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Facility Type: Nursing Homes

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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/03/2024
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
1. Some carpet staining in hallways. 1.0
16. Water temp is 141F at resident bathrooms. Water shall be maintained between 105-116F. 1.5
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 11/07/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
1. Some staining of hallway carpeting. No points taken. 0.0
2. Room 105- broken tile by shower. Room 702 damage to sheetrock. Some damage to walls in hallways. 1.0
7. Laminate on bathroom sink peeling badly in room 407. Repair to prevent water damage to counter. 1.0
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 02/20/2023
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
1. Several stains and torn portions of carpet observed in the hallways throughout facility. Floors shall be free of obstacles to cleaning and shall be kept clean and in good repair. Carpeting shall be maintained clean, odor free, dry and in good repair. 1.0
2. Minor wall damage in hallways and storage rooms. 0.0
32. Staining/tearing observed on fabric common room furniture arm rests and cushions. All furniture, bed springs, mattresses, sleeping mats, draperies, curtains, shades, venetian blinds, or other furnishings in institutions shall be kept clean and in good repair. 0.5
38. Refrigerators in need of thorough cleaning. All utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment used in the preparation, service, display, or storage of potentially hazardous foods shall be cleaned and sanitized prior to each use. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at such intervals as to keep them in a clean and sanitary condition. 0.5
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/16/2022
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
3. Some repairs needed to corner molding in bathroom of room 503. Minor repairs needed from replacement of toilet paper holders in multiple rooms. 1.0
13. Water temperatures are above 116F throughout facility with highest reading 124F. Water heating facilities shall provide hot water within the temperature range of 100F to 116F at all lavatories and bathing facilities. (Repeat from last inspection). Hot water turned off at handwash sink at nursing station pantry likely due to very minor leak on hot water valve. Hot water turned back on at time of inspection. 2.0
32. Some minor food debris under cushions of couch in common area. No points taken. 0.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting. No signature required due to covid restrictions.

Jasmine Hammond observed inspection, took notes and wrote inspection.
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/03/2021
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
6. The chemical storage room on the 300s hall has no ventilation and mildew is growing near the intake and exhaust vents on the ceiling. Moisture shall be controlled such that there is no evidence of microbial growth on interior surfaces and objects. 1.5
8. The lavatory in the nursing station 1 med room had its handle completely removed and the clean linen room water was turned off. In room 107, the metal handrail and rail under the shower seat were beginning to rust and the area under the shower supplies was soiled with residue. Toilet, handwashing, and bathing facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. 1.0
12. There was no drying device or hand soap available at the pantry lavatory at nursing station 2 but there wasn`t an issue overall. All lavatories shall be supplied with soap and sanitary towels or hand-drying devices. 1.5
13. Water throughout the facility is measuring above 116F and reaching as high as 138F in some locations, including an open employee bathroom and resident room 107. Water heating facilities shall provide hot water within the temperature range of 100F to 116F at all lavatories and bathing facilities. 1.0
16. The water pressure at the laundry room and nursing station 1 soiled utility room lavatories was low. The facility has an adequate supply for backup drinking water but has no plan in place for other emergency water uses. Hot & cold water under pressure shall be provided where required. The backup water supply plan shall provide for two liters of water per day per person for drinking. The backup water supply plan shall include a plan for either relocating residents or providing an alternative source of water for essential functions such as food preparation, hand washing, bathing, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry and disposal of bodily waste. 1.0
28. 5 gallon containers of water in the barn were being stored on the ground. Resident care items from today`s shipment were being stored in boxes on the ground while waiting to be put away. All patient care or consumable items shall be stored at least eight inches above the floor. 0.0
32. A few couches and chairs in the dining rooms have slight stains on the cushions and slight debris underneath. All furniture, bed springs, mattresses, or other furnishings in institutions shall be kept clean and in good repair. 0.0
34. When tested by the head housekeeper, the free chlorine in the washing machine measured 0 ppm (3 ppm total). The washing machine tested is only used for personal resident laundry that is washed separately. Ensure that the washing machine used for comingled linens is properly sanitizing these items. Linens provided by the facility shall be washed in at least 50 parts per million chlorine. 0.0
40. Some foods were unlabeled in the pantry refrigerators at nursing stations 1 & 2 used for resident foods. Food brought from home by employees or visitors of patients or residents shall be stored separately from the institution`s food supply and shall be labeled with the name of the person to receive the food and the date the food was brought in. 1.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.

Inspection reviewed and authorized by Thomas Jumalon

Report e-mailed to
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/03/2021
Score: 97.5

#  Comments Points
30. Observed two medicine carts with plastic cups exposed on the side of the medicine cart. Single service cups on the medicine carts shall be in the sleeves or protected from contamination. The cups were moved and protected. 2.0
40. In station 1 and station 2 refrigerators residents foods were not all labeled. Food brought by employees and visitors shall be handled properly. Label all foods in these refrigerators. 0.5
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.

The carpets look fantastic in this facility!!

This facility is doing a great job following the food code rules!!

No signature due to covid 19 pandemic.
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 12/18/2020
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
30. observed several cups stacked high on the end of the medicine cart. The cups are in plastic bags but they are stacked above the bag. Keep cups level with the storage bags to prevent contamination from staff walking by. Director will correct this. 1.0
General Comments
Due to COVID 19, Please follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, quarantine, and disinfecting.

This facility is using certified EPA disinfectants in the shower area, In the laundry room EPA sanitizers are being used for cleaning clothes/ residents are eating in their rooms, not in the dining areas. There is a separate covid wing separate from the main nursing home.
The facility has a sufficient Back up Water Supply plan.

no signature due to Covid 19
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/12/2019
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
3. Several rooms have damage to drywall. Several bathrooms have had toilet paper dispensers replaced and still have plastic wall anchors in wall where old dispenser was removed. The walls and ceilings of all rooms and areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. All walls shall be easily cleanable. Remove anchors, repair holes and repaint. 1.0
14. No disinfectant stored in bathing room. A supply of cleaning and disinfectant agents shall be accessible to bathing areas. Facility does not want chemicals accessible in shower room, so will need to add a locking cabinet of some kind. 1.0
32. Blinds in one hallway have some broken slats. All furniture, bed springs, mattresses, sleeping mats, draperies, curtains, shades, VENETIAN BLINDS, or other furnishings in institutions shall be kept clean and in good repair 0.0
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 11/29/2018
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
8. Restroom in room 206 needs cleaning, rust build up in shower of room 207, sink needs cleaning in room 717 and toilet paper holder needs repair. Bathing Facilities shall be clean and in good repair. 1.0
13. Water in bathrooms of room 407, 414 and 606 are 117-120F. Hot water shall be maintained between 100-116F. 0.0
19. Ice machine in pantry needs cleaning. Equipment shall be kept clean. 0.0
28. Several storage rooms crowded with items so that cleaning in inhibited. Storage shall be adequate to facilitate cleaning of rooms. 1.0
32. Room 110 has a torn bed sheet, couches in common areas are stained and need cleaning and chairs in dining hall and varina station have broken arm rest. Furniture shall be kept clean and in good repair. 2.0
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 06/12/2018
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
8. Shower seats and floors in, at least, rooms 507 and 306 soiled. Bathing facilities shall be maintained clean. Repeat 2.0
10. Toilet seats in rooms 306, 607 and 507 soiled with what appears to be fecal matter and/or pink mold growth. Thorough cleaning and disinfecting needed of, but not necessarily limited to, the items listed above. 0.5
28. Several storage rooms crowded with items so that cleaning in inhibited. Storage shall be adequate to facilitate cleaning of rooms. 0.5
32. Holes in fitted sheet in room 708. Crumbs and food debris under cushions in patients rooms and some common rooms. patient linens shall be clean and in good repair. Furnishings shall be clean and in good repair. Vacuum under cushions and replace torn sheets. Repeat 2.0
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 11/17/2017
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
3. Toilet paper holders have been changed in all bathrooms and several now have damaged sheetrock. Walls shall be in cleanable and in good repair. Repair sheetrock where it is torn or damaged. 1.0
8. Shower seat in room 705 and 402 are soiled. Toilet and hand sink in room 402 need to be cleaned. Shower floors in rooms 504, 705, 707, 716, 402 have what appears to be mold growth. Facilities shall be kept clean. Clean and disinfect toilet seats, shower seats and shower floors listed above. 1.0
13. Rooms 705, 707 have water temperature at around 89F after several minutes. Lavatory water shall be between 100-116F. 1.0
32. Holes in mattress cover in room 402 and 707. Bed linens will be in good repair. Replace sheets with holes. 1.0
39. Large numbers of cases of canned foods and soda being stored in closet with vacuum cleaners. All food being stored shall be protected from contamination. Store vacuum cleaners in another area or remove food. 0.0
General Comments
Inspection completed by Ginger Johnson and John Wulffert 2701
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 05/31/2017
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
2. Floors need cleaning throughout establishments especially in room 208, spa room and the clean linen room. Floors shall be kept clean and in good repair. 1.0
3. Cove base needs repairing in equipment room. Walls shall be kept in good repair. 0.0
8. Spa in spa room was leaking water onto floor, which caused legs to rust and drain flies as well as centipede to emerge. Bathing facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. 1.0
26. Drain flies and centipedes harborage on floors in spa room. Insect found in room 208. Effective measures shall be taken to keep vermin out of establishment. 1.0
28. Equipment storage rooms and storage building overflowing with miscellaneous items. Suitable rooms and space shall be provided for storage and kept clean. 0.5
32. Furniture in all patient contact areas had food and other types of debris under cushions. Room 300 had food crumbs under couch cushion. Ballentine square couch cushion tearing. Furniture shall be kept clean and in good repair. 1.0
General Comments
Inspection conducted with A. Jacobs
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 08/31/2016
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
3. Repair needed to broken & stained grout at bottom of toilet in Rm 708 1.0
10. Shower Chair in rm 301 had fecal matter on seat. Equipment must be maintained clean. 0.5
12. Water temperature in rooms 114, spa, 301 ranged from 122F to 124F. Corrected during inspection. 1.5
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 11/30/2015
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repairs needed to damaged walls in the following rooms: 108,601, and 506. 1.0
40. Dating needed of juice brought by resident in 300 Hall Pantry and yogurt in Station 2 Pantry. 0.5
General Comments
Sour cream-40F-100 Serving Kitchen
milk-45F-300 Pantry
yogurt-45F-Station 2 Pantry
milk-42F-700 Hall Serving Kitchen
Repair leak under sink in 700 Hall Service Kitchen.
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 01/26/2015
Score: 99

#  Comments Points
32. Cleaning needed under furniture cushions in resident's rooms. 1.0
General Comments
milk-41F-100Hall Service kitchen
applesauce-40F-300 Nourishment Refrigerator
yogurt-40F-300 Hall Service Kitchen
sour cream-48-50F-vol disposed of-500 Hall Service kitchen
milk-41F-500 Service Kitchen
sour cream-43F-400 Hall Service Kitchen
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 04/29/2014
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
5. Cleaning needed of air filters in the following rooms: 304,309, 505, and 203. 1.0
40. Food brought from home is being labeled with name of patient/staff and room number but date brought into facility is not being included. Be sure that any food brought into facility and stored in shared refrigerators has both the date brought into facility and name of patient/staff member. 0.5
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Location: 410 S JUDD PKY FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526
Facility Type: Nursing Homes
Inspection Date: 07/30/2013
Score: 100

#  Comments Points
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