Permit Renewal Payments
Payment Terms and Conditions

This site is to be used solely for the purpose of paying a Louisiana Sanitarian Services permit fee. The Balance must be paid in full. If there are questions about the balance, please contact the permit unit or your local parish health unit.

To complete the payment process, the customer # and invoice # are required. The customer # and invoice # are located on the invoice that was received from the permit unit. Payments may be completed with credit/debit card or ACH/e-check. In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 49:316:1, your license payment will include a convenience fee of $2.00. 2.5% will be added for Credit Cards.

Once a payment is completed, you will be redirected back to this screen. Please do not attempt to pay on the same permit number twice in one day. This will result in a double charge to your credit card and the second charge will be credited to your permit charges next year. If you feel that your payment didn't complete, please wait one business day to see if it has been reflected to your establishment's charges, or contact your credit card customer service to confirm the transaction before attempting to pay a second time on the same permit.

Customer #: Invoice #:
Example: 38904 Example: 2020


Mailing Address: State of Louisiana Department of Health | P.O.Box 4489 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4489

PHONE: 225.342.7522 | FAX: 225.342.7807