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APEX, NC 27523

Facility Type: Schools

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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 01/03/2023
Score: 86.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional fountains in the hallways at classroom #2303, at teacher`s lounge # 2202A, in classroom #1401, and in classroom #1201. Repair water fountain that has a loose spray nozzle in the hallway by classroom #2407. 20.0
4. Repair chipped wall paint behind sink in class bathroom #1201A. Replace missing wall base tile at the entrance to boy`s bathroom #1502. Repair damaged wall area in class bathroom #1403A. Holes are present in this wall from a prior location of a paper towel dispenser. Replace damaged and missing wall base tile in the girl`s hall bathroom #2208. Repair two nonfunctional toilets in modular building #1 and #2 class bathrooms #528A and #362A. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the second stall of boy`s bathroom #1502. Repair nonfunctional toilet in class bathroom #1409A. Repair leaking toilets in boy`s bathroom #2508 in the first stall and in boy`s bathroom #2210 in the second stall. Repair ceiling leaks in class bathroom #1411A and in the custodial office bathroom #1308A. Repair toilet in stall #5 of girl`s bathroom #1210. The water flow in this toilet is too strong and sprays onto the toilet seat when flushed. Replace permanently stained floor tile that is present in class bathroom #1301A. 50.0
5. Repair two nonfunctional handwash sinks in the class bathrooms #528-A and #362-A in modular class buildings #1 and #2. Repair faucet control valve in class bathroom #1305A. This faucet valve is stuck and does not operate properly. Repair clogged sink drain in the art classroom #1402. 15.0
6. Repair major roof leaks present over the second-floor level in the custodial offices and HVAC mechanical room #1308. The roof leaks in this area pose major safety issues due to their proximity to electrical control panels. The leaks are also causing wall and ceiling damage on both the upper and lower levels of this mechanical room. The water damaged walls and ceilings in this area require repair after the roof leaks are fixed. Possible mold stains are present on the water damaged wall components in this area and require cleaning and possible replacement. The leaks are also over a stairway and pose the risk of possible slip and fall and hazards. Priority roof repairs for both health and safety are needed A.S.A.P. Repair ceiling leaks in the following school locations: in classroom #2401 at the walls, in classroom #2409, in classroom #2105, in the hallway at the entrance to girl`s bathroom #2206, in the hallway at classroom #2204, in the hallway at classroom #2503, and in the hallway at classroom #2201. Replace water-stained ceiling tiles after the sources of these leaks have been repaired. Repair water damaged wall area in classroom #2401 after the ceiling leak above it has been repaired. A major ceiling leak is also present a in the hallway at the entrance to the cafeteria dining room #1306 and at music room #1307. This leak requires priority repair due to its size and due to the amount of water damage it has caused to ceiling tile. Replace this water damaged ceiling tile due to possible mold stains after the source of the leak is fixed. Repair roof leaks in the multi-purpose room #1304. These leaks are present over the gym and the stage. Repair broken sliding wall panels between the cafeteria dining room #1306 and the multi-purpose room # 1304. The break between these wall panels poses safety issues due to possible pinch and trap hazards. Replace three missing ceiling panels in the multi-purpose room. Repair damaged wall cover in the multi-purpose room that is present in the area of the gym roof leaks. Replace damaged skirting along the exterior base of modular buildings #1 and #2. Repair water damaged exterior wall siding at the base of the entrance door on the ramp entry into modular building #2. Repair is needed A.S.A.P to prevent interior water damage and mold growth. Repair roof on modular building # 1. Large numbers of roof tiles are falling off of this modular building. Repairs are necessary to prevent interior ceiling leaks. Replace missing ceiling tile and missing cap for ceiling sprinkler in the hallway at classroom #1409. Reattach loose fire alarm sensor on the ceiling at the hall entrance into the cafeteria dining room. The floors and walls of the art class kiln room #1402 require cleaning of dust buildup and cobwebs. 15.0
8. Ceiling vents, ventilation ductwork, and skylight window framework requires cleaning of dust residue and buildup in the cafeteria dining room, the multipurpose room, the media center, and in all of the fifth-grade classrooms. Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in the special needs classroom #1507. Priority repair is needed for the comfort and health of both students and staff. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in staff bathroom #2202C and in the modular building #1 class bathroom #362-A. 20.0
11. Repair cracked interior of slide on playground structure adjacent to the modular class buildings. Priority repairs on this slide are needed due to sharp edges on the crack creating the potential of cutting injuries. The wooden wall planks on the sand box/play pen are loose. The loose wall planks should be reattached to hold firmly and securely into place. Priority repairs for safety are needed due to the potential of injury. Replace cracked ground border rim around the K-1 playground structure. This cracked and broken border rim poses the potential of trip and fall hazards as well as the potential of cutting hazards due to sharp exposed edges. Priority repairs for safety are necessary. 15.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/30/2020
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in classrooms #1203, #1401, and #1405. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional toilets in boys bathroom #1212 and in class bathroom #1403A. 20.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in the following building locations: Staff bathroom #1102G, girls bathroom #1210, class bathroom #1203A, classroom #1203, classroom #1207, music classroom #1307, classroom #1411, Cafeteria dining room # 1306, second floor 5th grade hallway at the top of stairwell, classroom #2402, classroom #2403, classroom #2404, classroom #2405, classroom #2407, classroom #2408 classroom #2409, classroom #2505, classroom #2209, classroom #2204, classroom #2205, classroom #2206, classroom #2107, stairwell S-1 ceiling, in the hallway by room #2203 at sprinkler, in classroom #2103 in ceiling light ballast, in the custodial office #1308 and in the custodial office bathroom #1308B. (Mold growth is present on the ceiling leaks in the custodial office.) Water damaged ceiling tiles should be replaced after the source of the leaks are repaired. Replace missing ceiling tiles in classroom #2501. Repair and seal hole in window ledge in room #2209. Repair chipping wall paint in girls hall bathroom #1504 and boys bathroom #2508. Repair chipped floor tile in class bathroom #1305A and in the cafeteria dining room at the entry doors. Repaint chipping door frame in cafeteria entrance. Reattach loose wall base tile in hallway outside of room #2101. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling vent fan in classroom bathroom #1409A. Replace missing ceiling light shield cover in modular classroom bathroom # 528A, 20.0
General Comments
Laptop computers were being stored in the media center bathroom #1104B. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Storage of work supplies in bathrooms is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. School Facility Sanitation Inspection Completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/26/2018
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional water fountains in hall outside of media center and on second floor fourth and fifth grade hall. Water fountains in classrooms on kindergarten hall have low water pressure. Please repair. 20.0
4. Repair nonfunctional toilets in girls hall bathrooms # 1210 and #2510. Repair nonfunctional urinal and toilet in boys hall restroom # 2508. Repair broken toilet seats in class bathrooms # 1305A and # 1505A. 20.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sinks in girls hall bathroom # 2208. Repair clogged hand wash sink drain in girls hall bathroom # 1504. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in 5th grade hallway, bus loop entry hall, custodial office, modular class trailer # 1, and in 4th grade hall classes # 2401 and 2405. Mold growth is present in ceiling leaks in custodial office. (priority repairs) 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional air conditioning in classrooms # 1401, 1409, 1407, and in modular class trailer # 2. Repair A.S.A.P. 20.0
General Comments
Repair loose climbing wall on rope bridge play structure behind modular class trailer # 1.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/07/2017
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
4. A.)Repairs needed to bubbling and peeling paint behind toilets in the following restrooms: 2510, 1502 in handicapped accessible stall, Boy`s and girl`s restrooms across from 2207; Cleaning needed of the following restroom walls: Kindergarten boy`s wall behind hand sinks, 1502 boy`s restroom, and Girl`s restroom across from 2207; Repaint ceiling in girl`s handicapped accessible stall on Kindergarten hall. C.) Cleaning needed of base coving in restrooms throughout school. 30.0
6. A.) Cleaning and or repainting needed of hallway walls throughout school; Cleaning needed of stairwells including walls and bannisters throughout school; Repainting needed of wall behind teacher`s desk in room 1301; Repairs needed to badly damaged dry wall in the following areas: base of stairwell at Bus entrance ( metal corners are protruding from wall and possible hazard ), Dining room in numerous areas, Gym in numerous areas, 2414 ( pink and black mold near can wash ), above window in 4th grade hall; Replace or repair damaged room divider in dining room; Replace missing base coving in Gym. 15.0
7. B.) Keep storage off floor at least 15 inches. Today storage on floor observed in the following storage areas: Media, Gym, Art, Modular 1, 2506. 10.0
8. A.)Dust all the high structures in the classrooms with vaulted ceilings. 20.0
11. Improper chemical storage observed in almost every classroom entered. Disinfecting wipes, cleaning chemicals and anything in an aerosol spray is to be kept locked. Hand sanitizer is to be kept 5 feet or higher. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED ON NEXT INSPECTION IF OBSERVED AGAIN. 0.0
General Comments
A lot of general cleaning and repair needed to facility.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/06/2016
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
3. Note : One fountain on the second floor needs repair. Parts are on order. 0.0
5. Every bathroom has one faucet with reduced water pressure due to a clogged or otherwise obstructed faucet tip screen. Clean or replace the screens. 15.0
6. The gym ceiling has moisture stains. A roof replacement is in progress. The carpet in the computer lab is coming apart at one of the seams. 0.0
8. The high ducts, noise absorbing panels, and light fixtures in the gym need to be cleaned. They are very dusty. Also dust all the high structures in the classrooms with vaulted ceilings. The ceiling tiles in most classrooms are bowed indicating high humidity in the building. 20.0
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/09/2014
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
3. Classroom drinking fountains do not have adequate pressure and need to be adjusted up. 20.0
4. Repair restroom walls in upstairs boys rooms, downstairs girls room and in room 1203 restroom. 15.0
8. Ceiling vents in library need cleaning. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/09/2012
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
4. A.) Cleaning needed of restroom walls in numerous restrooms and behind boy's urinals in 1502 and 2508. Walls behind boy's urinals in these rooms are damaged and need a thorough cleaning. Recommend installing a non-absorbent material such as tile behind and around these urinals. Paint and drywall is bubbling and there is an extremely strong urine odor. 15.0
6. Cleaning needed of walls in hallways near restrooms and in S3 stairwell. 15.0
7. B.) Storage observed on floors in Music room storage, 1309, and 2506. Storage is to at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning. 10.0
8. Cleaning needed of ceiling returns in numerous rooms. Very dusty. 20.0
General Comments
Keep all sanitizer bottles or any chemical with "Keep out of reach of children" stored at least 5 feet off of ground. Chemicals such as Clorox wipes with warnings other than "Keep out of reach of children" or any chemical in an aerosolized container are be kept locked in storage closets or locked cabinetry.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/26/2012
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
3. b.) Increase water pressure at the following water fountains: room 1401, room 2404, room 2202 and 2400 hallway 20.0
6. Cleaning needed of floors in the following areas: Stairwells, room 1309, and Gym storage room; Cleaning needed of walls in Gym and in hallway across from restroom # 2508. 15.0
7. b.)Storage on floor observed in following rooms: 1105,1309, Art Kiln and storage rooms, 2506 and Health room. Storage is to at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning. 10.0
8. Cleaning needed of ceiling returns in the following rooms: Media Center, student restrooms, and 2210. 20.0
11. c.) Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: Art classroom, 1407, 1501, 1507, 2505, 2503, 2409, 2405,2305, and 2107. Chemicals including handsanitizer and disinfecting wipes are to be stored at teacher's desks or inside cabinetry with closeable doors. 30.0
General Comments
4.) Repair wall behind boy's toilets in restroom # 1502.

Never use handsink basins as storage areas.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/07/2011
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
3. ( b )Numerous classroom and hallway water fountains found to have low water pressure. Increase water pressure. ( REPEAT ) 40.0
6. Cleaning needed of tile floors in Gymnasium and Art storage rooms. Art room, rooms 2505 and 2105 tile floors need to be stripped and redone. Cleaning needed of tile floors near stairwells. 15.0
7. Storage on floor in storage rooms throughout facility. Storage is to at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning.Raise shelving in first floor costodial closet to meet 15 inch requirement. 10.0
General Comments
3.) (a) Water fountain on Media center hallway running consistently.Repair.
4.) (a) Repair wall behind boys urinals in second floor restroom. Strong urine odor.
11.) Keep hand sanitizers at teacher''''s desks or in closed cabinetry. Keep aerosolized cans in teacher''''s restrooms in cabinets or at teacher''''s desks under control of teachers.

Hot water in rooms 1205, Art, 2409, 2302 and 2105 exceeded 110F. Lower to 90-110F.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/01/2009
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
3. Classroom water fountains on ground and top floor lack adequate water pressure. Please repair A.S.A.P. 20.0
4. Repair leak at base of commode in Pre-K special needs class bathroom. Leak is flowing beneath bathroom floor tile. 20.0
11. Chemical cleaning products, aerosol cans, and chemical surface wipes should be stored in areas not accessible to students. Ex: In closed or locked closets, stockrooms, drawers, or cabinets. Chemical surface wipes were found in areas accessible to students in classrooms and class bathrooms in facility. 30.0
General Comments
Disinfectant to sanitize diapering table after use is needed in Pre-K special needs class bathroom.Check with Wake County Schools System to determine what disinfectant is being provided in other schools. Disinfectant should be stored in an area not accessible by students. Recommend placing a cabinet with doors in special needs class bathrooms for storage of cleaning and disinfecting agents. Emergency change of clothing in pre-k and special needs class bathrooms should be kept in sealed containers to keep clothing clean. Ex: Plastic bin with lid or ziplock bags. Only items related to bathroom use or diapering should be stored in class bathrooms. No class supplies, art supplies, or toys should be stored in class bathrooms. If special needs students are on a liquid diet the foods to be liquified must be prepared in the school cafeteria. Special needs class kitchens are not licensed for food preparation and are not designed for proper washing and sanitizing of food utensils. Staff should disinfect sick room bed between use. Clean hall water fountain nozzle interiors on a regular schedule.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Location: 2450 LAURA DUNCAN RD APEX, NC 27523
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/15/2008
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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