold growth is present on water stained ceiling tiles in the principal`s office #2115E, in classroom #2102, in classroom # 2116, and in classroom #2118. Water damaged and possibly mold stained ceiling tiles in all listed leak locations should be removed and replaced after the completion of all leak repairs. Replace rotted wooden window sill and window casing on the the basement window by the exit door. This window sill has deteriorated to the point where there is large hole between the window and adjacent wall which could allow pests access into the building. Priority repairs are required. Repaint rusted and chipping handrails in the building central stairway at the (#2100 A) stairway landing to the lower cafeteria and gym hallway. 30.0
8. Repair ceiling air conditioning system vents and ducts that are actively leaking onto the floors in the following school locations: in classroom #2118, in classroom #3113, in classroom #3102, and in the 3100 hallway at the entrance to the girl's bathroom. These are continuous leaks that are filling up trash cans placed beneath. Priority repairs are required to prevent water and mold damage to carpeting and flooring beneath the leaks. (Repeat inspection item.) 40.0
11. Mice droppings were present in cubbies and cabinets in classrooms #3105 and #3103. Professional pest control treatments are needed in this area of the school. Ants are present in office #2115F. Pest treatments are needed in this office. 10.0
General Comments
Vine growth on the exterior basement entrance area windows should be trimmed away.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/08/2023
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the boy`s bathroom on the main floor hall adjacent to the school office. Repair toilet that is leaking on plumbing pipework in the second stall of the girl`s bathroom at the cafeteria. 20.0
6. Repair ceiling leak present in classroom #2104 at ceiling air conditioning vent. Replace water-stained ceiling tile in this classroom after the source of the leak is fixed. Carpeting is stained in classroom #3109. This carpet needs deep extraction cleaning to remove the stains. Restricted access steps to the basement in stairway #3100D are covered in trash and debris. The basement steps and the bottom landing of these steps require cleaning and removal of the trash. 15.0
8. Repair ceiling air conditioning units that are actively leaking in classrooms #2118, classroom #3118, and in the front school office room #2115D. These are continuous leaks that are filling up garbage cans placed beneath. Priority repair is required to prevent possible water damage to carpeting and flooring. Repeat demerit item from the two prior facility sanitation inspections. Repair five nonfunctional ceiling lamps in the cafeteria dining room. 40.0
General Comments
A large oak tree adjacent to the front of the school building has several large dead limbs in its upper canopy. These dead tree limbs should be removed by an approved contractor to prevent possible damage to the school building or safety hazards to students, staff, and visitors in the event of it falling.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/26/2022
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
4. Repair two urinals that are overflowing when flushed in the top floor boys hall bathroom. Repair damaged wall surface beneath end urinal in the top floor boys hall bathroom. Repair one urinal that is overflowing when flushed in the bottom floor boys hall bathroom at the cafeteria. It is the third urinal in this bathroom that requires repair. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in the second stall of the bottom floor girls bathroom at the cafeteria. Repair ceiling leak in the 2100 hall ground floor boys bathroom adjacent to the media center. The ceiling leak is located above the end urinal at the window. Seal hole in wall at water pipe behind toilet in the end stall of the top floor/3100 hall girls bathroom. Repair ceiling leak around light fixture above toilet stalls in the 2100 hall/ground floor girls bathroom. 35.0
5. Repair clogged sink drains on hand wash sinks in the main office staff bathroom, in classroom #2107, and in classroom #2108 15.0
6. Repair chipped plaster/sheetrock walls and chipping wall paint in the 2100 hall at room #2107, in the boys bathroom on the 2100 hall adjacent to the media center, in the hall entrance to room #3118, in classroom #3113, in the 3100 hall by rooms 3103 to 3101, and on the entry doorway plaster wall of the top floor/3100 hall boys bathroom. Repair ceiling leaks in the following locations: in the 2100 hall/ground floor at the boys bathroom, in the school principal's office #2115E,(major leak), in the lead secretary office #2115F, in the ground floor hall main entrance by the front office and media center at air conditioning unit with Maximo #69960, in classroom #2117 by the air conditioning unit, in classroom #3118, in classroom #3113 by the air conditioning unit, in room #3116, in classroom #3109, in the top floor/2100 hallway at the girls bathroom, in classroom #3107, in classroom #3103 at the air conditioning unit, in the hallway at room #3101, and in the art room closet #1307A. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in these locations after repairs to fix the leaks have been completed. Replace carpeting that is permanently stained or is coming loose in classrooms #3113, #3118, and #3102. 30.0
8. Repair ceiling air conditioning units that are actively leaking in classrooms #3113, in classroom #2118, and in classroom #3105. These are continuous leaks that are filling up garbage cans placed beneath. Priority repair is required to prevent possible water damage to carpeting and flooring. Repeat inspection item from prior facility sanitation inspection. Ceiling air conditioning units are covered with dust residue in classrooms #1305 and #2117. The vents on these air conditioning units should be cleaned. These ceiling air conditioners may also require a filter replacement. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the top floor/3100 hall at room #3102 and in the gym/multi purpose room #1303. Loose wiring appears to be hanging out of a ceiling light fixture in classroom #2107. This light fixture should be checked by building maintenance and repaired if it is a wiring issue. 40.0
General Comments
Annual school facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/27/2021
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair one toilet that has poor water flow in the boys bathroom at the cafeteria. Repair leaking toilet in the main floor/2100 hall girls bathroom. Repair toilet that has a partially clogged drain in the bathroom in classroom #2107. This toilet flushes poorly. 20.0
6. Repair corner ceiling leaks in the boys bathroom adjacent to the media center. The leaks in this bathroom are at the windows. Repair ceiling leak in conference room #2112 adjacent to the right window. Repair ceiling leaks in rooms #3113 and #3116. Leaks are near ceiling air conditioning units. Repair roof leaks in classroom #3107 and in the top floor hallway near room #3103. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in leak locations after the sources of these leaks are fixed. Repaint water stained ceiling in the boys bathroom adjacent to the media center with mold resistant paint after leak repair. Repair peeling wall paper in rooms #2112 and #2116. Repair loose carpeting in classrooms #3113, #3118, and in #3102. Repair loose stair step edge plates in the 3100A stairway between the 2100 hall and the 3100 hall. Priority repair item due to the potential of trip hazards. Repair damaged wall surface around urinal in the boys bathroom on the top floor/3100 hall. Repair chipped wall paint in classroom #3109. 15.0
8. Repair ceiling air conditioner unit leak in classroom #3101. (Air conditioner Maximo #69991). This leak is actively dripping and is filling up a garbage can placed beneath. (Priority repair) Clean ceiling air conditioning unit of surface residue and build up in classroom #2117. (Air conditioner Maximo #65346). This ceiling air conditioner may require a new filter. Repair nonfunctional wall light fixture in stairway #3100A between the 2100 hall and the 3100 hall. 20.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/17/2020
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
4. Repair leaking urinals in the top floor boys hall bathroom and in the bottom floor/basement boys hall bathroom. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the top floor girls hall bathroom. Repair damaged floor covering in classroom #2101 bathroom. 35.0
6. Replace water damaged and stained carpets in classroom #2107. Repair ceiling leaks around air conditioning units in the art classroom #1307 and the music classroom #1305. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles around these air conditioning units after the leaks are repaired. 15.0
8. Repair ceiling air conditioner unit leak in classroom #2102. The leak is actively dripping onto the class carpet floor. 20.0
General Comments
Repair damaged wall panels between the gym and cafeteria. The wall panels are off track and can not be easily opened or closed by staff. Reattach loose doorway corner guard in the entrance to the main ground level hallway girls restroom. Replace damaged picnic table on patio outside of the cafeteria. The metal mesh of the picnic table is bent and fractured. The bent pieces of the metal picnic table could possibly cause injuries. Remove the table A.S.A.P.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/23/2019
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
4. Replace damaged floor coverings in basement staff bathroom, in second floor staff bathroom in teachers lounge # 3108 (behind toilet), and in classroom bathroom # 2101. Repair damaged wall covering in Boys basement hall bathroom (rear toilet stall wall). Repair ceiling leak in Boys bathroom on main hall at the media center. Repair water stained ceiling materials in this bathroom after the leak is repaired. Repair nonfunctional toilet in Boys second floor hall bathroom. Repair leaking toilet in Girls main hall bathroom by the media center. 50.0
5. Repair hand wash sink in staff bathroom by room #2103. This hand wash sink is clogged and has a leak behind it. Repair clogged hand wash sink drain in media center office. 15.0
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks throughout the second floor hallway and classrooms. Ceiling/roof leaks are present in the second floor hall at room # 3116 and at the second floor Girls bathroom. Ceiling/roof leaks are present also in second floor classrooms # 3116 (Major Leak), # 3113, # 3107 (air conditioner leak), #3104, and in classroom # 3102 (Major Leak). Repair ceiling leak at air conditioner in music classroom # 1305. Repair ceiling leak in the art class kiln room # 1307B. Repair ceiling leak outside of room # 2103. Repair chipped plaster wall in hall side door entrance to classroom # 3116. (Repeat inspection repair item) Repair torn carpet floor covering in music classroom # 1305. 15.0
7. Toys and classroom supplies were stored in the bathroom for classroom # 2107. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations and storage of class supplies in classroom bathrooms is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. 10.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/19/2018
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repaint chipping and peeling walls in ground floor boys restroom, upstairs boys restroom, upstairs girls restroom, and in student restrooms for cafeteria. Repair torn floor cover in class bathroom for room # 2110. 15.0
6. Plaster wall at hall doorway to class 3116 is chipped and requires repair. Walls inside third floor classrooms are chipped and require repainting. Examples: Room 3118 and 3113. Repair roof/ceiling leak above top floor hall. Replace water damaged ceiling tile after leak is fixed. 30.0
7. Toys and equipment were being stored in a classroom bathroom. Bathrooms are not a clean storage location for student items and storage in class bathrooms is an impediment to cleaning. 10.0
General Comments
Repair broken climbing cable on outside play structure. Replace torn climbing rope on playground equipment by track.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/15/2016
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
4. B) The multiple toilet seats in the 3100 girls and boys bathrooms and the 2100 girls bathroom are worn and need to be replaced. 20.0
6. The accordion divider wall between the cafeteria and multi-purpose rooms is slightly off the track and does not close properly, repair or replace. Cleaning is needed on the walls around the handsinks outside of the basement bathrooms. There is a hole in the wall in the girls` bathroom in the basement, repair. The 3100 girls` bathroom has damage on the walls behind the toilets, repair. Moisture staining/damage observed on ceiling tiles in the following rooms: 3116, 2107, 2101, 2117, 3102; also in the hall outside of 2117 near the "Integrity" banner. Repair the damaged wall below the urinal in the 2100 boy`s bathroom. Repair the damage and patches below the sinks in the 2100 hall girls` bathroom; also repair the chipped wall outside of the 2100 hall girls` bathroom. Room 2118 has some chipping wall material, repair. The basement area below the 2100 halls has mold and lots of peeling paint on the walls and doors. This area is not currently used by students but due to the age of the building and severity of peeling paint, this will be referred to the Lead Investigation section; EHS Christy Klaus will contact admin to follow up and investigate. 15.0
8. The HVAC units in 3113 and 2118 are dripping, there are trash cans catching the water on the floor below the units; repair dripping units. Repair the loose light shield in room 2118. 20.0
General Comments
-3 classrooms on the 2100 hall have student contact items stored in the bathrooms. Bathrooms should not be used for storage due to potential for contamination of the items.
-In the 3100 custodian closet, the water at the mop sink was left on, this has caused some slight leakage from the hot water handle and could cause damage to the backflow preventer on the sink; make sure to turn the water off at the faucet handles when not using the mop sinks.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/04/2015
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
6. The carpet is unraveling at the seam in the library. The carpet is stained in many of the class rooms. 15.0
7. There is a thick layer of dust on top shelves in the library. There is dust on tops of cabinets and on high shelving in many of the classrooms. The high dusting needs to be improved. 10.0
General Comments
The shackles, bolts and rod ends are severely worn on the swinging steps on one play ground structure. Replace the worn out parts. The rod ends need to be repaired/rebuilt.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/18/2013
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair wall behind urinal in boys restroom on 1st grade hallway. Pipe on toilet in girls upstairs restroom needs a cover. Paint on wall in girls upstairs restroom is chipping and needs repainting. Repair wall to make smooth and easily cleanable at sink by wall and urinal in upstairs boys restroom. Toilet in downstairs girls restroom does not flush; repair toilet. 15.0
6. Sweep electrical room 3110 of dust build up. 0.0
7. Some storage on floor in various rooms including: 2118; Library closet; bathroom 2107; 2103; all storage must be off the floor 15" to facilitate cleaning. 10.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/20/2012
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
4. Clean around base of toilet in rm#2102. Patch wall upon entering girls restroom on 3000 hallway. One stall in girls restroom on basement level did not have toilet paper. 15.0
6. Repair floor underneath water fountains on main floor hallway by restrooms and in rm #2107 bathroom. Clean floor in janitor closet on 2000 hallway. Patch wall outside rm #3103 on left. Repair pole in boy's restroom on ground level to be smooth and easily cleanable. 15.0
7. Storage on floor in rms #2117; 2102, 3116 and in media center storage room; all storage must be off the floor 15" to facilitate cleaning. 10.0
General Comments
#3 - Recommend increaseing pressure in water fountains on bottom level by restroom to produce more of an angle jet.
#11 - Rm #2102-lots of opened food in room; suggest putting opened food in containers to prevent pests from entering facility. EHS did not see pest issues at present.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/29/2010
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. Repair ceiling leaks in sick room and in top floor hall. 15.0
7. All emergency/extra change of clothing in sick room bathroom should be kept in sealed containers to keep clothing clean. Diapering and changing items were uncovered in this bathroom. 10.0
11. Push cart for floor cleaning chemical dispenser was left unattended in bottom floor boy`s restroom. This product should be stored in areas not accessible to children when not in use by staff. Spray bottle of cleaning chemical product was left out on a counter top in top floor class room. 30.0
General Comments
Splintered picnic tables on playground should be repaired or replaced.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/07/2010
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/23/2009
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
4. Repair leak in wall behind main floor boys restroom. 15.0
6. Repair/seal wall behind top floor hall water fountain. 15.0
General Comments
Running hot water temp. in top floor 5th grade class handwash sink was in excess of 120 degrees F. Recommend repair of sink hot water temp. so that temp. does not exceed 110 degrees F to avoid scalding hazards.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/09/2008
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. Repair ceiling leak in top floor hall. Replace water damaged ceiling tile after leak is fixed. 15.0
7. Do not store items like art supplies, audiovisual equipment, special needs equipment, or toys in classroom bathrooms. 10.0
11. Cleaning chemicals, aerosol cans, chemical surface wipes, and white board cleaner should not be stored in class areas accessible to children. Store these items in closed or locked cabinets, drawers, closets, or stockrooms. 30.0
General Comments
Repair nonfunctional water fountains in top floor hall. Repair/replace damaged balance pole on outside playground equipment. Repair loose balance bar on same equipment. Paint walls behind handwash sinks in upstairs girl's restroom. Running hot water temp. in upstairs classroom handwash sink was 125 degrees F. Adjust running hot water temp. in building so that running hot water does not exceed 110 degrees F.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/17/2007
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in top floor of building. 20.0
4. Repair walls in top floor hall bathrooms. Walls are peeling and chipped. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in top floor hallway and classrooms. Replace water damaged ceiling tile after leaks are repaired. 15.0
7. Do not store class supplies or audiovisual equipment in class bathrooms. Ex: Kindergarten classes. 10.0
11. Cleaning chemicals, aerosol cans, and industrial strength adhesives should be stored out of reach of students in art room and music room. Ex: Store chemicals in locked cabinets or closets. 30.0
General Comments
Keep thermometers in class refrigerators where food items for children are stored.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/01/2005
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
7. debris, stains and cracks observed on pool floors and walls 4.0
15. shorten rope 0.0
29. mirrors not shatterproof 2.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/20/2004
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/23/2003
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Fred Olds Elementary
Location: 204 DIXIE Tra RALEIGH, NC 27607-7016
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/19/2001
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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