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Clarion Pointe/Suburban

2910 Capital BLVD

Facility Type: Lodging Establishment

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Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 02/13/2024
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Inspected guest rooms #121, 123, 128, 131, 200, 224, 231, 232, 237...DISCUSSION: On housekeeping carts, observed several unlabeled spray bottles with clear or blue liquid inside them. These bottles must be labeled with the names of their contents.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 09/07/2021
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No repeats marked due to the major renovations that took place. Full points will be taken upon any further repeat violations.
Report e-mailed to PIC
Inspector info: Dipatrimarki Farkas;; (919) 210-8155
Facility has become a franchise under Joy Hospitality. The second building is said to be under the same permit and owner but is under a different name from the main building. A follow-up transitional visit will be performed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 09/30/2019
Score: 83

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Rooms inspected: 413, 402, 308, 234, 123, electrical room, laundry area and ice machines/vending stations.
*Inspector Info: Patricia Sabby/*
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 05/01/2018
Score: 86.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 08/30/2016
Score: 82

#  Comments Points
1. Clean the soiled and dusty wall vent grates and filters underneath in hallways of all floors, including by front desk. 0.5
2. Replace the burned out lights above clothes washing machines in laundry room. 0.5
3. Clean the soiled and stained walls on all floors. Repair the wall holes and corner edges so surfaces are smooth...Repair the damaged door exterior by utility room in hallway by Room 132...After ensuring all ceiling leaks are repaired, replace the stained ceiling tiles in hallways...Clean the dusty hallway ceiling panels...Remove insect remains from on top of ceiling light shields in hallway areas (observed in bottom floor)...Repair the exterior peeling surfaces on guest room doors (hallway side) observed on a few floors...Clean the soiled interiors of cupboards in coffee service area...Repair the damaged flooring by drink machines on third floor...Replace the missing outlet covers in hallways and by vending areas...Repair the damaged ceiling and walls in laundry rooms. Remove the accumulation of dust from exteriors of dryers and adjacent hoses, conduits and cords...Replace the badly cracked interior glass on large window in laundry room...Replace the missing baseboard in bathroom near registration desk. Also seal the hole in wall in this room--or at least install a removable panel over hole in wall. 1.0
7. Found a little pink mold build-up on shower heads in guest room bathrooms. Clean these heads on a regular basis...Remove accumulation of paper from counters and floor in bathroom by exercise area. It appears people are using this room, although exercise room is not in operatoin. 0.0
8. Housekeeping did not have a test kit for checking quaternary ammonium (QA) sanitizer concentration of Oasis 146 (observed in laundry room at mop sink). The The QA sanitizer was too strong (test strip turned blue--above 400 ppm). Maintain sanitizer at 150ppm-400ppm for type of sanitizer used. Provide a test kit for checking QA sanitizer concentration...Did not observed bottle of QA sanitizer on housekeeping cart. The lavatory, its handles, faucet, and vanity shall be washed using an all purpose cleaner and rinsed daily if the room has been occupied. A sanitizer shall be applied to the lavatory and vanity using a method such as spraying or wiping on sanitizer using a sanitizing towel. The sanitizer shall be left to air dry. 2.0
10. Repair the peeling, cracked or damaged ceiling and wall surfaces in guest room bathrooms...Repair the peeling and damaged bathroom door frame in Room #236...Repair the frayed carpeting by bathroom in Room #236...Found a little black mold build-up on ceiling surface in Room #312 bathroom...Replace the large metal plate on wall in Room #126 bathroom. 1.0
12. Ice maker water supply line did not have back flow preventer installed. Install dual check back flow preventers on water supply lines to ice makers. Install these devices where they are visible by the inspector. 1.5
13. Hot water reached 114F in Room #132, 115F in Room #312, and 101F in Room #405. The rest of the rooms inspected reached the required temperature. All guest room hot water temperatures must range from 116-128F degrees. 1.5
17. The ice overflow compartments are heavily soiled in the hallway ice machines. Observed significant mold build-up in ice machine on first floor. Second floor ice machine was not operational at time of inspection. ALL ice machines need a thorough cleaning and shall be maintained clean. 1.5
20. Clean the dusty/soiled ceiling vent grates/covers in guest room bathrooms...Clean the dusty filters and vent openings on HVAC units in guest rooms. 0.5
22. Lighting at counter level (30 inches above floor) in guest room bathrooms was at 7.4 foot-candles (fc) in Room 126, 21.5 fc in Room #235 and 27 fc in Room #236. Lights were not operational at all in bathroom of Room #132...Lighting must be at least 30 fc at 30 inches above the floor in bathrooms. 0.5
25. Rooms inspected had holes in bedspreads and sheets and/or badly stained mattresses and/or stained pillows. Repair or replace these damaged or stained bedding. 2.0
26. Clean the soiled walls and ceiling areas in guest rooms. Remove accumulation of debris and food particles from floor corners and areas around furniture and beds. 2.0
27. Replace the damaged upholstered chairs in various guest rooms...Clean the soiled areas under chair seats, removing accumulation of soil and debris...Clean the soiled bed stand and dresser drawers in a few rooms...Clean the soiled curtains in guest rooms or replace. Replace curtains that have holes in them. 2.0
28. Remove the accumulation of insect remains in cupboards and on floor in coffee service area. 0.0
30. Found many miscellaneous items in storage rooms on bottom floor and in exercise room. Remove from the establishment all items that are not needed in operation of facility. Exercise room has become a storage room for guests to deposit their extra belongings. 1.5
32. Clean the soiled areas on housekeeping carts. 0.0
34. Found a chair and baby stroller by outside dumpster. Properly dispose of these items...Found dumpster side door open. Dumpster doors shall be kept closed. 0.0
General Comments
Inspected Rooms #132, 126, 235, 236, 312 and 405...Follow-up on complaint #8171127 conducted today. See complaint filed for investigation findings. Ensure any mold accumulation in facility is properly remediated to keep it from spreading...Maintain soap and paper towels at common bathroom handsinks (by registration desk and in exercise room).
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 11/05/2014
Score: 83.5

#  Comments Points
3. Outside stairways have a lot of debris and soiled(Spills) on them. I suggest pressure washing all outside stairways. Stairways must be maintained clean. In all the vending areas, a lot of debris was under and behind the machines. This was mentioned on the past inspection. Vending areas must be maintained cleaned. 1.0
7. The shower heads in several bathroom had a pink algae build-up on them. The algae growth is an indication that the heads have not been cleaned in some time. Shower heads(fixtures) must be cleaned on a daily basis. Not a problem on the last inspection. 1.5
8. Housekeeping did not have a test kit for checking sanitizer concentration. Today sanitizer was made and being used by housekeeping in all the rooms, good. The ammonium chloride sanitizer used was too strong, 600ppm . Maintain sanitizer at 200ppm-400ppm. Please get a test kit. 1.0
9. Hand-soap and hand-towels were not provided in the foodservice area and the laundry room. Mentioned on the past inspection. Employees must wash their hands between handling soiled and clean linens. Foodservice employees must have equipped hand-sinks available to them at all times. 2.0
12. Ice maker water supplies did not have back flow preventers installed.[Install dual check back flow preventers on water supply lines to ice makers. Install these devices where they are visible by the inspector.]. Mentioned on the past inspection. 1.5
13. First floor water temperatures in the rooms range from 114-122F degrees. Second floor range from 108-116F degrees. Third floor 115F degrees and the fourth floor range from 108-110F degrees. All guest room hot water temperatures must range from 116-128F degrees. Problem on the last inspection. 3.0
17. The dispenser chutes, front panels and ice overflow compartments are heavily soiled on the hallway ice machines. ALL ice machines need a thorough cleaning. Ice dispensing equipment must be maintained clean. Mentioned on the past inspection. 1.5
22. Light intensity was below the required minimum of 30 foot candles at most vanities in guest room bathrooms.[Increase light intensity to at least 30 foot candles at these surfaces.] Room 124 had 28 foot candles and room 205 had 41 foot candles. These two rooms are examples of proper light intensity. 1.0
27. Room 113- Single chair has torn fabric. Room 120- Chipped wooden furniture, Arms heavily scored on the single chair and used chewing gum left behind on the coffee table and this room was checked off as cleaned. Furniture must be maintained clean and in good repair. 2.0
30. In the boiler room, there is a lot of unnecessary items(broken sheet rock and mattress) stored there. Floor cleaning is needed, but first remove items. Storage areas must be maintained clean and organized. 0.0
34. The outside dumpster area continues to collect the storage of unnecessary items(couches and other furniture). Unnecessary items and debris on the premises can attract pest and become a harborage for pest breeding. Please avoid accumulating items around the dumpsters. 2.0
General Comments
Cleaning of the rooms look a lot better. Good job. The water temperatures in the rooms will get colder as the winter months approach. Please correct this problem soon. PLEASE make sure employees have the ability to WASH THEIR HANDS!! Inspection made with inspector Dimitri Parker and housekeeper Robin.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Clarion Pointe/Suburban
Location: 2910 Capital BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27604
Facility Type: Lodging Establishment
Inspection Date: 12/19/2013
Score: 74.5

#  Comments Points
2. Light intensity was below the required minimum of 10 foot candles at 1st and 2nd floor vending machine areas.[Increase to at least 10 foot candles in these areas.] 0.5
3. Debris and liquid spill build-up was on floor below vending machines.[Clean floors under vending machines.]. 0.5
8. Sanitizing procedure was not correct for vanities of guest rooms. [The guest bathroom counter tops must be sanitized and allowed to air dry after cleaning the surface. Inspector explained the correct procedure to the house keeper during the inspection.]. Lavatory in laundry room was clogged, had pooled liquid in it, and had several chemical bottles floating in it. Lavatory in food service area had a mop head stored in it. [Maintain lavatories in good repair.] 1.0
9. Paper towels or other approved hand drying methods were not provided at hallway restrooms, food service prep room, and laundry room hand wash sinks.[Provide towels at these sinks.] 1.0
12. Ice maker water supplies did not have back flow preventers installed.[Install dual check back flow preventers on water supply lines to ice makers. Install these devices where they are visible by the inspector.]. 1.5
13. 3rd floor lavatory and shower water temperature was 112F in guest rooms. [Water at guest room lavatories and showers must be 116F to 128F.] 1.5
16. Sticky wet debris was on interior of ice bucket lids, in some of the guest rooms [These lids must be cleaned and sanitized prior to re-use.]. 2.0
17. Slime mold was on surfaces of the chutes, at vending machine areas.[Clean the ice maker chutes and top compartments.] 1.5
20. HVAC unit plastic grills were broken and there was build-up of dirt/food/debris behind the grills in some of the guest rooms. 0.5
22. Light intensity was below the required min. of 30 foot candles at vanities, in guest room bathrooms.[Increase light intensity to at least 30 foot candles at these surfaces.] 0.5
25. Some of the guestroom bedspreads had paint, stains, and burn holes on the surfaces.[Replace the bedspreads that can not be cleaned due to damage or permanent staining.]. Hair, dirt, debris, cigarette ashes were on surfaces between mattress and box springs.[These areas need to be evaluated and cleaned if needed, during cleaning procedure of the guest rooms.] 2.0
26. Dirt, cigarette ashes and butts, food, plastic wrappers, food packaging, paper towels and tissues were on floors of guest rooms, after cleaning procedure was completed. [Rooms need more cleaning after guest departure.]. There was a hole in ceiling of the maintenance room [Fill hole with a vent grill or drywall patch.] 2.0
27. Some the guest room refrigerators had damaged/peeling shelving and broken door gaskets. There was dirt/sticky debris on the phones in some of the guest rooms. 2.0
28. Live roaches were on floor under vending machines, on second floor.[Have this area treated for roaches and clean this floor area.] 2.0
30. Maintenance storage room had numerous paint buckets, chemical buckets, supplies and equipment stored on the floors in manner that made cleaning difficult. [Store these items on shelving so that floor can be cleaned.]. 1.5
32. House keeper carts had build-up of dirt/debris/stains on top surfaces.[Clean these carts]. 1.5
33. Dumpster door was left open after use. There was a uncovered cart of trash in dumpster area. [Dumpster lids and doors must be closed when not in immediate use. 2.0
34. There was build-up of trash and debris on ground in dumpster area. [ This area must be maintained free of litter and pest harboring.] 2.0
General Comments
7. Toilet seat was damaged and not easily cleanable, in bathroom beside exercise room [Replace toilet seat.]
- There were numerous unlabeled chemical spray bottles on house keeping carts. [Recommend labeling chemical spray bottles.]
-Deadline for completion of Transitional Permit requirements is 12/23/13. This requirement was explained and copy of permit given to Tim (Maintenance), Shaun (Manager), and Raghu (Operator)
-Facility is opening packaging and heating eggs for guest service. This is prohibited without a foodservice permit by this department. Must cease this type of food prep. Requirements explained and Plan Review (919-856-7400 Phone) contact given to operator.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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