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Al-Basha Market & Grill

501 Method Rd

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Al-Basha Market & Grill
Location: 501 Method Rd RALEIGH, NC 27607
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/04/2024
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
3. Observation: An employee health policy was not available to staff when requested during inspection. Documents were unable to be produced for review and demonstration. CDI: Provided paperwork, employee health policy and information for staffing during inspection. Education provided regarding requirements of the PIC and staff. 2-103.11 (O); Priority Foundation; O) FOOD EMPLOYEES and CONDITIONAL EMPLOYEES are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report in accordance with LAW, to the PERSON IN CHARGE, information about their health and activities as they relate to diseases that are transmissible through FOOD, as specified under ¶ 2-201.11(A); Pf 1.0
22. Observation: TCS (temperature control safety food products) not cold holding at 41F or below. Cooked cheese type naan left at room temperature on counter. Discussed that this product must be held hot or cold. Ground beef holding at 44F in meat display - (*Open air case is unable to maintain 41F or below); CDI: Operating closed open display to decrease air temperature, (*new equipment may need evaluation for use); Cheese bread products removed from service. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; (A) Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control as specified under §3-501.19, and except as specified under (B) and in (C ) of this section, TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD shall be maintained: (2) At 5 C (41 F) or less. P 1.5
36. Observation: Prep refrigerators, display refrigerators do not have a thermometer interiorly to measure air temperature. Ensure that all refrigerators have an air thermometer to monito equipment. 4-204-112; Cold or hot holding EQUIPMENT used for POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be designed to include and shall be equipped with at least one integral or permanently affixed TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE that is located to allow easy viewing of the device's temperature display. 0.5
37. Observation: Grape leaf rolls and package cooked meat products did not have proper food labeling with ingredients, allergen with business name on labeling. Provide labeling for the cooked meat product and grape leaf rolls in grab and go refrigerator case. Verification for corrective action will be June 14, 2024. 3-602.11; A) FOOD PACKAGED in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, shall be labeled as specified (B) Label information shall include: (1) The common name of the FOOD, or absent a common name, an adequately descriptive identity statement; (2) If made from two or more ingredients, a list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight, including a declaration of artificial color or flavor and chemical preservatives, if contained in the FOOD; (3) An accurate declaration of the quantity of contents; (4) The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; and (5) The name of the FOOD source for each MAJOR FOOD ALLERGEN contained in the FOOD unless the FOOD source is already part of the common or usual name of the respective ingredient Pf Priority Foundation; 1.0
38. Observation: The rear entrance door behind display refrigerator is gapped at bottom allowing for entrance of mice or insects. Seal up door. 6-202.15; Core; (A) Except as specified in (B), (C), and (E) and under par. (D) of this section, outer openings of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall be protected against the entry of insects and rodents by: (1) Filling or closing holes and other gaps along floors, walls, and ceilings; (2) Closed, tight-fitting windows; and (3) Solid, self-closing, tight-fitting doors. 0.0
44. Observation: Utensils and equipment are not being air dried after sanitizing in sink. CDI; This was corrected during inspection by separating utensils and equipment on dry rack. 4-901.11; Core; After cleaning and SANITIZING, EQUIPMENT and UTENSILS: (A) Shall be air-dried or used after adequate draining as specified in the first paragraph of 40 CFR 180.940 Tolerance exemptions for active and inert ingredients for use in antimicrobial formulations (food-contact surface SANITIZING solutions), before contact with FOOD 0.0
47. Observation: The surfaces of the frying pans are scored and no longer cleanable (coated pans); The plastic lid on the falafel mixer is broken/poor repair; Repair or replace equipment parts when in poor repair. 4-501.11; Core; (A) EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 0.0
49. Observation: The non-food contact surfaces of the meat slicer around the wheel cover and under platform have accumulation of debris. The interior of the grinder has visible accumulation; Ensure that all non food contact surfaces are kept clean and free from debris accumulation. **Provide tools that can clean these areas*** 4-602.13; Core; NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. 0.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 06/14/2024
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Al-Basha Market & Grill
Location: 501 Method Rd RALEIGH, NC 27607
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/23/2024
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Facility had several frozen animal meats removed from their commercial packaging stored outside of the final cook temperature hierarchy and with ready-to-eat foods. Food shall be protected from contamination by separating raw animal foods during storage, preparation, and display EXCEPT frozen, commercially processed and packaged raw animal FOOD may be stored or displayed with or above frozen, commercially processed and packaged, ready-to-eat food. CDI: EHS provided guidance on proper storage for raw animal meats and left storage order charts with PICs. 1.5
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Several spray bottles of various chemical cleaners without identifying labels. Working containers for toxic materials such as cleaners shall be individually identified. CDI: Labels added during inspection. 1.0
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Observed a large container of humus several inches high at 105F while actively cooling. Humus was covered in plastic wrap and resting on a prep counter. Cooling shall be accomplished by placing the food in shallow pans, separating the food into smaller or thinner portions, using rapid cooling equipment, stirring the food in a container placed in an ice bath, using containers that facilitate heat transfer, adding ice as an ingredient, or other effective methods. CDI: EHS provided cooling method education during inspection on cooling methods. 0.5
41. 3-304.14; Core; Wiping cloths stored in buckets of sanitizer below 50ppm. Cloths shall be held between used in a container of chemical sanitizer at the proper concentration. CDI: EHS demonstrated how to mix chlorine bleach at the right concentration. All buckets of sanitizer remade. 0.0
48. 4-501.19; Priority Foundation; Observed dishes being washed in water at a temperature of 104F. The temperature of the wash solution shall be maintained at 110F or above. CDI: Hot water added. No points deducted. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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