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Olive Chapel Elementary School

APEX, NC 27502-4862

Facility Type: Schools

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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/29/2021
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional toilets in the main office staff bathroom at room #133, in the final stall of the girls hall bathroom #147,and in classroom #221 bathroom. Repair nonfunctional urinals in the boys hall bathroom #182 and in the modular building/bathroom trailer boys bathroom. (Both of the nonfunctional urinals have poor water flow.) Repair flush valve on toilet in classroom #209 bathroom. This toilet does not stop flushing after the flush valve is pressed. 20.0
5. Repair clogged hand wash sink drain in girls bathroom #181. 15.0
6. Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school building locations: in the gym stage, (Room #159), in classroom #202, in the 200 hallway between classrooms #209 and #210, in classroom #217, in classroom #219, in classroom #223, (Major roof leaks), in boys hall bathroom #112, in classroom #401, and in the bathroom of modular building #505. After the sources of all the roof and ceiling leaks are repaired the water damaged ceiling tiles in these locations should be replaced. Repair damaged wall surfaces in the following class bathrooms: in classroom #207 bathroom, in classroom #210 bathroom at the base tile, in classroom #219 bathroom, in classroom #223 bathroom behind the toilet, and in the modular class building #504 bathroom behind the toilet. Damaged wall materials should be repaired or replaced in these classroom bathrooms. Replace torn carpet in classroom #316. (Trip hazard) Replace loose carpet in classroom #215. (Trip hazard) Replace split floor covering in the modular building/bathroom trailer boys bathroom. Replace rotted floor beneath and around toilet in modular building #503 class bathroom. (Priority repair and safety concern.) Replace loose, rotted, and splintered floor boards on entrance ramps to modular class buildings #501, #502, #503, #505, and #510. Replace splintered and damaged handrails on all walkway ramps and steps to all modular buildings entry and exits. Repair loose support post for hand rail on walkway ramp for modular building #502. All walkway ramp and handrail repair items are priority inspection repairs due to potential trip and safety hazards for students and staff. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in the boys hall bathroom #112. A musty odor is present at the ceiling vent located in the main office room #136. The duct work for this vent should be checked and cleaned to verify that mold growth is not present. 20.0
11. Standing water is an issue around and beneath all modular class buildings. This standing water could become a source of mold growth in the buildings as well as a mosquito breeding area. The area around these modular class buildings should be landscaped to allow rain water to flow and drain away from these buildings. Repair loose slide pole on play structure on the 4th and 5th grade playground. (Safety Hazard) Repair broken cables on climbing web play structure located on the kindergarten playground. (Safety hazard/Priority repair) Repair hole in sidewalk at walkway ramp entrance for modular building #507. (Safety/Trip Hazard). 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 04/09/2019
Score: 88.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in 200 hallway by room # 111. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain in classroom # 217. Repair leak behind and beneath drinking fountain in classroom # 212. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains outside of entrances to boys and girls cottage bathrooms. 20.0
4. Repair loose base tile in class bathroom # 220 A. Repair water damaged wall area in class bathroom # 218. Repair damaged wall covering in class bathrooms # 213 and # 216. Repair chipped wall paint on panel beneath hand sinks in girls cottage bathroom. Replace damaged and loose base plates on stalls in girls cottage bathroom. Repaint chipped stall divider walls and replace missing stall base plates in boys cottage bathroom. Repair nonfunctional toilet in girls cottage bathroom. 35.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sinks in boys hall bathroom # 112, boys hall bathroom # 148, and in boys cottage bathroom. 15.0
6. Repair major leak around window in media center. Replace rotted wooden soffit components and replace missing soffit covering on roof overhang at entrance by Courtyard # 1. Repair ceiling leaks in gym office # 158 and over gym stage. Replace torn floor cover in gym to prevent trip hazards. Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms # 202 and # 204. Replace water damaged wall materials beneath drinking fountain with leak in classroom # 212. 15.0
8. Mold growth is present on ceiling vent in boys cottage bathroom. Vent fan should be checked to verify it is functioning properly in this bathroom. Mold should be cleaned from the vent and the vent components should be painted with mold resistant paint. 20.0
11. Standing water is a major issue on the first grade playground. Rain water can not drain off the playground. The retainer wall adjacent to this playground is blocking water drain off. Standing water in this location can be an area of mosquito breeding and should be addressed A.S.A.P. 10.0
General Comments
Repair loose ground cover padding on first grade playground. This loose padding cover is a trip hazard. The floor drain in boys bathroom # 148 is above grade and water can not drain off the floor. The bathroom floor drain must be at a level to allow standing water to drain off the floor. Repair is needed to the drain in this bathroom.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/09/2017
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
4. A toilet and a urinal are in bags in the trailer/cottage boys rest room. A urinal in boys 148 and in 112 are bagged. There is a bag over a toilet in the girls rest room # 147. Fix the toilets and urinals so they work correctly. One of the stall doors will not close in Boys 112. 20.0
5. The warm water in the art room #183 is very hot. The warm water should not exceed 120 degrees and it is 137 degrees in the class room. 15.0
6. The carpet is loose and torn in room 407. .... The door to the outside in the music room # 151 is corroded away at the base. ..... There are water stains on the ceilings of rooms 228, 223, 312, 313, 407 and 408 from possible roof leaks. ..... There are some signs of water seeping in on the gable end of the media center room 105. ...... There is a small amount of graffiti cut into the stall in the girls rest room 113. You may have to sand it out. 15.0
7. Storage on the floor in storage room 229 and in rest rooms 218, 207 and 224. Nothing should be stored in the toilet rooms except toilet paper, soap and paper towels etc. All storage must be 15 inches above the floor.. .... Repair the cabinet doors in the art room. One has fallen off and another is loose at the bottom hinge. 10.0
8. The light is too dim in toilet room 213. Replace burnt out bulbs or what ever is needed. ... One of the two-way light switches does not work in room 158. .... The outer pane is broken in the double pane window in room 312. . ...The seal has failed on a double-pane window in room 411 and it looks foggy. 20.0
11. There is a small plastic picnic table on the play ground between the trailers and the brick building that is damaged and should be discarded in the trash. .... The chain-link fence is damage near the outdoor basket ball court at the end of the 400 hall. 15.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/22/2015
Score: 86

#  Comments Points
3. Repair water fountains near rooms 217, 111, 148. 20.0
4. Repair walls in restrooms in 503 and 504. Repair stall door in 147. Repair urinal in 182 and toilet in 181. Cleaning needed in restrooms (112, 113, 50.0
5. Repair sink in 147. 15.0
6. Repair loose/torn/stained carpets in rooms 215, 409, 308, 315, 316. Repair walls in 506, Repair water damage and remove mildew/mold on the exterior wall, under fire extinguisher and in kiln closet in the art room. Repair leak in the ceiling in hall near room 411. Repair railing to 504. 15.0
7. Storage on the floor in teacher workroom storage closet, in gym and stage storage rooms. All storage must be 15 inches above the floor. 10.0
11. All chemicals must be stored according labels instructions. Cleaners, disinfectants, etc., labeled 'Keep out of reach of children' must be 5 feet above floor level or behind/in teacher's desks. Chemicals/cleaners observed within reach of children in several rooms. 30.0
General Comments
Repair broken air conditioning in outside units 505 and 511.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/30/2012
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
3. B.) Replacment needed of badly corroded water fountain and another water fountain with badly broken handle. Both water fountains across hall from Music Room. 20.0
6. 6.) Cleaning needed of carpet in room 308; Cleaning needed of tile floors in Gym Storage room, storage room 111 especially under shelving and room 315; Cleaning needed of Gym wall. Wall is not easily cleanable and has become very dusty. This violation noted on last inspection performed 7/29/11; Cleaning needed of ceiling tiles around ceiling vents in modular building 506; Repairs needed of Women`s restroom room 144. Wall behind trash can badly damaged from trashcan; Repair strip between carpet and tile interface in room 315. Currently tape on floor for repair. 15.0
7. B.) Storage observed on the floor in the following rooms: 108, Gym storage, Art Storage room, modular 509, and 514. Keep all storage off of floor on shelving at least 15 inches off of floor 10.0
8. Cleaning needed of ceiling returns in rooms 410, 405 and 210. Cleaning needed of ceiling vents in Girl`s modular building restrooms. 20.0
General Comments
Sand, smooth and repaint Boy's restroom for Modular buildings.
Cleaning needed of boy's urinal basins in room 112 and Boy's modular building restroom.
Cleaning needed between dumpsters and back loading dock.

Chemicals such as sanitizer with labeling "Keep out of reach of children" should be kept at least 5 feet off of the floor. Chemicals with other labeling in addition to " Keep out of reach of children" should be kept locked.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/29/2011
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
3. Replace broken water fountain handle in 300 Hall. Water pressure low in 200 Hall fountain. Increase pressure so that water pressure goes above guard to protect from contamination. 20.0
7. Keep all storage off of floor on shelving at least 15 inches off of floor. Numerous rooms with storage on floor throughout facility especially Art and Science storage areas. 10.0
11. Sanitizer and disinfecting wipes stored throughout facility not at teacher's desks or inside cabinetry. Keep inside cabinetry or at teacher's desks where they are under teacher's direct control and their use may be monitored; Store chemicals in costodial closets below single service to protect from contamination. 30.0
General Comments
6.) Cleaning needed of Gym wall near ceiling. Wall is not of an easily cleanable finish.
8.) Replace light bulbs in 400 hall teacher restroom. Flickering badly.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/28/2010
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. Water fountain nozzles need better cleaning. 20.0
8. Ceiling vents need better cleaning. 20.0
11. Cleaning chemicals, aerosal sprays, sanitizing wipes, sanitizing gels, etc. need to be kept locked in classrooms unless under the control of the teacher. 30.0
General Comments
Ceiling leaks in receiving storage room and in Mobile #505.
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/13/2008
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
3. Clean hall water fountain nozzles. Some mold growth present. Repair nonfunctional water fountains at bathroom modular building. 20.0
7. Items like class supplies, art supplies, audiovisual equipment and physical education equipment should not be stored in class bathrooms or in sick room restroom. Only items related to bathroom use or diapering should be in restrooms. 10.0
8. Clean ceiling vents in store rooms and in class bathrooms. Ex: Special needs class bathrooms. 20.0
11. Cleaning chemicals, chemical surface wipes, aerosol cans, and white board cleaner must be stored in areas not accessible by children. Ex: Closed or locked cabinets, closets, stockrooms, or drawers. Items mentioned were found in accessible areas in classes throughout facility. 30.0
General Comments
Clean floors in store rooms. Ex: In science lab storeroom potting soil has spilled. Repair cracked areas at top of tunnel slide on first grade playground. Change bed linens on mat table in health room after each use. Replace/repair torn mat cover on changing table in special needs class bathroom.
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/28/2005
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/04/2003
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
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Olive Chapel Elementary School
Location: 1751 OLIVE CHAPEL RD APEX, NC 27502-4862
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/16/2001
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
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